The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

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Weekly News–April 21, 2023
April 21st, 2023

Another week has flown by. We just finished day 66 of this 90 day session. So far this session we have:

  • 12 bills passed
  • 23 bills are on Final Reading
  • 2 are on Enrollment and Engrossing to Final Reading
  • 43 are on Select File
  • 41 are on Enrollment and Review Initial on their way to Select File

That doesn’t count for Day 64 and 65 so we are making progress as the session moves closer and closer to Day 90. Starting on May 2nd (Day 70), we will begin debating the budget which is required by state statute.

Due to the choice of two or three senators to filibuster, we have had to go to a Washington D. C. type of process where we create omnibus packages otherwise known as Christmas Tree bills. This is not my preferred way of doing business, but this seems to be the only way to get things moving forward. If you have any questions about the omnibus bills, go to and look up the individual bills for more information or reach out to my office and my staff will help you with your questions.

Bill Updates

  • LB227–Provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) relating to reimbursing certain hospitals for nursing facility services under the Medical Assistance Act–This bill is intended to cover a Medicaid reimbursement gap in Nebraska was amended to become an omnibus health services measure and advanced from general file April 17th.
    • The Health and Human Services Committee added an amendment which added provisions of LB219 sponsored by Senator Teresa Ibach; LB434 sponsored by Senator Mike Jacobson; LB517 sponsored by Senator Lynne Walz; and LB590 sponsored by Senator Rick Holdcroft.
    • Another amendment was added during debate which would add provisions of nearly a dozen additional measures related to pharmacy practice and health profession licensure including LB35 sponsored by Senator Wendy DeBoer; LB123 sponsored by Senator John Fredrickson; LB181 sponsored by Senator Hansen; LB202 sponsored by Senator Lynne Walz; LB402 sponsored by Senator Beau Ballard; LB431 sponsored by Senator Steve Halloran; LB458 and LB548 sponsored by Senator Beau Ballard; LB572 and LB611 sponsored by Senator Merv Riepe; and LB765 sponsored by Senator Barry DeKay. After eight hours of debate over two days, Senator Hansen invoked cloture which was accepted 44-0 and all amendments were adopted without dissenting votes. It was then voted 45-0 to advance LB227 to the second round of debate. (“Medicaid reimbursement bill expanded, advanced”. Unicameral Update. April 17, 2023.
  • LB77–Provide for carrying concealed handguns without a permit, change provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibit certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties sponsored by Senator Tom Brewer and his personal priority bill. Wednesday, April 19th, LB77 was passed on Final Reading with a vote of 33-14 and sent to Governor Pillen’s desk for his signature. Senator Brewer has been working on this bill over the course of the past seven years. He mentioned during the debate that it has had 44 hours of debate in that time. LB77 authorizes concealed carry without a permit by people who can legally possess a firearm; requires that a person immediately notify a law enforcement officer or other emergency responder when contacted while carrying a concealed handgun; it preempts local ordinances interfering with the right to keep and bear arms; and it promotes equality before the law with respect to a core constitutional right. It does not allow felons, perpetrators of domestic violence, those with dangerous mental illness, or other “prohibited persons” to carry weapons; it will not change the list of locations where concealed handguns are prohibited; it will not stop businesses from prohibiting weapons on their premises; it will not change background check requirements for obtaining a handgun; and it will not get rid of the current Concealed Handgun Permit program or affect the validity of permits for interstate reciprocity. (Information provided by Senator Brewer’s office.)
  • LB296–Adopt the Pet Insurance Act, require use of National Provider Identifiers by health care providers, and change insurance reimbursement provisions for telehealth services sponsored by Senator Beau Ballard and was a Speaker priority bill. This bill requires pet insurers to provide disclosures regarding waiting periods, claim schedules and exclusions for preexisting conditions. It also requires training for agents who sell pet insurance. LB296 passed Final Reading on a vote of 46-0 and was presented to Governor Pillen on April 19, 2023. (“Pet insurance, telehealth proposal approved”. Unicameral Update. April 19, 2023.
  • LB376–Change provisions of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act sponsored by Senator John Lowe and a General Affairs Committee priority bill. This bill passed on Final Reading with an Emergency Clause 41-0-2-6 on April 17th. It was presented to Governor Pillen on April 18th.


I would like to invite students to the youth legislature. High school students are invited to take on the role of state senators at the Unicameral Youth Legislature June 11-14. At the State Capitol, student senators will sponsor bills, conduct committee hearings, debate legislation and discover the unique process of the nation’s only unicameral.

The Unicameral Youth Legislature gives behind-the-scenes access to students who have an interest in public office, government, politics, law, public policy, debate or public speaking. Students will learn about the inner workings of the Legislature directly from senators and staff.

The Office of the Clerk of the Nebraska Legislature coordinates the Unicameral Youth Legislature. The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Extension 4-H Youth Development Office coordinates housing and recreational activities as part of the Big Red Summer Camps program.

To learn more about the program, go to or call (402) 471-2788. The deadline for registration is May 22.

As always, I invite you to let me know your thoughts, ideas, concerns, or suggestions by contacting me by calling (402) 471-2716 or emailing me at

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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