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The Nebraska Legislature continues its efforts by having all-day floor debate. The Legislature has been filled with bills spanning from broadband access to the rural communities, approving gubernatorial appointments on numerous boards across the state to budget talks.
One bill in particular that I had a special interest in was LB106. This bill increases the fees on drivers’ record requests by 250% to raise money over ten years to update the DMV’s outdated software system. The current system hasn’t been updated since the 1980’s and it is sorely needed. This is a good bill, but there was one problem that I attempted to fix by bringing AM 586.
The issue I have with LB 106 is that the increased fees, which would cost insurance companies and taxpayers over $4 million a year, are not scheduled to go back to their original cost after the system has been updated. The amendment would have reduced these fees after ten years and would have required that the DMV report to the Legislature every two years on their progress. This would have saved taxpayers money while holding the government accountable. It is both fiscally responsible and good government.
Unfortunately, and to my surprise, my amendment was voted down. This is the frustration part of being at the Capitol. When we have a chance to prevent the government from taking more of our hard-earned money, sometimes other agendas prevail. I want my constituents and the people of Nebraska to know that regardless, I will continue to be diligent and resourceful with my time here for you and your family.
This week was filled with full discussions on the Nebraska budget and how state funding will be appropriated across the state. Along with numerous other state senators, I have heard loud and clear that the citizens of Nebraska are sick and tired of high property taxes. Nebraska has one of the highest property tax rates in the country and this issue has been at the forefront of every legislator’s minds. My tax bill, Legislative Bill 644, advanced on the floor of the legislature out of general file, making it one step closer to becoming a law. I will be discussing this more in a future column.
Lastly, I hope everyone had a very happy Easter last weekend. It was a time of reflection of what our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ did on that cross for us over 2000 years ago. It was a time to celebrate with family and focus on God’s glory and betterment and all He has done for us.
Streaming video provided by Nebraska Public Media