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Tony Vargas

Sen. Tony Vargas

District 7

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Medicaid Expansion & District 7
January 17th, 2019

In 2018, Nebraskans expanded Medicaid, ensuring that more than 90,000 neighbors, family members, friends, and citizens across our great state receive access to the basic right of healthcare. Though the measure gained support in both rural and urban areas, Douglas County, and in particular, District 7, favored expansion by some of the widest margins in the state. I look forward to fulfilling my promise to fight for District 7 and ensuring that our community has access to affordable healthcare.

Our district has the highest rate of uninsured people of any in the state. For too long, healthcare costs have been too high and unaffordable. We have seen thousands of hardworking Nebraskans left behind by insurance companies, either unable to afford care or turned away for no fault of their own. Medicaid expansion will not only bring down the cost of healthcare, but will also provide 90,000 more Nebraskans with the safety, comfort, and dignity that comes with the basic right of healthcare.

As Nebraskans, we understand the importance of looking out for another and building strong bonds with our neighbors. I am so proud that our state took that next step, and now, it is the Legislature’s turn to fulfill their promise to Nebraskans. Though Governor Ricketts mentioned funding for Medicaid expansion in his State of the State address on Tuesday, as a member of the Appropriations Committee, I will fight to guarantee that Medicaid expansion is fully funded and recognized as the will of the people, and not at the expense of other critical programs like education and services for children and seniors.

In other news, I have dropped two more bills so far this week. LB 292 will help to fund the Microsoft Imagine Academy, a program designed to give students and teachers the training necessary to advance in a tech-driven economy. I also introduced LB 310, which would expedite the process of applying for a Historic Tax Credit. This tax credit benefits rural and urban communities alike, including District 7. The Historic Tax Credit program is crucial for ensuring that communities across our state maintain their  beautiful histories.. Over the next few days, I will be introducing several more, so keep a lookout here!

Sen. Tony Vargas

District 7
Room 1000
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2721
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