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Urban Affairs Committee

Legislative Bill 1024 calls for the Economic Recovery Special Committee of the Legislature to conduct studies to identify potential eligible uses of funds made available under the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 or state funds within or adjacent to qualified census tracts located within the boundaries of a city of the metropolitan class.  Such studies shall include, but not be limited to, potential eligible uses of such funds in the areas of entrepreneurship, housing, employment, job creation, and small business assistance.

Responsibilities for this solicitation resides with the Economic Recovery Special Committee. The point of contact (POC) is as follows:

Name:         Senator Justin Wayne

                     Chair, Economic Recovery Special Committee

Agency:      Legislative Council

                     Address: 1445 K Street

                     P.O. Box 94604

                     State Capitol

                     Lincoln, NE 68509

                     Telephone: 402-471-2727



Responses to written questions are posted here:


     1. Will the successful contractor be excluded from working on validated projects at the conclusion of the study?  Does bidding on this scope of work preclude the vendor from bidding on future projects that may flow from recommendation in the final deliverables?

No, nothing in LB 1024 prohibits a successful bidder/contractor from working on future projects included in the recommendations of the study conducted under the RFP.


     2. Will the selected contractor’s role be limited to the development of the validation study or will they be retained to assist with implementation of projects?

While nothing in LB 1024 prohibits a successful bidder/contractor from working on or implementing projects included in the recommendations of the study, the selected contractor will not be retained to assist with implementation of projects.


     3. Will the data that was used to create project recommendations within LB 1024 be shared prior to commencement of the study in order to evaluate the potential economic impact of each proposed use of funds?

Initial findings regarding potential uses of funds under LB 1024 can be found at  

Please note that following the introduction of the bill and prior to final passage, the scope of LB 1024 was expanded to also include South Omaha and other qualified census tracts in the State of Nebraska.  The successful bidder would be expected to examine both potential eligible uses of funds which have previously been identified as well as other potential eligible uses of funds which have not yet been identified.


     4. Can you provide details on the expected deliverable or outcome of the study?  Is there an example or reference that could be provided?

The successful bidder would be expected to produce a written study or report for the Special Committee that could be adopted in whole or in part by the committee, or separately as an addendum to a report produced by the Special Committee.  Samples of legislative committee reports can be found at

Pursuant to LB 1024, any study or report produced for the Special Committee will be forwarded to the Economic Recovery & Incentives Division of the Nebraska Department of Economic Development.


     5. How many Special Committee Hearings will the successful contractor be required to attend?  How often will the Special Committee meet?  Will the vendor be required to attend the Special Committee meetings in-person or provide on-site support?

The Special Committee will hold a minimum of two hearings, with at least one located in North Omaha and one located in South Omaha.  Additional hearings may also be held in North Omaha, South Omaha, or the State Capitol in Lincoln, as needed.

The Special Committee will meet as needed prior to the convening of the 108th Legislature in January of 2023.   The successful bidder will be expected to attend Special Committee Hearings in-person and attend other meetings of the Special Committee as needed at the request of the Chairperson.


      6. Are you able to provide an estimate of the number of locations/communities where public participation will be required?

Pursuant to LB 1024, the RFP is limited to potential eligible uses of funds within or adjacent to qualified census tracts located within the boundaries of a city of the metropolitan class.  As the City of Omaha is currently the only city of the metropolitan class, public participation will only be sought as it relates to qualified census tracts in Omaha, primarily North Omaha and South Omaha.


      7. Are you able to provide an estimate of the number of grants anticipated for i) cities of the primary class; ii) qualified census tracts that are located outside of a city of the metropolitan class or a city of the primary class; and iii) grants envisioned in Section 4 (A through H)?

While LB 1024 does appropriate funds for grants in the areas listed, the RFP is limited to potential eligible uses of funds within or adjacent to qualified census tracts located within the boundaries of a city of the metropolitan class.  As the City of Omaha is currently the only city of the metropolitan class, the study/report under the RFP will only cover qualified census tracts in Omaha, primarily North Omaha and South Omaha.


     8. Can you confirm that the allocations referred to in Section 4(3)(d) are located in Omaha?

As the City of Omaha is currently the only city of the metropolitan class, the grants under Section 4(3)(d) of LB 1024 are limited to eligible projects in Omaha.


     9. Has a standard evaluation methodology been developed for this funding or is that part of the work that will be produced through the RFP?  Will the proposer offer a proposed list of use of funds and/or goals that would then be assessed for eligibility?  Has a process been determined for contractor award of future projects following the results of this study?

A standard evaluation methodology has not yet been developed for grant funds under LB 1024.  Development of a standard evaluation methodology is not required under the RFP.

Under LB 1024, the Nebraska Department of Economic Development is required to develop a coordinated plan, grant application, and scoring process to award grants under the Qualified Census Tract Grant Program.  An initial coordinated plan must be submitted to the Special Committee no later than August 1, 2022, with a final coordinated plan submitted to the Special Committee no later than December 1, 2022.


     10. Will validated projects be broken out further into categories, regions, or areas of expertise for implementation?

LB 1024 identifies several categories for potential eligible uses of funds, including but not limited to the areas of entrepreneurship, housing, employment, job creation, and small business assistance.  The successful bidder would be expected to break down potential eligible uses of funds into categories as part of the study or report produced for the Special Committee.


     11. Can you provide a list of contractors who received this RFP?

The RFP was published on the Nebraska Department of Administrative Services’ Bid Opportunities page, and has not been provided or forwarded to any specific contractors.


     12. Please confirm the Contract Type that proposers are to utilize under this RFP?

Contracts must meet all contract requirements under Nebraska state law.


     13. Can you elaborate on the economic impact/data points you would be seeking in this report?  How detailed of economic modeling would you be looking for?

Neither LB 1024 nor the RFP identify a specific set of economic impact/data points or a specific type of economic modeling to be utilized by the successful bidder.  

Generally, the Special Committee will be examining the economic impact of potential eligible uses of funds over the next ten years, including a separate analysis of the economic impact both during construction and post-construction, if applicable to a specific use of funds.


     14. Is there a budget cap for this scope of work?

LB 1024A appropriated $2 million in General Funds for Fiscal Year 2022-23 to the Economic Recovery Special Committee.


     15. Is the purpose of this solicitation to eventually obtain a new surveillance system?  If so, what would that system survey?  Will there be a separate vendor that would provide that system?

No.  The purpose of LB 1024 and the RFP is to determine potential eligible uses of funds within qualified census tracts in the City of Omaha for economic development purposes.

Committee Members
  • Sen. Terrell McKinney, Chairperson
  • Sen. Bob Anderson
  • Sen. John Cavanaugh
  • Sen. Stan Clouse (VC)
  • Sen. Dan Quick
  • Sen. Victor Rountree
  • Sen. Tony Sorrentino
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