The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

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Weekly UPDATE November 5, 2021
November 5th, 2021


I am looking forward to celebrations throughout the nation honoring the brave men and women who have sacrificed to keep America the home of the free and the land of the brave. I would like to personally extend my gratitude to those of you who have served in the military to uphold the freedoms and liberties we enjoy everyday. I also want to recognize the families who have paid the ultimate sacrifice and lost a loved one for the sake of this great nation. The theme for the year’s Veterans Day is “Honoring All Who Served.” I hope each young person will sit down and visit with a Veteran. Get to know their story and where they served. Let a Veteran know how much they are appreciated and we will always honor their service. 


The Board of Trustees for the Nebraska State College System, which governs Wayne State, Chadron State, and Peru State, is scheduled to vote on ideologically driven gender identity policies during their November 11th board meeting.

Wayne State College in District 17, is the reason I joined Senator Julie Slama who represents District 1, with Peru State College, and Senator Tom Brewer who represents District 43 with Chadron State College, in writing a letter to Chancellor Turman and the Board of Trustees for the Nebraska State College System imploring them to reject the proposed gender identity policies.

The proposed revisions to Board Policy 5007 (Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Policy) and New Board Policy 5012 (Chosen Name and Gender Identity) that incorporate gender identity ideology present many of the same issues from the Nebraska Department of Education’s proposed Health Education Standards, which drew opposition from the majority of state senators in the Nebraska Legislature and thousands of concerned parents and taxpayers. 

The policies would force employees—including professors, staff and students—to adopt a person’s preferred pronouns, even if doing so would violate the sincerely held moral and/or religious views of the employee. Failure to do so could constitute workplace harassment and result in disciplinary action by the State College System. Board Policy 5007 also infringes on the privacy and safety rights of women on campus by allowing biological males who identify as female. 

I have a growing concern about such controversial policies being introduced by the education systems across the state this year. It is a vital time for all Nebraskans to stay informed and let your voice be heard for the sake of the next generations. The State College Board of Trustees meeting will be at Wayne State College on November 11th at 3:30pm in the Niobrara Room in the Kanter Student Center. You can find all of the information at the NSCS website.

I find it very interesting that the University of Nebraska also came out with a memorandum last March, the same month that the Nebraska Department of Education published the first draft of their Health Education Standards. Memorandum #40 is the University’s Policy on Chosen Name and Gender Identity. During a time when thousands of parents gathered at public hearings to express their concerns about similar ideologies, the University was putting very similar policies in place. It seems to me like a lack of transparency. It should be recognized that it is often the parents who finance the college their children attend. In visiting with Chancellor Turman and asked this question, “Has there been any related issues to these policies at this time?” He assured me there was not. It makes me wonder why they feel they need to adopt these policies? Nebraskans need to wake up and pay attention. The next generation doesn’t have to stay in Nebraska to be educated. Students and parents have many choices where they can be educated, and I hope they choose to stay in Nebraska.


As a member of the Legislative Revenue Committee, I was part of a joint meeting with the Appropriations Committee this week to hear a presentation of the 2021 Nebraska Tax Expenditure Annual Report from the Nebraska Department of Revenue. 

The Revenue Committee stood together and held a press conference to discuss the Lincoln Journal Star article entitled Property Tax Rate is Lower, but Lincoln Homeowners Could Still Pay More. The article states “The average assessed valuation of homes in Lancaster County jumped a record 11% — an increase sparked by a limited supply of homes for sale and huge demand that led to buyers competing and driving up sale prices. That means the owner of an average home in Lincoln — $226,341 this year — will pay $4,511 in property taxes. Thirteen governmental subdivisions make up a Lincoln homeowner’s tax bill. The biggest by far is Lincoln Public Schools, which comprises 62%. The city of Lincoln makes up 16% and the county 14%. The city’s 31.793-cent tax levy means the owner of that same home will pay $720 to support city services. The county’s 26.4076-cent levy means that homeowners will pay $598 to support county services, an amount which doesn’t include the amount levied by the Railroad Transportation Safety District.” 

I know this may not seem like it relates to District 17, but It is disheartening to work so hard as a Legislator to reduce property taxes and see local decisions like this erase the relief for their residents. 30% of a Lincolnite’s tax payment will go toward property taxes. This is a local issue. It is important to take a look where our taxes are being spent and rise up and pay attention to where your money is going. If we aren’t careful in Nebraska, we will be taxing people out of their homes or out of our state. 


Many of Nebraska’s leaders are standing together to fight the government overreach of forced vaccine mandates. Earlier this month I joined 27 of my Legislative Colleagues requesting that Governor Ricketts call a Special Session to address the mandates. In his wisdom, Governor Ricketts said he would gladly call a Special Session if at least 33 Senators were in support. The Governor wanted to see 33 votes not only because a Special Session would cost Nebraska thousands of dollars, but also because it might possibly take 2-3 weeks of everyone’s  time only to fail by not having 33 votes. The Attorney General and Governor Ricketts are taking bold stands joining their colleagues across the county to fight the Biden Administration’s overreach. The 21 Senators who did NOT sign on in support of the Special Session to fight vaccine mandates were: Ray Aguilar, Carol Blood, Eliot Bostar, John Cavannaugh, Machaela Cavanaugh, Jen Day, Wendy DeBoer, Matt Hansen, Robert Hilkemann, Meagan Hunt, Mark Kolterman, Steve Lathrop, John McCollister, Terrell McKinney, Adam Morfeld, Patty Pansing Brooks, John Stinner, Tony Vargas, Lynne Walz, Justin Wayne, and Anna Wishart. I look for legislation to be created for the 2022 legislative session. 

I always enjoy hearing from you. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or

Weekly UPDATE October 29, 2021
October 29th, 2021


The weather is definitely cooling down and it is feeling more like Fall in Nebraska. My husband Mike and our crew finished harvesting beans last week and are now knee deep in combining the corn. I hope the rains are allowing everyone to have a little bit of needed rest in order to get ready for the next leg of bringing in the harvest. 


I am happy to welcome Jacki O’Neill as the new Administrative Assistant in my office. When you call in and make an appointment or have suggestions, Jacki will be happy to take down your details and direct you to the proper channels. Although she lives in Lincoln, Jacki has lived in District 17 in the past and continues to have many connections in our area. She has been married to Dan for 44 years and they have 5 children, 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Jacki has also been a 41 year member of the Jackson, Nebraska American Legion Auxiliary. You can reach Jacki at 402-471-2716 or


LR 136- Senator Brewer introduced an interim study to examine and evaluate the causes, costs, and impacts of rolling electrical power outages during the extreme weather events of February 2021.

LR225- The Government and Veterans Affairs Committee held an interim study to review occupational regulation of truth and deception examiners pursuant to the Occupational Board Reform Act.


As I prepare for the Session to begin in January I am looking at a few new bills I feel are vital to bring forward. One is in direct response to the controversy around the Health Education Standards draft created by the Nebraska Department of Education this year. I am looking at legislation that will go back to the drawing board and clearly define the original role of the State Board of Education regarding Education Standards. To give you a little history, in 2000 the Nebraska Legislature passed Statute 79-760.01 which requires the Nebraska State Board of Education to adopt measurable academic content standards for at least the grade levels required for statewide assessment. Those standards shall cover the subject areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, and the State Board of Education shall develop a plan to review and update standards for those subject areas every seven years. Though the State Board of Education has created standards in other areas, they were only mandated to create standards for the five core subjects. The Legislature has heard many bills in the past regarding additional mandatory standards to be taught to our children. In fact, legislation has passed to mandate being able to read by 3rd Grade, Civic Education, Financial Literacy Education and a version of Health Education Standards. The Health Standards in that bill are defined in statute 79-712  Public school; health education; requirements. Provisions shall be made by the proper local school authorities for instructing the pupils in all public schools in a comprehensive health education program which shall include instruction (1) as to the physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects of drug use, misuse, and abuse and (2) on intellectual disability and other developmental disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, autism, and epilepsy, their causes, and the prevention thereof through proper nutrition and the avoidance of the consumption of drugs as defined in this section. For purposes of this section, drugs means any and all biologically active substances used in the treatment of illnesses or for recreation or pleasure. Special emphasis shall be placed upon the commonly abused drugs of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogenics, amphetamines, barbiturates, and narcotics. And 79-2,146.Suicide awareness and prevention training. (1) Beginning in school year 2015-16, all public school nurses, teachers, counselors, school psychologists, administrators, school social workers, and any other appropriate personnel shall receive at least one hour of suicide awareness and prevention training each year. This training shall be provided within the framework of existing inservice training programs offered by the State Department of Education or as part of required professional development activities. Comprehensive Sex Education has been introduced in Nebraska several times in the past and has failed to advance every time. When the State Board of Education took liberties beyond current State Statutes and introduced Health Education Standards with extremely controversial content, they stepped outside of their lane. I am currently working with key stakeholders to take a hard look at getting those parameters defined to prevent similar chaos from happening in the future.


I receive numerous emails every week with personal stories of Nebraskans from all ages, races and socioeconomic realities in the state. For some, the threat of a mandatory vaccine has jeopardized their health, their freedom, their place of employment and life as they’ve known it. I have added my signature, with many of my colleagues, requesting a Special Session to take a hard look at how vaccine mandates are impacting the individual lives of Nebraskans. There is a chance that a special session may not be granted. That is why I am so thankful Nebraska’s Attorney General Peterson also signed on to an Amicus Brief with 19 other Attorney Generals across the country to stand for the  individual freedoms of all Americans. Attorney General also jointly led with Missouri’s Attorney General a ten-state coalition in filing a lawsuit against the Biden Administration for imposing a vaccine mandate on federal contractors and employees. Governor Ricketts also announced that he had signed an executive order barring state agencies from enforcing coronavirus vaccine mandates on state teammates. I will continue to keep you informed as things progress.

I always enjoy hearing from you. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or

Weekly UPDATE October 22, 2021
October 22nd, 2021


Happy Halloween! What a fun time to watch our children choose a costume and trick or treating. Keep a watchful eye on the little one as we go out to celebrate another Fall tradition. Nebraskans are fortunate to live in a state where we have spectacular sunrises and sunsets. We have a Harvest Moon that our hard working farmers can use as both inspiration and as a guide to bring in yet another bountiful harvest that helps feed the world. We are loyal to our traditions that have existed for generations and finally, we as Nebraskans know that ours is a way paved with the blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers who knew the difference between right and wrong and were never afraid to say so. This year has shown me that I am representing the finest people in this republic and I am thankful. 


Many of you know Beverly Neel who has faithfully served as the Administrative Assistant in the District 17 Legislative office for the last ten years. Beverly is the person who would answer the phone when you called and faithfully helped constituents with any type of question.  She came to Lincoln during Senator Bloomfield’s term in December of 2010. Of the many things she did to make a significant difference during her time at the Capitol, Beverly was instrumental in making the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance a daily practice in the Nebraska Legislature. This week Beverly retired from her work here in Lincoln and was awarded for her excellence in service by the State. Beverly will be greatly missed by everyone in the Legislature and most importantly in our office. I wish you the best Beverly in your next season of life. 


I am continuing to work with a number of my colleagues to secure a Special Session to address vaccine mandates being put in place by the Federal government. After reaching out to the Department of Labor, I was informed that there are no details as of yet to how the President’s statements directed toward employers with over 100 employees facing potential fines of $14000 for non-compliance. I will keep you posted with the latest developments. We are hearing from many people everyday with personal stories and concerns if this moves forward.


Congressman Adrian Smith will be sending a representative from his office to our area next week to hear any thoughts or concerns we may have as his District 3 residents. Now encompasses all of District 17- if you have any questions related to the Federal delegation make time to attend one of these two events. 

Thursday, October 28 

Wayne Area Economic Development – The Max 

109 Main Street, Wayne 

11:30am – 12:45pm CT


South Sioux City, City Hall 

1615 1st Avenue, South Sioux City 

1:30pm – 2:30pm CT



This week the Nebraska Chamber hosted a Manufacturing Summit where my staff had the opportunity to take part in a unique opportunity to connect with Nebraska manufacturers as well as state and national industry speakers. The purpose was to exchange ideas and information and identify emerging trends. Covid has greatly impacted manufacturing at home and around the world. Much of the discussion centered around how to assist with a suffering global supply chain and low numbers in the workforce. It was encouraging to see how well Nebraska ranks in comparison to other states with the 4th lowest unemployment rate in the county. Governor Ricketts also shared that several both in-state and national companies are expanding significantly at their Nebraska locations, adding many attractive jobs to the state.


District 17’s own Sheryl Tietz from Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Preschool in Bancroft was awarded Early Childhood Educator of the Year. Mrs.Tietz is special to our family because our three grandchildren;  Isaac, Ben and Evelyn have all been blessed by her love and kindness and dedication. Thank you for your service Mrs. Tietz, you are making a difference. District 17 is better because you are here!

I always enjoy hearing from you. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or

Weekly UPDATE October 8, 2021
October 8th, 2021


What a delightful time to gather with friends and family to celebrate the abundant  blessings of harvest. I never get more pleasure in life than to take a meal out to my guys in the field and enjoy the progress they are making. I pray for safety not only my own family, but all Nebraskan families who are busy this time of year.

Now that Redistricting is completed my staff and I are taking a deep dive into the Legislative Bills I still have in Committee or potential new legislation.      


There are many Interim Studies taking place this Session. I sit on the Revenue Committee which held several key hearings this week:

LR23- Senator Dave Murmon introduced a Legislative Research Interim Study to examine a potential Constitutional amendment to limit property taxation for schools to residential property only. 

LR232- Senator Curt Friesen introduced an Interim Study to examine the assessment procedures of county assessors throughout the state of Nebraska.

Interim studies heard from other Committees include: 

LR145- Senator John Stinner introduced an Interim Study of the adequacy of current aged and disabled Medicaid waiver assisted-living provider rates.

LR180- Senator Lynne Walz introduced an Interim Study to examine the identification of at-risk and economically disadvantaged students as a qualification factor for state-funded, education-related programs.

LR182- Senator Lynne Walz introduced an Interim Study to examine the school enrollment options available to students.

LR209- Senator Mike McDonnell introduced an Interim Study to examine the appropriations necessary for creating public health crisis zones.

LR212- Senator Mike McDonnell introduced an Interim Study to examine the healthcare workforce shortage in Nebraska.

Together my staff and I are paying close attention to all Legislative Studies in order to discern how each issue could impact Nebraska. We don’t agree with every topic, but we are careful to stay on top of the issues because generally a Bill will follow each Legislative Study.


The Legislature will enter the Second Session of the 107th Legislature in January. At that time, we will continue the legislative process with all bills introduced last year that remain in Committee with a chance to come to the Floor for debate. I still have the following Bills remaining in the process:

LB111- First Responders- defines and enacts criminal violations related to rioting, aggressive rioting, inciting riots, looting, assault on first responders; to prescribe penalties including, but not limited to, minimum sentencing, fines, and restitution.

LB112- Open Meetings- Requires that members of the public be afforded the opportunity to speak at any public meeting subject to the Open Meetings Act.

LB280- Insurance Board- amends legislation to eliminate a state residency requirement for the board of directors of an insurance company.

LB282- Obscenity Law- Repeals the exemption from prosecution for those in educational institutions providing obscenity to minors in grades K-12.

LB325- Art Therapy -would provide for licensing of qualified art therapists as Licensed Mental Health Practitioners and Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioners with a credential as a Certified Art Therapist.

LB523- School Bonding Authority- Clarifies that the special tax (building fund) could not be used to build a new school building, add additional footage to an existing school building, or purchase sites upon which new buildings will be located. School districts looking to use the building fund for those purposes must receive approval through a vote of its citizens at a general or special election.

LB596- Higher Blend Ethanol- Creates the Nebraska Higher Blend Tax Credit Act for Nebraska retail dealers that sell and dispense E-15 or higher blends. 


I want to strongly encourage anyone interested in running for office to make sure to take a good look at the new Redistricting maps to make certain you live in the District you are interested in representing. Candidate filing information for the 2022 election cycle will become available in November. I will keep you posted. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or


Weekly UPDATE September 30, 2021
September 30th, 2021


Fall is my favorite time of the year. Not only is the foliage changing into beautiful colors, but the fields are getting ready to be harvested. I love seeing children anxious to get home from school so they can help with the chores and be the first one to jump on the combine or tractor to help grandpa and daddy harvest the crops. In September we celebrated Farm Safety and Health Week. Living in an agricultural community, we know that farm safety needs to be shifted into high gear throughout the entire Harvest season. Please be very careful to slow down for machinery on the roads, especially when traveling over hilly areas where you can come upon someone rather unexpectedly. Also, with long hours in the field, take care to get plenty of rest and eat a good diet so you can stay healthy and alert throughout the day. I want to wish everyone a safe and bountiful harvest.


Redistricting in Nebraska is complete and Governor Pete Ricketts has signed off on the final versions.  What does that mean to Legislative District 17?

Legislative District 17 (LD17) grew with the addition of Wakefield and Emerson moving into the District from Dixon County to make those communities whole.  For those who are familiar with Highway 35 coming from Emerson towards Wakefield if you continue to drive straight west along the country gravel road at the junction of Highway 35/9 this area would fill the cavity seen on the 2011 redistricting map.  The population of the redesigned LD17 is 40,122.  

Congressional District 3 (CD3) grew also with the addition of the following counties:

Washington, Burt, Thurston, Otoe and western Polk.  Making CD3 made up of 79.5 counties out of 93. Congressman Adrian Smith will continue as representative of CD3, which now includes Thurston County in Legislative District 17.

Public Service Commission D4 keeps Legislative District 17 in the same district noting that Washington and Adams counties were added and Webster, Wheeler, Greeley, and Howard counties are now in District 5.  Rod Johnson is the District 4 voting member of the Commission.

Supreme Court Judicial District 3 keeps Legislative District 17; however Platte and Colfax counties moved into District 5.  Justice William B. Cassel is the District 3 Justice.

Board of Regents District 3 keeps Legislative District 17 in place but loses Knox and Pierce counties and adds Polk, Butler and Saunders counties.  Jim Pillen is the District 3 voting member of the Board.

State Board of Education has considerable change.  Legislative District 17 was in District 3 at the 2011 redistricting; however, it is in District 6.  District 6 through the 2021 redistricting map now consists of Thurston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar, Wayne, Knox, Pierce, Antelope, Wheeler, Boone, Greeley, Nance, Howard, Merrick, Buffalo, Hall and Adams counties.  Maureen Nickels is the District 6 voting member of the Board. 


I continue to serve on the Revenue Committee. We had the opportunity to hold a special Interim Hearing on LR 261 directly following the Redistricting Session this week. The  purpose  of  the  interim  study  was  to  examine  the  structure  and administration of and compliance with Nebraska’s  Individual and Corporate Income Taxes, Financial Institutions and Insurance Premiums Taxes,  State and Local Sales and Use Taxes, Real and Personal Property Taxes, as well as other taxes. We invited 17 Nebraska based organizations to share their unique perspectives on tax reform in our state. 

For the purposes of the study, we were provided the following information on Nebraska’s tax situation as it ranks nationally. The information came from The Tax Foundation.

  • Nebraska ranks #14 for overall total tax burden for a resident at 9.01%.
  • Nebraska ranks #10 for property tax burden at 3.77%.
  • Nebraska ranks #26 for individual tax burden at 2.30%.
  • Nebraska ranks #36 for total sales and excise tax burden at 2.94%.
  • Individual income tax rates in Nebraska are 6.84%.
  • Nebraska ranks #29 for combined state and average local sales tax rates at  6.94%.
  • Nebraska ranked #7 in 2019 for property taxes at 1.54%.


Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Dakota City Fire Department’s “Bells Across America” service to remember fallen firefighters, Captain Andy Zalme, Captain Eric Speck, and Firefighter Lowell Satterwhite. No words can convey our deep appreciation of these local heroes. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.


I greatly appreciate the hospitality of the Darling family hosting myself and the History Nebraska staff for a tour of The Palace Hotel. What a delight to see the extensive renovation work being done. While we were in town, the Nebraska History staff and I also drove to Walthill to admire the progress taking place at the historic Susan La Flesche Picotte Hospital. I look forward to seeing the positive impact the Nebraska Historic Tax Credit has on the communities of Pender and Walthill for decades to come.


I was excited to hear that the Class of 2025 at Wayne State College is one of the largest Freshman classes in the College’s history totalling 801 students. Wayne State’s headcount increased by 384 students over 2020, with significant gains in degree-seeking students.  Wayne State has also made substantial headway in its 4-year graduation rate for undergraduates, which has grown by 3.5%. The College also experienced a considerable increase in graduate students (8.6%), the largest increase in over 30 years. Congratulations Wayne State College, we are proud to have you in District 17.

If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or

Weekly UPDATE August 30, 2021
August 30th, 2021


The 2021 Nebraska State Fair kicked off this week and Mike and I were thrilled to spend the weekend in Grand Island enjoying the wonderful tradition of the best Nebraska has to offer; agriculture, families and cotton candy! I want to encourage everyone to make the Nebraska State Fair an annual festivity with friends and family. Many people go to significant effort to make it an excellent event for Nebraskans to enjoy. Let’s continue to keep it thriving in our state.


Our thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families of the members of our Armed Forces who lost their lives helping Americans trying to escape Afghanistan.  U.S. Marine Corporal Daegan Page of Nebraska was one who died in the terrorist attack in Kabul. These brave and selfless acts are an example to all Americans and to everyone around the globe. May God bless our troops and may God bless the United States of America.


I will be headed back to Lincoln on September 13 for a special Redistricting Session of the Legislature. Together we will work to enact legislation related to redistricting the boundaries of Supreme Court judicial districts, Public Service Commission districts, Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska districts, State Board of Education districts, Legislative districts, and Congressional districts. The process takes place every 10 years and I count it a privilege to be involved in it during my tenure as a State Senator.


Friday, September 3rd the State Board of Education will meet at the LaVista/Hotel & Conference Center Windsor V, 12520 Westport Parkway LaVista. They want members of the public to enter from the main entrance of the LaVista Conference Center. I and my colleagues will be keeping a close watch on the board’s next steps in order to make sure the children of Nebraska are afforded a healthy, safe, excellent education. Personally, I would like to see the State Board of Education concentrate on raising our assessment scores in the core subjects, Math Science, English, History and Social Studies. They are the most important building blocks to our children’s education.

I always appreciate hearing from you, the Constituents of District 17. Your input helps me know how to effectively serve you in the Legislature. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or


Weekly UPDATE August 20, 2021
August 20th, 2021


One of my favorite things about living in the rural Nebraska culture is the way our local school is the hub of our community. Our children and their progress inspire something in us that reflects great hope for our future. We know each other’s children and grandchildren well and to get to see them develop right in front of our eyes. That is about as rich as life can get… and this school year will be no different!


The 2021 Nebraska State Fair will begin on Friday, August 27 and ends on Monday, September 6.

Mike and I are excited to see our grandchildren show their exhibits and enjoy the tradition of great music and fun each year at the State Fair.


Many of my constituents are contacting me out of their concern about the mandates being put in place forcing employees, nursing home residents, the Nebraska National Guard, etc. to receive a Covid vaccination in order to remain employed and enjoy the freedoms that our constitution guarantees. During the last Session Senator Ben Hansen introduced LB 643 which protects an individual’s right to accept or decline a vaccination under a mandatory directive. LB 643 maintains the individual liberty, parental rights, and free market principles of the citizens and businesses of Nebraska during a state of emergency declared by the Governor, or anytime thereafter, it is the right of each citizen, the right of parents with respect to their dependents, and the right of each business with respect to its employees, to accept or decline a mandatory vaccination directive by the Nebraska state government. The bill currently sits in the Health and Human Services Committee until at least January, but I want to assure you that I believe it is the right and privilege for every American to decide for themselves whether or not to receive medical care of any kind, and will be voting in full support of LB643.


Governor Pete Ricketts published an article this week that I greatly appreciated and because I believe it is extremely important for all Nebraskans to be aware of, I have included it below. 

“In the next year, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to make its most important decision regarding abortion law and states’ rights in over a quarter-century.  The Court’s ruling could overturn Roe v. Wade and give states more latitude in passing pro-life initiatives, including legislation limiting abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. 

 In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision deprived Nebraska and other states of the authority to prohibit abortions before a baby can viably live outside of his or her mother’s womb.  Prior to Roe, many states banned or limited the killing of unborn babies.  After the court’s decision, judges have applied the viability standard to abortion law, but with scientific and medical advances the point of viability has been changing as premature babies survive earlier and earlier. The Roe decision not only ignored the humanity of unborn children, but it was also decided on the basis of novel legal doctrine.  In his dissenting opinion, Justice William Rehnquist, who heard the case and later served as Chief Justice, strongly condemned the Court’s majority opinion.  “To reach its result,” he wrote, “the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment.”  He presented convincing historical evidence showing that Congress, in passing the Fourteenth Amendment, had never intended to prevent states from enacting legislation to restrict abortion. In effect, the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe decision singlehandedly amended the U.S. Constitution to protect abortion.  In doing so, the Court usurped the authority given to Congress and the states in Article V of the Constitution to decide on amendments to our country’s most important governing document.  Because this decision circumvented the amendment process and usurped states’ rights, it has lacked legitimacy since it was decided.  

 Fast forward to the present: The State of Mississippi has taken legal action to challenge Roe v. Wade by asking the Supreme Court to review the authority of states to regulate abortion.  In May, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case, which is known as Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.  The question at hand in the Dobbs case is whether Mississippi law can prohibit abortion after 15 weeks of gestation.  Both chambers of Mississippi’s legislature passed the bill with overwhelming majorities.  After Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed it into law, an abortion clinic—Jackson Women’s Health Organization—sought to have the law overturned.  The Supreme Court is expected to hear the Dobbs case during its 2021-2022 term, which means it will likely be decided sometime next year.

Nebraska is a pro-life state, and we will be watching the Dobbs case closely.  Nebraska state law says that it is “the will of the people of the State of Nebraska and the members of the Legislature to provide protection for the life of the unborn child whenever possible.”  In Nebraska, we have a long tradition of protecting unborn life through state law.  In recent years, State Senators Joni Albrecht, Suzanne Geist, and others have championed legislation to protect the lives of babies and support mothers.

       In 2017, Senator Joni Albrecht championed the Compassionate Care for Medically Challenging Pregnancies Act.  Tragically, some unborn children are diagnosed with lethal fetal anomalies.  The Compassionate Care Act ensures that doctors fully equip women with information on perinatal hospice care at the time of these difficult diagnoses.  By doing so, patients and their families gain immediate awareness of resources and support services to help them cope with this heartbreaking challenge.

  •       In 2018, the Legislature approved LB 1040, another bill sponsored by Senator Albrecht, to provide commemorative certificates to mothers who miscarry.  The bill affirms the dignity of life and humanely acknowledges the loss that a mother undergoes through miscarriage.
  •       In 2019, Senator Albrecht successfully secured the passage of a bill to bolster the state’s informed consent protections.  It requires doctors to direct women to information on how to reverse the abortion pill when the drug is prescribed. 
  •       In 2020, Senator Geist put forward LB 814 to end the barbaric practice of dismemberment abortion in Nebraska.  It’s the most consequential pro-life legislation enacted in our state over the past decade.
  •       This year, State Senators worked together to pass a new tax credit for families who have a stillborn baby to help offset medical bills, burial expenses, and costs of preparing for the baby’s arrival.

And it’s not just state government stepping up.  Nebraska’s crisis pregnancy centers are doing great work every day across our state to provide services to expectant mothers and help them learn about pro-life alternatives to abortion.  Leaders like Toni Clarke of Assure Women’s Center in Omaha and Sarah Kroner of Women’s Care Center in Lincoln are dedicated, compassionate advocates for the welfare of women and babies. Moving forward, we will continue to work together to protect life in Nebraska.  If you have questions about any of these pro-life initiatives or any other matter, please contact my office at or 402-471-2244.  As the Supreme Court takes up the Dobbs case, it is my hope that their decision will return abortion law to the states, so Nebraska and others can take action to protect the right to life.”


There are currently two petitions active in Nebraska, a constitutional amendment requiring photo ID for voters, and medical cannabis proponents are opting for two initiatives, one removing criminal penalties for medical use and one protecting producers and suppliers. 

I always appreciate hearing from you, the Constituents of District 17. Your input helps me know how to effectively serve you in the Legislature. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or


Weekly UPDATE August 13, 2021
August 13th, 2021


A fresh start with new opportunities can change the trajectory of our year in new and empowering ways. With the school year 2021-22 kicking off, I look forward to seeing all the new ways the youth in our district learn and grow this year. I want to wish all of our students and teachers from elementary to college well as they step into a new season.

I want to extend my sincere appreciation to the over 50 school districts across Nebraska who publicly stood to let the parents and guardians in their local communities know that they would not allow Comprehensive Sex Education or Critical Race Theory to infiltrate the wholesome environment we have fought to provide for our children in Nebraska. The courage and intentionality each board member showed is to be commended… well done! As we look to our future, it is of utmost importance that we understand the value of boldly standing for what we believe is right, and these school board members are an excellent example of this to us all. I especially want to thank the District 17 school districts of Pender, Wakefield and Winnebago who have sent Resolutions in opposition to the proposed Health Standards. Your diligent watchfulness makes District 17 a better place to raise the next generation. 


The Nebraska Chamber held a Legislative Summit this week at the SAC Museum in Ashland. We had the privilege of hearing from keynote speaker Jill O’Donnell, the Director of the Clayton Yeutter Institute of International Trade and Finance who addressed issues critical to maintaining the competitiveness of Nebraska business and trade. There was also a Q&A with Congressional Representatives Senator Deb Fischer, Senator Ben Sasse, Representative Jeff Fortenberry, Representative Adrian Smith and Representative Don Bacon. They all gave insightful information on world trade, taxes, immigration, education, business partnerships, workforce and regulation.


I-129 both directions between Exit 2: Dakota Avenue and Iowa State Line (South Sioux City). 

Road construction work is in progress and the roadway is reduced to one lane. Traffic maintained, one lane road eastbound and westbound, bridge repair is anticipated and completion date is November 2021.

I- 129 Both directions between the start of I-129 and Iowa State Line (South Sioux City). Traffic restrictions are in force. There is a 12-foot width limit. Traffic maintained eastbound and westbound pavement and patching and bridge repair eastbound loop at Dakota Ave interchange closed, use marked detour. Anticipated completion is September 2021.

I always appreciate hearing from you, the Constituents of District 17. Your input helps me know how to effectively serve you in the Legislature. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or

Weekly UPDATE August 6, 2021
August 5th, 2021


It has been a busy and exciting time of travel the last couple of weeks, but I am so glad to be home for the Dakota-Thurston County Fair this weekend. I love seeing all of the exhibits watching all of the children compete in 4-H Livestock Shows, especially our grandchildren as they show their bucket calves, breeding and market cattle. 

Mike and I just returned home from a trip to Salt Lake City where we attended the American Legislative Exchange Council Conference. It was an extremely informative and beneficial time for those in attendance.

Then it was out to Kearney for Governor Ricketts’ first Ag and Economic Development Summit where I participated in the Next Generation Value Added Ag, Growing Education Opportunities, Building a Broadband Infrastructure, and Protecting Private Property classes. The highlight was hearing Terry Branstad, the 12th U.S. Ambassador to China and former Governor of Iowa, was the keynote speaker. Mr. Banstad, the longest serving Governor in American history, openly shared many experiences that inspired over 400 leaders in attendance. 

Northeast Community College-Wayne State College Agreement

I also had the opportunity to meet with the president of Wayne State College, Dr. Marysz Rames and Chancellor Paul Turman of the Nebraska State College System. They shared some exciting news that will create new opportunities for students and business leaders right here in our own backyard. They the presidents of Northeast Community College and Wayne State College have signed a Memorandum of Agreement that creates the Associate of Applied Science/Bachelor of Science Technology program. It allows graduates who complete their associate degrees at Northeast to transfer all of their completed academic credits to Wayne State to study industrial technology and earn a bachelor degree. The agreement has the potential to strengthen the region’s industrial technology workforce.

 Students enrolled in a number of concentrations qualify for the new program including agriculture, business services, computer, construction, drafting, industrial management, industrial trades, management services, manufacturing, and safety-related occupations. Transfer students from Northeast will have the opportunity to apply for transfer student scholarships through Wayne State.

 Northeast Community College and Wayne State College have had a long-standing working and transfer relationship to serve students since 1986. Over the years, various institutional and programmatic agreements have been signed to create a seamless transfer of pathways for students between the two colleges. In addition, both institutions offer classes in the College Center in South Sioux City.

 Health Education Standards

The Nebraska Department of Education held a public hearing on Friday, August 6th for the second draft of their Health Education Standards. After reading the draft, I find myself asking, “who gave the NDE the authority to spend the time, energy and taxpayer money and resources to put together their new Health Standards?”  Was it the State Board of Education? Was it Commissioner Blomstedt? And why are we even talking about adding so many topics for our teachers to teach when they are already working so hard. I believe we should stay focused on the core topics: Math, English and Science so that when our children graduate and head on into all that life holds for them, they are well prepared to thrive from the excellent education they received in District 17. 

That question prompted me to do some research. Each year the Nebraska Department of Education makes the Nebraska Education Profile (NEP) available. It provides information and data about Nebraska public schools and student performance. The NEP highlights the performance of students by district and school building in English language Arts, mathematics, writing, and science. Beginning in 2017, 11th grade was tested via the ACT. The 2017 & 2018 statewide percentages include only students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade alternate assessment students. The NEP represents a transformation of data from the State of the Schools Report and is intended to help inform the public and school officials about school and district performance. The NEP is also intended to inform parents, community leaders, and policymakers about our education system and to provide data needed for sound decision making by education leaders. The NEP will continue to grow and change as data is added to the system.

The NDE suggests that our school district officials can best explain local data and how it applies to the district, but encourages us to take time to explore the NEP and learn how schools and students in your community are performing. They encourage parents to talk to the teachers of their students, and to local school officials, about the results and the needs of their students.

So I had my staff compile the following Education Profile Report on each school in District 17. Due to Covid, the most recent data available is 2018-2019.


School Date English Math Science
Bancroft-Rosalie 2018-2019 41% 51% 84%
Emerson- Hubbard 2018-2019 48% 48% 61%
Homer 2018-2019 51% 53% 63%
Pender 2018-2019 77% 85% 84%
So Sioux City 2018-2019 45% 53% 56%
Umo N Ho N 2018-2019 5% * *
Wakefield 2018-2019 53% 58% 67%
Walthill 2018-2019 14% 15% *
Wayne 2018-2019 55% 56% 77%
Winnebago 2018-2019 23% 17% 30%
Winside 2018-2019 56% 45% 88%
State of Nebraska 2018-2019 52% 52% 66%


* This website masks or hides data for groups with fewer than 10 students to protect confidential information about individual students as required by federal law.  

I encourage you to take the time to review the second draft for yourself at 

The August 6th State Board of Education meeting was recorded and is available on the NDE YouTube channel. Link to Live Internet Broadcast:

Legislative Page Program

The application process for the Page Program at the Legislature is now available to any Nebraska college student who may be interested. The deadline for submitting page applications and letters of recommendation for the 2022 legislative session will be Friday, October 1 at 5:00 p.m. The page selection committee will meet in October to select individuals to fill those

positions. For more information, go to Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. 

I always appreciate hearing from you, the Constituents of District 17. Your input helps me know how to effectively serve you in the Legislature. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or

Weekly UPDATE July 23, 2021
August 3rd, 2021


It’s hard to believe that the summer is nearing an end and just around the corner our schools will be opening their doors. I hope that the children in District 17 have had a chance to enjoy a summer full of rest and fun.

As we prepare for the 2021-22 school year, I cannot help but think about curriculums and the situation we have faced this year with the unacceptable Health Education Standards proposed by the Nebraska Department of Education.

I have been at a National Conference for Legislators this week, where numerous national education statistics are being reported. It has been a bit sobering to see where Nebraska stands academically in comparison to other states. We simply need to go back to the basics, where our focus is doing an excellent job teaching Math, English, Science, Social Studies and History. Though it is vital for every child to learn the value of taking care of themselves and other people, those things are and should be taught first by parents and guardians. If children do not get an excellent education in the core subjects between K-12, it is probable they never will, and that will greatly affect their ability to thrive throughout their lifetime. 

Currently, 49 School Districts across the state have stood in public opposition to the first draft of the Nebraska Department of Education Health Standards,  they are: Alma, Arcadia, Amherst, Axtell, Beatrice, Bertrand, Boyd County, Broken Bow, Bruning- Davenport, Cairo, Chase County, Clarkson, Columbus, Cozad, Eustis-Farnam, Gehring, Gordon- Rushville, Gothenburg, Harrison/Sioux, Hayes Center, Hitchcock County, Holdrege, Keya Paha, Lincoln Christian, Logan View- Hooper, Loomis, Loop County, Madison, Mayfield, Maywood, McCook, Mead, Mullen, Newman Grove, Norfolk, O’Neill, Potter-Dix, Scottsbluff, Sidney, Thayer Central/ Hebron, Thedford, Yutan, Wakefield, Wallace, Weeping Water, Wilcox- Hildreth, Winnebago and Wood River.

The second Health Standard draft came out this week. I would implore any local school boards in District 17 and throughout our state who have not signed the Resolution, to join the thousands of Nebraskans who are greatly concerned, and reject the proposed Health Standards all together. 

I am in complete agreement with Governor Ricketss when he said, “While this new draft of the health education standards scraps many of the topics Nebraskans found objectionable, the standards still need improvement, for example, this draft proposes to teach the concept of ‘gender identity.’ The continued presence of gender ideology in the standards leaves the door open for this material to be expanded either before these draft standards are approved or in future years when these standards are revisited. Sex education and other controversial topics should be addressed at home.This responsibility should not be shouldered by teachers in schools.”

I encourage you to take the time to review the second draft for yourself. I know it is not convenient to sit down and read, but as the gatekeepers for our children’s minds and hearts, it is VITAL that we proactively engage ourselves in stewarding their education. I can tell you, there are others who absolutely have an agenda for our children, and if we do not pay attention, they will win this battle. You can review the new draft  at 

Next Friday, August 6 at 9:00 am the State Board of Education will hold its next meeting at the Nebraska Innovation Campus, 2021 Transformation Drive, Lincoln, NE 68508. Access to the meeting will be made available to members of the public and members of the media at the meeting site and by live internet broadcast via the Nebraska Department of Education’s YouTube channel. The meeting will be recorded and available after the meeting on the NDE YouTube channel. Link to Live Internet Broadcast:

In the meantime, continue to contact your state and local school board members and representatives and ask them to sign on the Resolution rejecting the draft of the proposed Health Education Standards. I am so proud of the hundreds and even thousands of Nebraska’s parents, grandparents, teachers and guardians who have drawn a line in the sand and made their voices heard, that teaching our children value systems that we do not align with is not going to be okay here in this great state.

I always appreciate hearing from you, the Constituents of District 17. Your input helps me know how to effectively serve you in the Legislature. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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