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Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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The Nebraska Legislature held its last day of session on Wednesday. It seems all short-session years are hectic, but with available funds in the state’s cash reserve and $1.04 billion in federal dollars to appropriate, this session has been particularly frenzied. Early session filibusters also reduced the time available for bill consideration once the body moved into full-day debate in March. Despite the time pressures, I was pleased to be able to support many major successes this year:

» LB 792 and LB 1068: These bills appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska Medical Center Rural Health Complex at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. The purpose of the complex is to increase training opportunities for healthcare professionals with the goal of increasing the healthcare workforce in rural Nebraska. District 42 will benefit from a larger hiring pool of qualified personnel to work in nursing, behavioral health, assisted living and other healthcare fields.

» LB 873 and LB 984: LB 873 provides four critical tax cuts for Nebraska families expected to amount to $900 million annually by 2027-28. The bill accelerated the phase-out of Nebraska’s social security income tax; lowers certain personal and corporate income tax rates; keeps refundable income tax credits from LB 1107 growing at a reasonable rate; and creates a new refundable income tax credit for community college-related property taxes paid. Real tax savings for hard-working Nebraska families.

» LB 984: This bill reduces sales and use tax collection fees, which lessens the burden of tax collection on Nebraska retailers. LB 984 is particularly important for small businesses that are so critical for rural communities and puts money back in your pocket.

» LB 1011, LB 1012 and LB 1013: These are the three bills comprising the mid-biennium budget adjustment package. LB 1013 appropriated money for the North Platte/Hershey Rail Park project — which will be a boon for District 42. It also contains funding for the Perkins County Canal (LB 1015) and rural workforce housing support, which are essential for the long-term growth of rural Nebraska and our ag economy.

» LB 1014: LB 1014 appropriates the $1.04 billion in federal dollars sent to Nebraska under the American Rescue Plan Act. The Unicameral made many important investments across the state, including allocating $20 million for the proposed Sustainable Beef project in North Platte. The project will have an economic benefit for the entire region and bring high-quality jobs to District 42.

» LB 1015 and LB 1023: These two bills make important investments in Nebraska’s water resources. First, LB 1015 authorizes a study for the Perkins County Canal. The canal will ensure Colorado cannot deplete water in the South Platte and Platte River basins and aid the executive branch’s enforcement of our rights under the 1923 Compact. We must do everything we can to protect Nebraska’s water resources so Nebraskans throughout the state have sufficient drinking and irrigation water.

» LB 1023: This bill funds projects recommended by the Statewide Tourism and Recreational Water Access and Resource Sustainability Special Committee, including a marina project at nearby Lake McConaughy. Increasing tourism opportunities is an important component of a strong economy and revenues from out-of-state tax dollars reduced the burden on local taxpayers.

» LB 1065 and LB 1069: These two bills will help District 42 communities address the severe workforce housing shortages. LB 1065 made improvements to the microTIF program. There are additional changes needed to make the program more workable, but LB 1065 was a step in the right direction. LB 1069 expands and clarifies provisions in the Middle Income Workforce Housing Investment Act and the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act to further increase investments in housing important for attracting talent and workforce to the District.

Despite the many successes listed above, there were a few shortfalls this session as well, including our failure to advance Sen. Joni Albrecht’s pro-life legislation and Sen. Tom Brewer’s constitutional carry measure. But the work doesn’t stop just because the session is over. I will be working with my colleagues on building support for these and other bills over the interim. There is also some speculation that we may be back for a special session after the U.S. Supreme Court issues its order in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization this summer, which could affect the application of the Roe v. Wade decision.

It is an honor to represent you and District 42 at the Nebraska Legislature. Please continue to reach out to me at or 402-471-2729 regarding the issues you care about. The interim is an important time to prepare legislation for the next Unicameral session.

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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