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LB 906 is a bill introduced by Senator Ben Hansen. It was presented to the Governor today for his signature. It passed on a vote of thirty-seven yes, five no, five present not voting and two senators excused. LB 906 requires the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to develop a vaccine exemption form for Nebraska citizens who are employees of a private company. The new law allows employees to claim an exemption based on his or her strong moral, ethical, or philosophical beliefs or convictions. If the employer requires employees to be vaccinated, the employer must also allow for an employee to receive an exemption to vaccination. The employer may also require the employee to be periodically tested and wear or use personal protective equipment, at the employers expense.
This is the Nebraska answer to what is a much larger national debate about the President’s wrong-headed vaccine mandates. This federal one-size-fits-all approach has taken a sledgehammer to the liberty of Nebraskans to make an intensely personal decision according to their own convictions. I am very glad Senator Hansen got this bill passed. A lot of Nebraskans can now breathe a little easier knowing their individual liberty has been defended. And for those who need one, an exemption to mandatory vaccination is now possible in Nebraska.
In 2021, LB 40 was passed to create the Rural Projects Act. The idea was to make sure rural Nebraska was not left behind during the appropriations process. Last month, the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) began accepting applications for grant funding under this act. The act was very popular. Numerous applications were received. The act very quickly ran out of money.
LB 788 is my appropriations bill to provide $50 million to re-fund the Rural Projects Act. Among a number of other projects, a new rail access park can be built in the North Platte area. I’ve been working with Senator Stinner and the Appropriations Committee, and I am confident the necessary funding will find its way into the mid-biennium budget. The budget debate will begin very soon. We are now passed the halfway point in our short, sixty-day session.
Streaming video provided by Nebraska Public Media