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Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

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Weekly News–June 16, 2023
June 16th, 2023

I would like to take this opportunity to address the petition going around by Support Our Schools to put school choice on the ballot in November 2024. There is a lot of information being put out there that is just not true. I love public schools, but they shouldn’t take away the choice for parents to choose the best education for their child(ren).

Parents are the first educators in their child’s life. They help make decisions for them based on what they think is best. Choosing where to have their child educated is one of those decisions. Parents should be able to know who is teaching their child and what curriculum is being taught.

The data below (as of 2022) shows the current state aid that is being given to each school district in Legislative District 17 plus the per pupil cost in each school district. As you can see there is a lot of money being given to each school district from the state.

School District Name State Aid (TEEOSA) Other State Receipts Total State Receipts Per Pupil Cost
Bancroft-Rosalie $ 611,532.00 $ 562,482.00 $ 1,174,014.00 $ 17,449.00
Emerson-Hubbard $ 29,219.00 $ 686,296.00 $ 715,515.00 $ 22,857.00
Homer $ 2,087,990.00 $ 642,660.00 $ 2,730,650.00 $ 16,042.00
Pender $ 537,912.00 $ 813,061.00 $ 1,350,973.00 $ 17,123.00
South Sioux City $ 28,921,917.00 $ 5,082,008.00 $ 34,003,925.00 $ 14,531.00
UMOnHOn Nation $ 6,443,079.00 $ 1,132,765.00 $ 7,575,844.00 $ 34,449.00
Wakefield $ 1,534,615.00 $ 1,076,463.00 $ 2,611,078.00 $ 15,985.00
Walthill $ 3,473,163.00 $ 731,668.00 $ 4,204,831.00 $ 25,659.00
Wayne $ 304,830.00 $ 1,547,762.00 $ 1,852,592.00 $ 13,426.00
Winnebago $ 6,384,854.00 $ 1,835,447.00 $ 8,220,301.00 $ 29,420.00
Winside $ 411,473.00 $ 727,291.00 $ 1,138,764.00 $ 19,828.00
Total $ 50,740,584.00 $ 14,837,903.00 $ 65,578,487.00


The chart below gives you an idea of how Governor Pillen’s plan of giving $1500 per student will help each school district.

School District Name Student Enrollment $1500/student Total Funded
Bancroft-Rosalie 298 1,500.00 $447,000.00
Emerson-Hubbard 215 1,500.00 $322,500.00
Homer 432 1,500.00 $648,000.00
Pender 406 1,500.00 $609,000.00
South Sioux City 3734 1,500.00 $5,601,000.00
UMOnHOn Nation 543 1,500.00 $814,500.00
Wakefield 551 1,500.00 $826,500.00
Walthill 318 1,500.00 $477,000.00
Wayne 952 1,500.00 $1,428,000.00
Winnebago 608 1,500.00 $912,000.00
Winside 241 1,500.00 $361,500.00
Total $12,447,000.00


This doesn’t include the 80% Special Education funding that will be given to each school district from the passage of LB583.

We as a state are fiscally conservative with our money. Governor Pillen has set aside an initial investment of $1,000,000,000 plus $250 million in future years for the Education Future Fund to support ALL students in Nebraska. Education is being well supported in Nebraska and will always be funded.

As always, I invite you to let me know your thoughts, ideas, concerns, or suggestions by contacting me by calling (402) 471-2716 or emailing me at


Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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