The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

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Now that the midterm elections are over, I am excited to welcome my new colleagues to the Nebraska Legislature. I want to send my congratulations to all those who won their races for the Legislature and for local races in Wayne, Thurston, and Dakota Counties. Initiative 427, Medicaid expansion, also passed on Tuesday. Governor Ricketts has promised not to raise taxes in order to implement Medicaid expansion so it will be up to the Legislature to make room in the tight budget to fund the expansion costs. While this was not the outcome I was hoping for, I look forward to ensuring that Medicaid expansion is implemented fairly and with all Nebraskans in mind.

This upcoming Legislative session will focus on property taxes, education, and Medicaid expansion, while also planning for a predicted $232 million budget shortfall through 2020. The 2019 session is quickly approaching and we are excited to be focusing all our energy on preparing legislation and passing a balanced budget. This year my priorities will continue to be reducing the property tax burden, ensuring good business and labor practices, K-12 education, and agriculture.

Nebraska Chamber of Commerce President Bryan Slone visited the new Pender Community Center and held a round-table discussion with members of the Pender Economic Development group on November 1. I am always so proud to show off the economic progress we are making in Northeast Nebraska.

On November 2, the Nebraska State College System invited me to be the keynote speaker at their Leadership Conference at Wayne State College. The theme of the conference was “LEADERSHIP: SHARE THE VISION”, we discussed important cooperative leadership skills and how to succeed as young leaders. While touring the Wayne State campus with college President Dr. Marysz Rames and VP of Administration and Finance Angela Fredrickson I enjoyed seeing the growth of the college and new buildings on campus like the Center for Applied Technology. As I spoke with students from Wayne State College, Peru State College, and Chadron State College, I was inspired by their personal stories and the initiative they have taken at their schools. So many engaged students and young leaders makes me very hopeful and excited about the direction of our state and community.

I take into consideration every letter, email, and phone call my office receives when I consider legislation. I truly value your input and suggestions on the issues before the Legislature. It is of great importance that I hear from you in order to do my job.

I encourage my constituents to reach out to me and look forward to hearing from you!




Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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