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John Arch

Sen. John Arch

District 14

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January 16th, 2019

The 2019 legislative session got underway on January 9th with the swearing in of thirteen new senators – myself included. I am honored and excited to have the unique opportunity to work with individuals from all areas of Nebraska in crafting the policy that helps shape this great state.

Part of the role of a state senator is to serve on the various committees having jurisdiction over certain subject matters. The Nebraska Legislature has fourteen standing committees: Agriculture; Appropriations; Banking Commerce and Insurance; Business and Labor; Education; General Affairs; Government, Military and Veterans Affairs; Health and Human Services; Judiciary; Natural Resources; Nebraska Retirement Systems; Revenue; Transportation and Telecommunications; and Urban Affairs. I have been assigned to serve on the General Affairs and Urban Affairs committees, as well as the Health and Human Services Committee. I am particularly eager to work on the Health Committee given my 30 years experience in health-care administration, including my former position as CEO of Boys Town National Research Hospital. My colleagues on that committee have elected me to serve as their vice chairperson.

I know there are many daunting issues facing the state, but I embrace the challenge. I look forward to fostering public policy that strengthens our economy so that we can lower the state’s tax burden, fund essential services, invest in the future and ensure all Nebraskans have the opportunity to live a prosperous life.

Sen. John Arch

Speaker of the Legislature
Room 2103
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2730
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