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Senator Ben Hansen Statement on Helmet Law
Lincoln – Senator Ben Hansen released the following statement after introducing LB378 to allow operation of motorcycles without helmets.
“This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue that should be decided by politicians in Lincoln. This is a freedom issue,” said Senator Hansen. “Motorcycle riders are smart, competent people. I would much rather leave the decision to wear a helmet to them, especially when that decision doesn’t affect the lives of anyone else on the road. As a physician, I understand the risks, but I also believe that people have the freedom to make their own decisions without government telling them what to do.”
The change would apply to persons over the age of 21 and would still require some form of eye protection.
Cosponsors of the bill include Senators Albrecht, Brewer, Clements, Dorn, Erdman, Friesen, Gragert, Groene, Halloran, Lowe, Murman, Slama, and Wishart.
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