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Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

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Weekly News–August 18, 2023
August 21st, 2023

This past weekend I was reminded of how small communities come together in times of need. I attended a fundraising event in Pender for a baby boy who needed a liver transplant. The miracle came in the form of a family friend who was a match and able to give a part of her liver to save this little boy’s life. The community event was a time of celebration as surrounding communities gather to do what small communities do best–rally around neighbors in need. “We feel the love,” his mother said. “We feel like our story has touched so many lives. There’s so much good in this world. Words can’t explain how thankful we are.” This event reminds me of how small communities all throughout Nebraska come together to support their neighbors in need. I am always reminded of why Nebraska is referred to as “Nebraska Nice”. (Portions of this taken from Sturek, Jason. “Family, friends and faith triumph”. Pender Times. August 17, 2023.)

Congratulations to the Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska and all the volunteers for raising $2,112,857.56 during their event June 2-3, 2023 at the Weborg farm near Pender! Ninety percent goes to the Buffett Cancer Center UNMC in Omaha for cancer research. The remaining 10% will be given to 17 organizations among 13 area communities.

Update on Support Our Schools petition to repeal school choice
This summer the Support Our Schools petition drive to repeal LB753 has been in full swing as they have been found at county fairs and other public events around the state. Support our Schools has until August 30th to collect their signatures to block school choice in Nebraska. Recently, Nebraska became the 49th state to pass a school choice law. LB753, the Opportunity Scholarships Act, gives parents the opportunity to choose the best education setting for their child. If you feel that you signed this petition in error and would like to take your name off the petition, you can go to to find a form to download and print. This form must be signed in the presence of a county election official (County Clerk or Election Commissioner) or a notary. If you need any assistance or help finding a Notary Public in your area, please email

Update on LB574—Let Them Grow lawsuit
Over the past several months, you may have seen the news about LB574 (Let Them Grow Act) being taken to court by Planned Parenthood of the Heartland and Dr. Sarah Trexler and represented by the ACLU. LB574 was amended to ban gender affirming surgeries for individuals under the age of 19, allowed the Chief Medical Officer and the state Department of Health and Human Services to establish the regulations around the use of hormone therapy and puberty blockers for minors, allowed individuals who had begun gender affirming care prior to the bill’s effective date to continue treatment and included a 12-week abortion ban. The lawsuit sought a court order to block enforcement of the new restrictions and declare LB574 unconstitutional on the basis that it violates the single-subject rule for legislation. (Stoddard, Martha. “Abortion, trans law faces legal challenge”. Omaha World Herald. May 31, 2023.) On Friday, August 11th, Judge Lori Maret sided with the State of Nebraska and said LB574 fell under the single category of healthcare. Her decision keeps abortion restrictions in place. Last week, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood of the Heartland filed an appeal to the Nebraska Supreme Court. It currently does not have a hearing date. Even though I was not happy with twelve week abortion ban, it is better than the 20 weeks we had prior to LB574 being passed. I will continue to stand firm on fighting for the babies of Nebraska.

News from Governor Pillen’s Office
     On August 8-9, I attended Governor Pillen’s Ag and Economic Development Summit in Kearney, NE. This event was co-hosted by the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) and the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA). The Governor’s Summit is the state’s premier economic development forum, convening leaders from across Nebraska to discuss how to grow the Good Life. This is the third consecutive year the Summit has had an agricultural focus.
     This year’s event included a focus on Nebraska’s highway, water, and broadband infrastructures and their importance to the state’s long-term prosperity. The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) headed sessions to highlight how improvements to the state’s transit system and expansion of Nebraska’s broadband networks, are creating opportunities for businesses to grow. The Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR) led panel discussions on the potential of artificial intelligence and data management tools to benefit agricultural operations through greater water use efficiency, reduced energy costs, and optimal chemical use for water treatment.
     Governor Pillen was a panel leader for two sessions at the Summit, focused on value-added agriculture. The Aksarben Foundation has launched an initiative highlighting efforts around sustainability and stewardship by Nebraska farmers and ranchers. The idea is to track data and ensure compensation for those initiatives.
     “When our kids grow up and graduate, we want them to enter the most competitive economy in America–right here in Nebraska,” said Governor Pillen. “This begins with strengthening our top industry of agriculture. It also involves developing quality infrastructure, reliable broadband access, a modern highway network, and a world-class system of water management. Together, we can grow Nebraska, and this Summit is the key to unifying our efforts.” (“Gov. Pillen Hosts Ag and Economic Development Summit”. Strimple, Laura. August 14, 2023.

As always, I invite you to let me know your thoughts, ideas, concerns, or suggestions by calling my office at (402) 471-2716 or emailing me at

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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