The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Tony Vargas

Sen. Tony Vargas

District 7

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Constituent Survey
February 6th, 2017


On Saturday, January 28th, I held my first town hall at the South Omaha Public Library. I was so glad to be able to talk with many of you about the work my colleagues and I are doing in Lincoln and hear your questions and concerns.

At the town hall, I handed out a survey to gauge support on both the bills that I have personally introduced as well as a handful of other key issues facing the legislature. That survey is now available online in English and Spanish. If you were not able to attend the town hall, I hope you will take a few minutes to let me know your thoughts.

You can take the survey here. 

Overview of 2017 Legislation
January 19th, 2017

The first 12 days of the 2017 legislative session have flown by, and I wanted to take a minute to provide you all an update from my office about all of the activity here at our Unicameral.  Read the rest of this entry »

Sen. Tony Vargas

District 7
Room 1000
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2721
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