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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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I want to begin my comments this week by taking a moment to thank Char Swallberg for all her efforts in organizing the annual North Platte Pow Wow. In addition to bringing amazing Native American dancers to perform traditional dances in colorful, authentic attire, the event also brought attention to the long-standing tradition of Native Americans participating in the U.S. military conflicts since the country’s founding. They have served in high numbers in all major conflicts, from the Revolutionary War to present-day deployments. It is events like that that bring another level of cultural enrichment to our area, along with visitors from around the Midwest who travel here to participate in or observe this wonderful event.

Those attending this weekend’s event also had the opportunity to gather at the Lincoln County Historical Museum to enjoy buffalo burgers and all the fixings. For those of you who have not taken the time to visit the Museum lately, I would encourage you to do so. Jim and his group of volunteers have done a tremendous job of bringing to life the history of our area. You will not regret it.

I will be traveling to Lincoln again this week to be present for the highly anticipated special session of the Legislature. The Governor’s working group will complete their work on Monday, July 22, and a bill outlining their recommendation will be ready for introduction later this week. As I mentioned earlier, there will likely be several bills introduced at the beginning of this session that will bring additional ideas for long-awaited property tax reform. I continue to get many emails outlining various concerns about the language in the final proposal. I will consider all input and keep it in mind as the debate takes place. In the end, no one will likely be happy with all aspects of the bill, but doing nothing is unacceptable. Property taxes have grown out of control, and, in the end, that is where my focus remains.

I continue to receive emails regarding the potential loss of local control if the state takes over the bulk of the funding for local school districts. I want to remind everyone that for many years, the Legislature has been criticized for its ranking of 49th in the nation for state aid to public schools. If the Governor’s plan is successful, we could go to No. 1. The pushback comes from those who are concerned about any loss of “local control.” I want to make it clear that any plan will keep the local school boards in charge of local school district operations, but the local taxpayers will take a larger role in funding decisions since bond issues and overrides of spending limits will need voter approval.

I cannot stress enough that capping local property tax increases to a reasonable index will be imperative if we ever want to keep property tax increases under control. We all have our own household budgets to balance. Taxing authorities need to do the same. By limiting increases in property tax takings to the consumer price index after adjusting for real growth, the tax base should be sufficient to allow for normal spending increases. Cities that charge a local option sales tax will see additional revenue increases from removing several sales tax exemptions that will add to their revenues. Counties will still have inheritance tax revenues to add to their revenues, along with fees for services provided. In the plan, public schools would receive the same level of general fund dollars as they are receiving today, with increases likely tied to a formula, much like the TEEOSA formula. Those details will be the key to a final agreement.

Although Julie and I were unable to attend the parade in Grant this past weekend, we hope to get to Maxwell, Stapleton, and Mullen on August 3. We also plan to get up to Thedford this Saturday if the session is over in time for me to get away. I always enjoy getting around the District to meet with constituents in person and hear your thoughts.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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