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Now that the first session of the one hundred seventh legislature has come to a close, I want to take the time to thank my constituents from District 16 for the opportunity to serve as your state senator. It has been a long session, but one I am very proud of. My staff and I began in January, optimistic and full of ideas for the new biennium. Governor Ricketts worked to lead the state out of the pandemic and this allowed for Speaker Hilgers to carry the legislature through a successful session. One feat of the unicameral this year was passing the state budget for the next two years while cutting property taxes, a task not easy to accomplish.
As I transitioned into my new role this year as the Chairman of the Business & Labor Committee, my staff and I were met with significant challenges ranging from unemployment questions to workman’s compensation. On both the Agriculture Committee and the Health and Human Services Committee, our decisions were met with much anticipation following a tumultuous year in 2020. Through it all, we worked together and succeeded in writing legislation with the betterment of Nebraska in mind.
Of the ten bills I introduced, almost half of them passed. These bills addressed issues that include dealing with taxes, healthcare, 2nd amendment rights, and drug bills. Unfortunately, in politics you don’t always get everything you want but I feel confident heading into the off-season that we have a clear path forward.
I always encourage constituents to call my office or stop by in person and ask us any questions you may have on topics you may want us to address. We are always eager to listen to ideas that could become bills for next year. As my constituents, you know that I am a Senator who believes in small government that emulates an accurate representation of what our founding fathers fought to create. I focus on a citizen led legislature, remembering full well that I work for you, the people, and your best interests.
Streaming video provided by Nebraska Public Media