The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

The content of these pages is developed and maintained by, and is the sole responsibility of, the individual senator's office and may not reflect the views of the Nebraska Legislature. Questions and comments about the content should be directed to the senator's office at

We are three-fourths the way through the 90-day legislative session and late nights are on the horizon. Priority bills from all levels; i.e., Senator, Committee and Speaker are being discussed on the floor on a daily basis. There is quite a variety of topics. You may witness the floor discussions on the Nebraska TV station provided in your local area.

We welcome constituents’ calls and visits into our office. This is the time of year we welcome our 4th graders throughout the District. It has been a pleasure to greet them at the tour office when time allows and give them an introduction to what we do in their state house. The students and adults in the group each receive a booklet outlining the Nebraska Unicameral.

LB657 (Adopt the Nebraska Hemp Law) had its first found of floor discussion this week in General File and has advanced to Select File. Between now and Select Files revisions may be made to address concerns aired in the floor debate this past week.

LB538 (Change provisions relating to possession of a gambling device and provide for approval of certain mechanical amusement devices by the Department of Revenue) came to the floor for debate under General File and has also been advanced to Select File with revisions seen before it comes to the floor once again.

LB610 (Adopt the College Savings Tax Credit Act) came forward in General File and advance to Select File. This Act would take effect in 2022 and thus does not have a fiscal note attached to it at this time. Much discussion was held and more is sure to come.

We continue to get daily updates on the mid-March 2019 Flooding and Blizzard across the State. These updates are important to the Senators to know how and where progress is being made to get our citizens back to a somewhat normal routine and lifestyle. Our county roads, bridges and highways are a major investment in our current and future plans.

The Transportation and Telecommunications Committee received a briefing on April 17th from Director Kyle Schneweis (NDOT) regarding flood damage to Nebraska’s public infrastructure. I am proud of all Nebraskans for taking the time and energy to allow our state road workers to do their work in a safe and timely manner. Please abide by the road blocks, speed limits and all that is related to getting our roads back to the community for use.

We have heard stories of how well the folks on the ground from NEMA, FEMA, SBA are doing their job and keeping our citizens informed and educated on the what, when, where, how of getting their claims properly submitted and processed. Thank you all for lending your assistance to these agencies.

We are not out of the multi-weather conditions that can arise in Nebraska so continue to be alert, watch out for your neighbors, and keep everyone safe. Please keep your radio and televisions ready for the latest updates in warnings, watches and recommended action.

Once again it has been a privilege to represent you at the Nebraska Unicameral and we do so appreciate hearing from you. You may contact our office at 402.471.2716 or email and check the status of bills at

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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