The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Mike Jacobson

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42

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I am writing this article on the afternoon of Sunday, August 11. The legislature adjourned on Thursday and is scheduled to reconvene at 1:00 on Monday, August 12. It’s expected that the Revenue Committee will be ready to formally introduce a committee amendment during the Monday session, likely to LB9.

The Revenue Committee had hoped to advance LB9 with AM51 as the committee amendment last week; however, there were several errors to correct and other changes to be made on Thursday in order to gain more votes. AM51 was 140 pages and it’s important all of the provisions are correct before it’s advanced to the full Legislature for scrutiny and debate. I have received many emails from constituents who are concerned about parts of the bill. I appreciate the feedback, and also encourage everyone to carefully read whatever amendment is formally put forward. I’m hopeful that many of those concerns will be resolved once the errors in the amendment are corrected and further changes are made.

Senator Linehan, chair of the Revenue Committee, held a briefing for Senators and the media on Thursday morning to outline the intended changes to LB9, which will incorporate some of the concepts from LB1 and a number of other bills introduced during the special session. During the briefing, Senator Linehan indicated that the changes would include an excise tax on delivery services, increase in the Earned Income Tax Credit from 10% to 20% (to offset any impact of new sales taxed for low income households), transfer District Court clerks costs from counties to the State, a tax on alternative nicotine products, a sales tax exemption on residential electricity, and have the State fund the operating costs of the Natural Resource Districts (much like Community College funding).

As many of you already know, the primary strategy to reduce property taxes is to significantly increase the State’s portion of public school funding. The plan is to lower the maximum levy that a public school can assess from $1.05 to $.25 plus an additional $.10 for a building fund. Schools would also be allowed to assess for existing bond debt service. The balance of the funding would come from the State. This would begin with the 2025-26 school year and be based on existing funding levels for every public school. The TEEOSA formula would then be modified to eliminate the “resources” side of the calculation, while keeping the “needs” side to account for growth in costs. Should the State fail to fully fund the plan, property taxes would be there for a backstop. No public school would go backward from existing funding levels.

To fund the costs for these changes, several items would be added to the sales tax roles including many that were once on the sales tax rolls but exempted by previous Legislatures over the years. However, there are several exemptions the committee has decided to leave in place after hearing testimony on LB1, including: legal services, non-Nebraska S-corp. exclusion, all motor vehicle repairs, accounting services, natural gas used as a denaturant by Nebraska ethanol facilities, molds and dies, all repair of real property, tax return preparation, bullion or currency, personal care services, massage services, net metering of electricity, film rentals, admission to statewide sporting events (except 501(c)(3)s), local rail road transportation, syndicated programming, and investment services. To be clear, each of these items will not be taxed.

It should also be noted that the plan would include an increase in the cigarette tax to $1.36/pack up 72 cents. This will put us on par with Iowa. The tax on spirits change to a two-tier system where products from those producing less than 100,000 gallons annually would be taxed at $2.70/gallon instead of $3.75/gallon, and those producing 100,000 gallons annually would have the tax increased to $7.00/gallon. The plan also calls for a 2% sales tax on new (not used) agricultural and manufacturing equipment while exempting such equipment from personal property tax.

Property tax relief will come to Nebraskans in the form of a tax credit. The State currently spends $395 million on tax credit to each property taxpayer through the Property Tax Incentive Act (Tier 1); this credit is shown on your annual property tax statement. The LB1107 Income Tax Credit for property taxes paid (Tier 2) amounts to $560.7 million annually and must be claimed on your income tax form. The new proposal is to funnel the LB1107 funding to the Property Tax Incentive Act (Tier 1) program. In addition, the Community College Future Fund, which supplements the $246.5 million annually in property taxes previously paid to Community Colleges, will continue. The total amount of these credits amount to $1.2 billion annually.

There could be other changes to the bill and the amendment, as negotiations will continue until a consensus of 33 Senators can be reached. I anticipate it will be another busy week.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Julie and I were really glad to be back in the District this past weekend, which gave us the opportunity to attend the parades at Brady Days and the Logan County Fair in Stapleton. We then made the trip up to Mullen to attend the annual Hooker County Fair beef barbeque. I always enjoy meeting with constituents and hearing their concerns on a firsthand basis.

The special session of the 108th Legislature has now entered its second full week. Last week began with a bang when several additional bills were introduced. Although the special session was called for the single purpose of reducing property taxes, many Senators found creative ways to introduce a total of 105 bills and legislative resolutions, a record for any special session.

Our rules require us to reference each bill to the committee of jurisdiction, and committees are required to hold a public hearing for every bill and resolution introduced. After the bills are heard in committee, each committee chair can decide if they want any bills heard in their committee to be voted on by the committee and moved to the floor. I don’t expect many bills to make it to the floor.

Additionally, any bill moved to the floor must be scheduled by the Speaker to be heard before it can be debated. I do not see the Speaker scheduling any bill that does not fit the call.

LB1, LB2, and LB3 are the bills introduced on behalf of the Governor. LB1 was referred to the Revenue Committee because it is the primary funding bill that creates some new taxes and removes sales tax exemptions on several others to fund property tax relief, as well as setting caps on local spending. LB2 and LB3 were both referred to the Appropriations Committee because they deal with the uses of state funds and make adjustments to state spending.

LB1 contains many revenue sources that the working group discussed but, in several cases, it also includes items that the working group rejected. The Revenue Committee spent most of last Tuesday hearing testimony on LB1. Most of the testimony was opposition testimony because every special interest group had some issue with certain items in the bill. However, the better lobbyists were clear that they only opposed certain items and could remove their opposition if certain changes were made to the bill. Others made it clear that they would oppose the bill in any form. Those individuals effectively lost their seats at the table by taking the approach. We even heard the President of the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce suggest there was no property tax problem to fix. I have heard some amazing statements before, but that one is hard to fathom.

One of the testifiers on LB1 was Todd Roe from Brady, the c-owner of Lazy RW distillery. I called Todd the night before suggesting that his testimony could go a long way to reducing the proposed tax hike on distilled alcohol. He did an amazing job sharing how this significant tax increase would impact their operation. He arrived in Lincoln before 9:30 and did not get to testify until late afternoon. I had many lobbyists and Senators suggest that his testimony was perhaps the best they heard all day. Thank you, Todd, for your commitment and your contribution to the local economy.

The Legislature will likely begin floor debate on Thursday once the Revenue Committee spends the first part of the week finalizing its proposal. Given the multitude of changes and comments on LB1, I expect the committee to use another bill to be the final vehicle to carry the proposed changes. Monday and Tuesday will be used to develop a final bill that can garner at least 33 votes for cloture. I am optimistic that we can achieve it. Not everyone will be happy with the final bill, but I hope everyone considers the alternative and focuses on actual numbers and not sound bites.

Meanwhile, there is no clear idea at this point as to how long the special session will last.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

The special session of the 108th legislature kicked off on Thursday morning at 10:00. Although we were scheduled to meet Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for bill introduction, the volume of bills getting processed was such that the Speaker decided to not have us meet on Saturday so that bill drafters could get caught up. The last day for bill introduction will be on Monday. It is anticipated that as many as 100 bills will be introduced. This is not what any of us expected, and this volume of bills will certainly extend the length of the special session.

The first three bills (LB1, LB2, and LB3) were bills introduced on behalf of the Governor. The first bill deals with spending caps and sales tax changes. It was intended to be sent to the Revenue Committee, but five members of the Executive Committee (which serves as the reference committee) voted to send it to the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee. I joined Speaker Arch and two other members in voting against this move. All of the Revenue Committee members served on the Governor’s working group and are in the best position to lead the hearings on this bill even though it deals with several issues.

Clearly, this was an effort to send a message to the Governor and move the bill to a potentially less favorable committee. However, Senator Brewer, who chairs the Government Committee worked with Senator Linehan (Revenue Committee chair) to immediately send a letter to the Referencing Committee to re-reference the bill to the Revenue Committee.

The question of re-referencing will be taken up on Monday. I expect the bill to be successfully re-referenced. LB2 and LB3 are appropriation bills referenced to the Appropriations Committee.

LB1 is a 139-page bill that contains far more changes than the working group agreed to during our last two meetings. With this in mind, do not read too much into the individual components of the bill. These will change significantly before the bill gets voted out of committee. It will change even more before the bill gets the support to advance on the floor.

I am not certain why the last changes from the working group were not made to the bill prior to introduction, but it will certainly evolve. During our last working group meeting, we agreed that no ag and business inputs would be subject to sales taxes going. It is also important to note that I am opposed to the advertising tax (primarily due to legal issues), think the amount of the increase in the spirits excise tax is too high, and am concerned about taxing legal and accounting services.

I also want to mention that Senator John Cavanaugh introduced LB17, which would terminate the Perkins County Canal project. This bill will be referred to the Natural Resources Committee on which I currently serve. I would be surprised if there’s any appetite to advance it.

It is unclear at this point how long the session will last and how it will end. But I do know that there are several in the body who do not want the session to be successful. So far, we have had a motion to adjourn Sine Die on Day 2 (with only four votes in support), we had the move to reference LB1 to a committee other than the Revenue Committee, and we will have an unprecedented number of bills introduced for a special session. Like in any session, all bills will be referred to the committee of jurisdiction for a hearing. Because of this, the entire week will likely be devoted to committee hearings. I would expect most committee chairs to not allow any bills that do not pertain to the subject matter to be voted out. However, any bill that gets to the floor would be subject to scheduling by the Speaker. He could choose not to schedule bills that get out of committee that do not fit the call.

No matter what takes place in this special session, the subject of property taxes will continue into the 2025 legislative session. I agreed to serve in the Legislature with one driving goal: To lower property taxes. I intend to accomplish this goal and protect agriculture in the process!

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

I want to begin my comments this week by taking a moment to thank Char Swallberg for all her efforts in organizing the annual North Platte Pow Wow. In addition to bringing amazing Native American dancers to perform traditional dances in colorful, authentic attire, the event also brought attention to the long-standing tradition of Native Americans participating in the U.S. military conflicts since the country’s founding. They have served in high numbers in all major conflicts, from the Revolutionary War to present-day deployments. It is events like that that bring another level of cultural enrichment to our area, along with visitors from around the Midwest who travel here to participate in or observe this wonderful event.

Those attending this weekend’s event also had the opportunity to gather at the Lincoln County Historical Museum to enjoy buffalo burgers and all the fixings. For those of you who have not taken the time to visit the Museum lately, I would encourage you to do so. Jim and his group of volunteers have done a tremendous job of bringing to life the history of our area. You will not regret it.

I will be traveling to Lincoln again this week to be present for the highly anticipated special session of the Legislature. The Governor’s working group will complete their work on Monday, July 22, and a bill outlining their recommendation will be ready for introduction later this week. As I mentioned earlier, there will likely be several bills introduced at the beginning of this session that will bring additional ideas for long-awaited property tax reform. I continue to get many emails outlining various concerns about the language in the final proposal. I will consider all input and keep it in mind as the debate takes place. In the end, no one will likely be happy with all aspects of the bill, but doing nothing is unacceptable. Property taxes have grown out of control, and, in the end, that is where my focus remains.

I continue to receive emails regarding the potential loss of local control if the state takes over the bulk of the funding for local school districts. I want to remind everyone that for many years, the Legislature has been criticized for its ranking of 49th in the nation for state aid to public schools. If the Governor’s plan is successful, we could go to No. 1. The pushback comes from those who are concerned about any loss of “local control.” I want to make it clear that any plan will keep the local school boards in charge of local school district operations, but the local taxpayers will take a larger role in funding decisions since bond issues and overrides of spending limits will need voter approval.

I cannot stress enough that capping local property tax increases to a reasonable index will be imperative if we ever want to keep property tax increases under control. We all have our own household budgets to balance. Taxing authorities need to do the same. By limiting increases in property tax takings to the consumer price index after adjusting for real growth, the tax base should be sufficient to allow for normal spending increases. Cities that charge a local option sales tax will see additional revenue increases from removing several sales tax exemptions that will add to their revenues. Counties will still have inheritance tax revenues to add to their revenues, along with fees for services provided. In the plan, public schools would receive the same level of general fund dollars as they are receiving today, with increases likely tied to a formula, much like the TEEOSA formula. Those details will be the key to a final agreement.

Although Julie and I were unable to attend the parade in Grant this past weekend, we hope to get to Maxwell, Stapleton, and Mullen on August 3. We also plan to get up to Thedford this Saturday if the session is over in time for me to get away. I always enjoy getting around the District to meet with constituents in person and hear your thoughts.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

As expected, the property tax working group made more progress last Monday, but we still do not have a final draft. A last meeting is scheduled for July 22 to pull together final thoughts. Senator Ben Hansen will likely draft the bill to be introduced once the expected special session begins on July 25.

If the plan moves as anticipated, we will be looking at funding the current general fund expenditures for public schools with state dollars instead of local property taxes. The money for state funding would come from a combination of state agency spending cuts, changing the LB1107 income tax credits to direct property tax credits and expanding those credits, new or increased taxes on tobacco, vaping, alcohol, and hemp products, and elimination of certain sales tax exemptions. If the Legislature cannot agree on changes that can fully fund this effort, there would need to be some ongoing property tax levy with the state making up the difference. All existing bonds and any new capital improvements that require new bonding would continue to come from local property taxes, just as they do for the local community colleges under their recent funding change.

I have heard from some asking how this approach differs from the EPIC tax proposal. The main difference is that the EPIC proposal would have eliminated all other forms of taxation other than a consumption tax (sales tax) and excise taxes. The ballot initiatives would have placed this language in the state Constitution so that only a Constitutional change could allow us to ever use any other form of taxation. Additionally, the EPIC option would have sent all funding to Lincoln with no guarantee that any of those funds would return to rural Nebraska.

Under the proposal we are currently discussing, the state would only take over the cost of general fund expenditures for public schools, and some level of local property taxes would remain in place. Sales taxes and income taxes would also remain. Local school boards would still manage the public schools (just as the boards of governors of the community colleges do and just as the Board of Regents does for the University). However, they would no longer have taxing authority. So, local control would be shared between the elected boards and the taxpayers. Should the state fail to fully fund the agreed-upon funding, the local public schools would have the ability to go back to property taxes to fund the difference. Keep in mind, however, that there will be limits on the rate of increases in funding going forward. The details of that funding are still to be worked out.

I have said from the beginning that no matter how we fund our local political subdivisions, spending caps must be in place if we ever want to get ahead of runaway spending that puts us right back to where we are today. With that in mind, the plan would also limit property tax asks for counties and municipalities as well.

I was recently on a call with the leaders of both the Nebraska Association of County Officials (NAACO) and the League of Municipalities. I explained to them that the proposal will likely limit their property tax ask to the greater of zero or the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus “real” growth. The plan would also have allowances for declared emergencies, funding for public safety needs, or voter-approved overrides. They were both extremely unhappy with the plan and wanted to have no less than a 3% annual increase allowance regardless of the rate of inflation (CPI).

My question back to them was very simple. Are you telling me that if we go into a recession and the CPI goes to 1% or less, you still want to ask for a 3% increase in real estate taxes from local taxpayers? They responded that they didn’t know if they could curb their costs. My follow-up question was to ask them how local taxpayers on the brink of losing their homes will find the additional funding to pay higher taxes. A 3% annual tax increase over a three-year period would equate to a 10% compounding increase in property taxes. Does that make sense to you?

This type of opposition – so far unsupported by historical or projected numbers for local spending needs – is why property tax reform has been so difficult in the past. I remain committed to doing what is necessary to make progress in reducing your property tax burden regardless of the hurdles placed in front of us.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

As I write this article, I am reviewing all the information received over the past few months to prepare for the last of the scheduled property tax working group meetings to be held at the Governor’s residence on Monday, July 8. I will focus my comments this week on where we go from here and what we might expect to take place during a special session that is tentatively scheduled to begin on July 25.

Although the Governor has floated many of the provisions discussed by the working group during his town hall meetings, the final proposal from the working group will not be complete until after the July 8 meeting. At that time, the working group proposal will be made available to all the members of the Legislature. As I have mentioned in the past, this is a framework but certainly not the final bill. Every Senator will need to bring their ideas to the table to get the necessary 33 votes.

The working group has focused on removing most, if not all, of the public school “general” fund expenses from the property tax rolls and replacing them with funding from the state. The new state funding would need to come from eliminating certain sales tax exemptions, creating and/or increasing certain “sin” taxes (cigarettes, vaping, skill games, and alcohol), and cuts in state spending. The framework of the plan would also include using the LB1107 income tax credit dollars to help fully fund the plan.

The primary challenge for the working group is to determine which sales tax exemptions should be considered for repeal and what other products or services should be added to the sales tax rolls to generate the necessary funding. The goal will be to bring total property taxes down by at least 40% and bring sales taxes more in line with income and property tax revenues.

It is always important to remember that property taxes are assessed locally, and all the funds generated from property taxes remain with the local political subdivisions. Meanwhile, the state collects income taxes and sales taxes to fund the bulk of state operations. Local municipalities are allowed to add an additional “local option” sales tax to the state’s 5.5% sales tax that is kept locally to use those funds to hold the line on property tax increases.

Public schools rely almost exclusively on local property taxes and funds from the state to cover the operations costs. Meanwhile, they must fulfill many federal and state mandates that all cost money. It is also important to remember that our state Constitution requires the state to provide public education for all school-age children. At this point, there are 244 local public school districts ranging in size from 53 students (McPherson County) to 53,000 students (Omaha Public Schools). Every district is unique. Family incomes, property values within the districts, students with special needs, and students where English is their second language (ESL) are all examples of why every school district has different funding needs and local funding sources.

The TEEOSA formula was created many years ago to try to determine how to best balance every school district’s funding needs by targeting state funding to districts with higher needs and lower resources. However, the current formula has shifted most of the TEEOSA funding to about 27 of the largest schools or towns with higher numbers of ESL students. North Platte Public School is the only school district located in Legislative District 42 that receives TEEOSA funding. Each of the other school districts began receiving “foundation aid” of $1,500 per student last year when the Legislature appropriated $325 million in “new” annual funding for public schools across the state.

I expect that any property tax reform proposal will include a grandfathering of any existing general funds with a formula to provide for increases as needs change. My goals are to ensure that rural Nebraska does not lose out if the formula is changed and that rural Nebraska does not take on a disproportionate tax burden when all taxes are considered. I remain opposed to adding agricultural inputs to the sales tax rolls and will continue to look to make changes so that all businesses are on a level playing field when it comes to the taxation of property, sales, and income.

Regardless of how we decide to change tax revenue sources, we must set hard spending caps that account for actual growth and inflation but curb waste. Without spending limits we will be wasting our time. Property taxes are currently rising at a rate of $1 million per day. This is not sustainable. Every political subdivision must reevaluate its spending and focus on “needs” versus “wants.” I have received many emails and calls from constituents paying more in property taxes than in their total mortgage payment. Many are at risk of losing their homes. For that reason, I will be looking for compromise on any plan to achieve the necessary property tax relief.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

I have received many questions about the likely special session. Although the Governor hasn’t officially issued the call for a special session, he has notified the Speaker of the Legislature, John Arch, that Senators should set aside July 25 as the start date and the weeks that follow. Since this notification, the Speaker has begun the planning for a special session.

The initial planning has Thursday, July 25 as the start date, with Thursday, Friday, and Saturday being used for bill introduction. After each session day, the Executive Board – which serves as the bill referencing committee – will meet to reference bills to the appropriate committees. A special session can only be called for a single subject; in this case, the subject will be property tax relief. Because of the topic, bills will likely be referenced to the Revenue Committee, Appropriations Committee, or the Executive Board, although we could also see the Education Committee and Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee come into play.

Once bills are referenced, the committee chairs will schedule each bill for a public hearing beginning on Monday, July 29. Once a public hearing has been conducted, the chair can then call an executive session to discuss the bill and determine whether it should be advanced to the full Legislature for consideration. Floor debate on advanced legislation can begin as soon as the Speaker schedules the bill for General File debate. The Speaker has signaled that he will keep the time thresholds for cloture – the motion to end a filibuster – that we had during the regular session. That means eight hours for General File, four hours for Select File, and two hours on Final Reading. Bills must “lay over” at least one session day between Select File and Final Reading, and can only be amended on General File or Select File.

Although the working group will provide a basic outline of a bill brought on behalf of the Governor, it is expected that there will be multiple bills introduced during the first three days of the special session. There will also be many opportunities to amend bills. Because there are so many variables that come into play when reforming our tax structure, there are a lot of possible solutions. The working group’s proposal will only be one plan, but hopefully it will provide a basic framework to start from.

The Governor has suggested many times that he wants to reduced property taxes by 40%. Here are the numbers that come into play: The State currently provides a credit on property tax statements that cost the State $233 million last year. The State is scheduled to pay just over $565 million to property taxpayers through a credit against 30% of their property tax paid to public schools and community colleges through LB1107. Another $110 million will be distributed to counties as reimbursement for homestead exemptions. In total, these credits cost the state just over $898 million in FY2024-25. If these credits were distributed through the Property Tax Credit Fund instead of through income tax credits, it would provide a 17% property tax relief.

At this point, the working group would like to use the LB1107, combined with increased “sin” taxes and elimination of certain exemptions, to generate just over $1.7 billion to fully fund the operating budgets of Nebraska’s public schools. This would eliminate almost all of the property taxes assessed by public schools except for existing bonds. Many details remain to be worked out, including how much to increase the “sin” taxes and which exemptions to eliminate. However, if the plan is successful, property taxes could be reduced by more than 40%.

The working group proposal will also include caps on local growth to ensure property taxes don’t continue to balloon. Today, property taxes are increasing at a rate of about $1 million per day. That kind of expansion is unsustainable.

Stay tuned. It is about to get interesting.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Julie and I traveled to Broomfield, Colorado, last week to attend the Farm Foundation summer meeting. I was fortunate to be invited into the membership of this organization approximately 15 years ago, and I try to never miss their summer meeting. Farm Foundation is comprised of just over 200 individuals from across the country involved in the food chain. This includes large producers, chemical and seed company executives, farm equipment manufacturers, economists, environmentalists, and others involved in the food supply. Meetings are held twice a year in January and June and focus on topics impacting the industry.

The theme for this meeting was “Bridging the Urban and Rural Divide.” What a timely topic. Tours and discussions focused on the challenges created by competing water needs, pressure to remove industrial agriculture from urban areas, and rural voices in heavily divided states.

Our meeting began on Wednesday with tours of various agri-businesses in the area. One of the stops on our tour was SkyWay Foods. SkyWay owns a building that hosts space for multiple food company start-ups. After the tour, I could not stop thinking about the fact that the building had a one-and-a-half-inch water main serving the building at a cost of $240,000 dollars. This only included the costs for the tap. This gave the right to purchase the water used within the building.

Another stop on the tour was Root Shoot Malting, a farming operation that produces a selection of craft base and specialty malts for multiple craft beer producers. They farm approximately 2,000 acres that they irrigate from surface water rights. The water shares that they purchased for $80,000 several years ago are now worth $600,000 per share today. Time will tell how long farmers in the area will find it more tempting to sell the water shares as the prices rise over time as the residential growth continues.

On day two, one session included a panel discussion dealing with the challenges of keeping a reliable supply of water available to all users as the population grows and the demand for water increases.

As much as I was tempted to mention the Perkins County Canal project, I thought it best not to bring it up since I was not close to the exit at the time. This will certainly add to the drama of Colorado’s water concerns as Nebraska continues down the road with further development. As I think about water challenges in Colorado, I have a renewed appreciation for the Ogallala aquifer and what a huge asset it is to our region. Protecting it will continue to be a priority of mine.

While touring the National Western Center, we toured the property’s packing plant. We learned along the way that there is a potential ballot initiative in the Denver area that would ban livestock slaughter within the city limits. This, of course, would put this facility out of business.

We also learned about the efforts to introduce wolves into parts of Colorado where ranchers are raising cattle. The State has already released ten wolves and plans to release another 15 in the near future. These kinds of intrusions into the rural lifestyle are clearly an example of the rural/urban divide. Given the population base in Denver and the other metro areas in Colorado, farmers and ranchers are clearly in the minority. How to bridge the gap and bring about a better appreciation for the consequences of these efforts will remain a challenge, not just in Colorado.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Nebraskaland Days is in full swing, and once again, the region is playing host to many visitors who travel from all over to be a part of the festivities. I was really pleased that Governor Pillen chose to host one of his property tax task force meetings here in North Platte. Until now, all the meetings have been held in Lincoln at the Governor’s residence. This task force includes a cross-section of Nebraska State Senators from across the state consisting of Revenue Committee members, a member of the Appropriations Committee, a former State Senator, and a few members at large that served on the task force held last summer. The goal is to get a bi-partisan consensus from this group and then share the conclusions with the rest of the members of the Legislature to determine if there are 33 votes to pass the proposal.

Because the most recent meeting was held on Thursday morning in North Platte, many of the members arrived the night before and were able to join us at the Nebraskaland Days rodeo on Wednesday evening. It was a wonderful opportunity to showcase North Platte and the Buffalo Bill Rodeo. The Governor rode a horse in the rodeo’s grand entrance and First Lady Suzanne Pillen joined Julie and I in the carriage, along with State Treasurer Tom Briese and his wife, Joan. Everyone in attendance had a wonderful time.

In addition to holding the task force meeting in North Platte, the Governor also held a town hall on Thursday at Mid-Plains Community College. I was happy that approximately 50 residents attended the meeting and expressed their views. I must say that the comments from the group helped to demonstrate why it is so hard to fix the problem. Although everyone wants to see lower property taxes, there was very little consensus on how to achieve that goal.

If we want lower property taxes, we need to do one of two things (or both). We must lower spending, or we must find alternate funding for expenditures supported by property tax dollars. All state funds are already allocated, so if we wish to redirect those funds to property taxes, we must reallocate funds or raise more revenue. We can raise more revenue by increasing other tax streams, raising fees, or growing the economy at a faster pace. I have always believed that since sales taxes generate far less funding than both property and income taxes, this should be the first place to look. Having a broad tax base that includes all three forms of existing tax categories is, in my mind, the fairest way to fund public needs. But no matter how we generate the funding, we must slow spending if we ever want to get ahead.

Although the task force is still working on a final plan, I can tell you that I would personally favor a plan that would slightly lower sales tax “rates” at the state level but broaden the base. The base could be broadened by removing many of the items that were once on the sales tax rolls but since removed over the ensuing years. I also believe that these new items should not include business or agricultural inputs and should not include groceries, medicine, or essential living expenses such as rent and utilities. By keeping these exemptions, a very small portion of the remaining disposable income of the average household would be subject to any new sales taxes.

If we can raise new revenue, those funds could then be combined with the current LB1107 tax credit to fund direct property tax relief. This will not only help homeowners and ag producers, but renters will also see relief when landlords no longer have to increase rents dramatically to keep up with climbing property taxes.

The Governor has publicly discussed the concept of having the state take over public school funding in much the same fashion as we recently took over the funding for community colleges. Under this plan, operating funding would come solely from the state, with local property taxpayers only paying for existing bonded indebtedness. Any new bonding would be subject to a bond election. This would significantly lower the mill levy for public schools, which in turn would lower your property taxes.

I would also be in favor of capping local spending by tying it to the rate of inflation plus “real” growth. Real growth would be defined as any new tax base created by new construction as opposed to increasing in values of existing property due to inflation. As I have said on many occasions, we have a spending problem that must be curbed. Without spending reforms, our tax problem will never be solved, regardless of the form of taxation.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

This week marks the beginning of Nebraskaland Days, Nebraska’s official statewide celebration. Since its inception in 1968, North Platte has been the site for this annual celebration that attracts visitors from all over the world. It is a major tourist attraction for this area and one that takes an enormous amount of planning and volunteer hours. I have always said that this board is the hardest-working board in the area. This year’s celebration will mark the last year of David Fudge’s involvement since he chose to retire from serving as the Executive Director after last year’s celebration. He, however, has continued to stay on in a part-time capacity to assist with the transition. I want to take a moment to thank David for all he has done over the years, leading this organization to continue improving the event and making the performances even more impressive.

This week, many residents have gotten their property tax valuation notices. As in previous years, this has prompted many to believe that the increases in value will result in an equal increase in property taxes. Because of this belief, I want to once again walk everyone through the p

Each year, the local tax assessors are charged with visually inspecting a certain number of properties to estimate their assessed value (based on specific criteria) as of January 1 of the tax year. All the individually assessed values are added together and used to ultimately calculate the taxes due once every local political subdivision completes its budgets for the coming year. Once budgets are completed, the mill levy is determined for each subdivision by dividing the total budgets by the gross property tax assessed values. So, until the budgets are approved, we do not know the total tax request or what the mill levy will be to calculate the tax. If you believe your tax assessed value is too high, you can appeal the value to your local county board who also serves as the Board of Equalization. If you disagree with their determination, you can appeal to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission to get a second opinion.

I get several emails each year from constituents saying that their tax-assessed value went up double digits even though they made no improvements to their home. Keep in mind that these values are not reviewed every year, so your increase could very likely be a change from the past three years. It is also important to remember that valuations consider the local market. As the cost of housing has increased substantially and the housing shortage has significantly increased the demand for existing housing, market values have risen accordingly. In most cases, your property could very well be worth more than the tax-assessed value if your home was listed for sale with a realtor.

If you are concerned about your property taxes, I encourage you to attend the budget meetings for your local political subdivisions. You have a right to understand what is going into their budgets and if all the budgeted items are necessary. This is your opportunity to express your opinion and impact the final tax number.

Simultaneously, the Governor has assembled a representative group of State Senators to serve on a task force to create a plan to reduce property taxes by as much as 40%. I expect that the plan agreed to by the group will be circulated to the rest of the members of the Legislature to see if there are sufficient votes to pass the bill in a special session. If so, a special session would likely occur in late July or early August.

Although this group’s discussions are not yet public, I can confirm that two members support the EPIC tax plan and have offered ideas that could be incorporated into this new legislation.

Although I agree with increasing sales tax collections, I continue to have reservations about EPIC as proposed. First, the ballot initiatives would ban any other form of taxation other than a consumption tax or excise tax in our state constitution. The language taxes all new goods and services except groceries. There is no specific carve out for business inputs. It’s also unclear what the initial tax rate would have to be to raise enough revenue to cover state and local expenses. EPIC supporters say 7.5%, while others suggest a rate as high as 22%. What happens if the rate is set too low and the state does not collect sufficient tax revenue? The state is not allowed to borrow, so there would be no choice but to massively cut spending at all levels.

I also have concerns regarding asking the Legislature to allocate tax dollars equitably to all parts of the state once since all tax dollars would be collected at the state level. With only 16 senators representing the third congressional district, how well will we fare when it comes to getting those tax dollars back? Keep in mind that only the Legislature can allocate state spending.

I look forward to continuing to hear from you regarding issues that are important to you. It is a privilege to serve as your State Senator, and I will continue to give my full effort to make a positive difference for the District and the State. You can reach me at or 402-471-2729.

Sen. Mike Jacobson

District 42
Room 1523
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2729
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