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Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

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This week has been a good week of catching up with my yard work and spending time with the grandkids. I have even been able to help their parents by taking them to their various summer activities.

Last weekend, I attended the Cattlemen’s Ball in Pender, NE. A big shout out to the Weborg family and all of the volunteers for making the 25th anniversary a resounding success. I appreciated the opportunity to talk to so many people from Nebraska. It was a wonderful event and touched my heart in a different way this year as I was diagnosed with cancer in April. I want to thank the many people who have come out to support finding a cure for cancer over the past 25 years in support of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, a state-of-the-art cancer research and treatment center in Omaha. It was good to see Dr. Gold and Dr. Cowan speak to the crowd on Friday and Saturday evenings. At the top of my list was the style show on Saturday. The stories behind each survivor was touching and encouraging to those in attendance. The dinner and the Josh Turner concert held a close second.

Bill Updates

  • LB511–Appropriate funds to the Department of Administrative Services–The intent of this bill is to provide funding to the Department of Administrative Services to provide portable and mobile radios to establish interoperable communications between state agencies and volunteer departments so all may communicate together in response to an emergency. This bill was introduced by Senator Tom Brewer and was amended into budget bill LB814. This bill appropriated $5,000,000 in Revolving Funds which shall be used for the following:
    o Establishing interoperable communications between state agencies and volunteer departments by providing portable and mobile radios, programming, and installation of all radios and equipment; and
    o Training for interoperability with the Statewide Radio System to connect volunteer departments and agencies to the Statewide Radio System through a grant program. Eligibility for such program shall be based on the number and type of radios required for each volunteer department based upon such departments needs and size. The office of the Chief Information Officer shall not charge any subscription, programming, or training fee for any volunteer department connected to the Statewide Radio System after receiving a grant from the program.
  • LB514–Provide for valid photographic identification for voting purposes and change provisions relating to voting and counting ballots and certain identification documents–This bill was introduced by Senator Tom Brewer and is the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee’s annual election update and clean-up bill. The measure would make a number of technical changes, including updating rules regarding early voting ballot delivery and recall elections. Senator Brewer brought an amendment to replace the bill with a proposal to implement voter ID prior to the 2024 election. Among other provisions, Brewer’s amendment lays out the requirements for a valid form of photographic identification, which would include:
    o a document issued by the state of Nebraska, an agency or a political subdivision of the state, the U. S. military, a Nebraska postsecondary educational institution or a recognized Native American tribe or band.
    o A hospital, assisted-living facility nursing home or other skilled care facility record that includes a photo or digital image also would qualify.
    o The secretary of state’s office would be required to provide a website dedicated to voter ID requirements and procedures and implement a public awareness campaign. No fee would be charged to Nebraska residents for an original, renewal, or duplicate state ID card for voting purposes.
    o An individual without a photo ID may vote provisionally at the polls if they have a “reasonable impediment” to voting–including disability or illness or lack of a birth certificate or other required documents–or a religious objection to being photographed.
    o Mail-in ballots must include a copy of the voter’s photo ID or their Nebraska driver’s license number or state ID card number.
    o Ballots that do not meet these requirements can be “cured” through the election commissioner or county clerk’s office by providing missing information by the Tuesday following the election. (“Voter ID implementation measure approved after cloture vote”. Unicameral Update. June 1, 2023.
  • LB91–Change motorcycle, moped, and autocycle helmet and eye protection provisions–This bill was introduced by Senator Ben Hansen and amended into LB138. LB138 as amended was signed into law on June 1st by Governor Pillen. The new motorcycle helmet law DOES NOT go into effect until January 1, 2024. Until then you must continue to wear a helmet. “The legislation just passed, and that amendment got amended in–literally–the very last couple days of session,” said Rhonda Lahm, the director of Nebraska’s DMV. “And we had no indication that that bill was gonna get included or passed this year, so we are just in the preliminary stages of talking about what that’s gonna look like.” Lahm said the DMV will develop and publicize a process to collect motorcycle safety course data from licensees before the end of the year (Wegley, Andrew. “Motorcyclists need to keep helmets on”. Lincoln Journal Star, June 8, 2023.)

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the fathers in my district a very Happy Father’s Day on Sunday, June 18th. The nation’s first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in the state of Washington. However, it was not until 1972—58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day official—that the day honoring fathers became a nationwide holiday in the United States. (June 6, 2023.

As always, I invite you to let me know your thoughts, ideas, concerns, or suggestions by contacting me by calling (402) 471-2716 or emailing me at

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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