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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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The Nebraska Unicameral worked into the evening hours this week and I expect there will be many more late nights ahead. Long days are typical at the end of the short session, but there is a lot of important work to be done as a result of filibusters that ate up valuable time earlier in the session. Rest assured, I will be there to represent you on every vote, no matter how late.

This week, we gave second-round approval to the three bills compromising the mid-biennium budget adjustment package (LB1011, LB1012, and LB1013). Many Nebraskans may not know that, by law, the State must balance the budget – without borrowing money to make ends meet. I appreciate the self-restraint this requires on the part of the state government, along with recent efforts to curb state spending.

Both the budget, and a proposal to implement critical tax cuts for all Nebraskans, have been slowed or stalled by a faction within the Legislature that wants to block a $175 million appropriation to partially fund a new state prison unless a criminal justice reform bill can also be passed. Although I agree that we need to implement policies that reduce recidivism, holding our state’s budget hostage is irresponsible.

It is worth noting that LB1013 contains funding for the North Platte/Hershey Rail Park project – which will be a boon for tourism in Lincoln County and the surrounding areas. I will continue to vote in favor of the budget package when it has its final round of debate on Tuesday.

On Friday afternoon, I voted with 27 of my colleagues to advance pro-life bill LB933 to General File. I was disappointed the Judiciary Committee chose not to advance this important legislation to the floor for debate. However, a majority of the Unicameral agreed the bill should be pulled from the committee and be considered.

LB933, introduced by Sen. Joni Albrecht, would be “triggered” if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade or the U.S. Constitution or federal law is amended to give control over abortions to individual states. If one of the triggering actions occurs, LB933 would prohibit both medical and chemical abortions and subject physicians violating the law to a felony charge.

I believe pro-life protections are critical to protect the most vulnerable among us – the unborn. I was proud co-sponsor this legislation and to share my and my wife’s personal story with fertility issues and now as adoptive parents. I was also touched to hear many others share their own experiences with this very personal issue. Although this bill’s future is still uncertain, I look forward to championing this issue in the future.

I continue to hear from many of my constituents about another bill I’ve co-sponsored, Sen. Tom Brewer’s constitutional carry bill, LB773. This bill has cleared the first round of debate and I look forward to continuing the fight in support of the Second Amendment later in the session.

With 12 days left, we still have many important priorities yet to debate, including more opportunities to cut taxes. As always, my door is always open to constituents and I would love to hear from you at or 402-471-2729. It is an honor to represent you and District 42 at the Nebraska Legislature.

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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