The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

The content of these pages is developed and maintained by, and is the sole responsibility of, the individual senator's office and may not reflect the views of the Nebraska Legislature. Questions and comments about the content should be directed to the senator's office at

February 18th, 2022


It seems hard to believe we are 28 days into our 60 day Session this year. There are a unique set of challenges that come with a shorter Session. Having carried over any unfinished business from last year, as well as the new proposed legislation working through the system, it is very challenging for Senators to get everything heard and out of Committee and onto the Floor for debate. That being said, I am proud of my colleagues for their hard work on extremely important legislation that is being heard at the Capitol.

Income and Corporate Tax Relief

Every year the Revenue Committee works on tax reform to address the three legged stool of income tax, property tax and sales tax. This past week we have been hearing a great deal about reducing income tax and corporate tax to be more inline with other states in the country I wholeheartedly believe that if we want youth to stay and companies to be attracted to Nebraska, we have to get the taxes that effect them the most to be lowered. 

Senator Linehan has introduced LB939 which would gradually lower our top income tax rate from 6.84% to 5.84%. Some have tried to brand this as a tax cut for the wealthy.  The truth is that this relief would be available to all Nebraskans with a taxable income of $32,210 a year, or families with a taxable income of $64,430 a year. We must also recognize that our income tax rates are not competitive within the region.  The only state around us with a higher income tax rate is Iowa, and they’re considering major income tax cuts this year that will usher in rates well below Nebraska’s.  To grow Nebraska, we must follow the trend of lowering income tax rates.  We want our kids and grandkids to stay here in the Good Life.  A competitive tax climate will help us keep our children and families in Nebraska.  Without action, we risk being an outlier in the region for our high tax rates.

State Board of Education Bill

This week I presented LB768 to the Education Committee. LB768 does two things:

  1. removes the word “comprehensive” in section 79-712 from the health education program, and 2. prohibits the State Board of Education from developing, approving, distributing, adopting or promulgating any academic content standards in a new content area that is not explicitly authorized in Nebraska statute.

To give you a little background, in 2000 the Unicameral gave the State Board of Education and the Nebraska Board of Education a legislative mandate to develop measurable standards for core subjects. Over the past decade, the State Board of Education and the Nebraska Department of Education have expanded their reach into non-core subjects, which was fine until last year when they created a Health Education Standard that introduced a tremendous amount of controversial content. 

The Health Education Standards have created a crisis of confidence in the State Board of Education and our Department of Education. An overwhelming number of Nebraska parents, grandparents, teachers and others from all corners of the state are standing in opposition to this content. They are now mobilized, and showing up by the hundreds at every State Board of Education and local school board meetings since March of 2021. 

The State Board of Education and the Department of Education stepped outside of their jurisdiction when they published a Health Education Standards draft that introduced such controversial content unrepresentative of the majority of Nebraskans.

All taxpayer funded agencies require transparency and oversight. Local control is set forth by our Founding Fathers and Nebraska has embraced this idea since it became a state. Local control is HOW we prevent another disaster like the proposed Health Educational Standards. Parents are the primary educators of their children. There is no purer form of local control than a parent/guardian directing their child’s education. 

I think it is important for all Nebraskans to know that the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, in Article 7 says that the State Department of Education shall have general supervision and administration of the  school system of the state and of such other activities as the Legislature may direct. It also says that the duties and powers of the State Board of Education shall be prescribed by the Legislature and that the Commissioner of Education shall have power and duties as the Legislature may direct. Clearly, in Nebraska, the State Board of Education, the Department of Education and the Commissioner of Education are all to be directed by the Legislature. 

The Legislature’s job is clear, we should keep it short and simple- the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, along with the Commissioner should focus on improving the standards they have been authorized to formulate by the legislature and everything else should be returned to and be decided by the local schools. It is my belief that the corner has been turned, trust needs to be built. It is time to listen to our teachers, administrators and parents in our local districts their ideas about what is going on in our schools. The shortage of teachers is alarming. Teachers retiring early,  substitutes are hard to come by and the number of college graduates selecting a career in teaching is dwindling. Teaching is not the favored profession it used to be. I think we have to ask ourselves, why is that? When we make mandates in our schools that require teaching outside of the core subjects, we are putting many people in a position they won’t stay in. Not only are the parents and children suffering, but teachers are the very core, who we need the most to help us  get through this tenuous time, and we are driving them away. We need to give each school district, principles, superintendents, and teachers the tools they need to create the best environment they see fit to set our children up for the best environment to flourish. Let’s let them get back to the basics. 

Academic Transparency Bill

In hopes of fostering a stronger relationship between the school and the parents, Bellevue Senator Rita Sanders, introduced LB1158, a needed update to a nearly 30-year-old state law requiring public schools to develop and adopt policies on parental involvement.

Under LB1158, the policy would include how the district will provide parents and guardians access to digital and learning materials and training materials for teachers, administrators and staff as well as procedures for the review and approval of such materials and activities, among other information. The policy would have to describe under what circumstances a parent or guardian could ask that their child be excused from learning materials, activities and guest speakers that the parent finds objectionable. Parents already may request that their children be excused from testing, classroom instruction and other school experiences. LB1158 would require a “reasonable opportunity for public comments” at a required public hearing on the policy.

The bill also would require each school district to make all district and school policies accessible by a prominent link on the school’s website and make a reasonable effort to make any learning materials available for public inspection upon request. If the commissioner of education determines that a school district has failed to comply with the bill’s requirements, the commissioner would be required to direct that the district’s state aid be withheld and that any county with territory in the district withhold all money belonging to the district.

Nebraska AG Youth Institute

Apply now to attend one of the biggest youth agriculture outreach events in the

state—the Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute (NAYI). NAYI brings together high school juniors and seniors to learn more about Nebraska agriculture, network with agriculture leaders and discover the many careers available in agriculture. The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) helps sponsor and coordinate NAYI every year.

NAYI will be held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s East Campus July 11–15, 2022.

Applications for NAYI are available at and must be submitted online. Current high school juniors and seniors interested in attending have until April 15, 2022, to apply. This year’s theme is “Cultivating Connections.” For more information contact Christin Kamm at 402-471-6856.

I always appreciate each of you who intentionally stays informed and engaged in the Legislative process. If you have taken the time to reach out to my office, please understand that with over 1200 bills being heard over the next 60 days, I am not able to personally respond to all of the emails and calls I receive. Have a great week!

February 11th, 2022


Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope this season finds you enjoying the love and close relationships you are blessed with. Mike and I have enjoyed the wonderful weather and chance to be out and about visiting friends and family more than some Nebraska February’s have offered. 

My Priority Bill

This was a big week for my office in the Legislature. I presented my Priority Bill, LB1213 to the Judiciary Committee. In fact, when I first heard about it I found it quite difficult to believe. Let me start by setting the context. During the summer research season my staff came across many states that are struggling with defining what content children have access to in the educational setting. We learned that there are primarily two companies that provide educational research databases to nearly every school, not only in Nebraska, or in America, but in Australia, and Great Britain and around the world. Marketing themselves specifically for Kindergarten through 12th grade, these educational research database providers/vendors will tell you that they provide a safe environment for students to learn.The reality is that many people from many states have told the providers about the inappropriate content the students are coming across, often accidentally. Though these companies will remove the specific identified link for that school, they do not remove it from all schools and make no attempt to clean them all up.  Be aware that we are not dealing with mild or arguable pornography.  Researchers have found the most vile and graphic obscenity on K-12 school databases, including many that encourage violence. It is our responsibility as Legislators, teachers and parents to ensure that taxpayer dollars are not used to provide logins and devices that are a safe environment to grow and learn so every K-12 student can become what they were meant to be under our watch.

I met with the Nebraska Library Commission and learned that they are the entity in our state that negotiates a contract with the educational research database providers. Their contract provides educational research databases for nearly every school in Nebraska.

LB1213 does three things. 

  1. It requires education research database providers to filter and block obscene materials to minors as defined by Nebraska statute. 
  2. It gives a school and/or the Nebraska Library Commission the legal authority to end a contract if the provider does not remove the inappropriate content in sufficient time and in a sufficient way. 
  3. It establishes an annual reporting mechanism where all schools in Nebraska submit all noncompliant incidents to the governor and to the Legislative Education Committee.

Nebraska’s parents and teachers are more astute than ever as to what is happening in our schools. This Legislature owes it to Nebraska’s children, parents, teachers, librarians and schools to stop K-12 children from being exposed to obscene consent in the name of education, paid for by Nebraska’s tax dollars. As Senators, together we can easily hold educational research database providers/vendors accountable for obscene content included in the databases they are currently providing to our K-12th children.

Upcoming Senator’s Priority Bills

Brandt -LB543-Agriculture Equipment Right to Repair Act 

Brewer-LB773-Provide for carrying of concealed handgun without a permit 

Erdman-LR264CA-Retail consumption taxes and excise taxes.

Gragert-LB925-Adopt the Resilient Soils and Water Quality Act 

Hilgers-LB933-Adopt the Nebraska Human Life Protection Act

McDonnell-LB1023-Lake Development Act & Water Recreation Enhancement Act

Sanders-LB1158-Parental involvement in and access to learning materials 

COVID -19 Vaccine Mandates

LB906, introduced by Blair Senator Ben Hansen, would apply to all employer COVID-19 vaccine mandates by Nebraska entities with 20 or more employees.

The amendment that replaced the bill would require the state Department of Health and Human Services to create and publish a form on its website to be filled out by employees seeking an exemption based either on a healthcare practitioner’s recommendation or the individual’s sincerely held religious belief, practice or observance. LB906 would apply to entities with one or more employees, including state agencies and other political subdivisions. The federal government, any corporation wholly owned by the federal government, Indian tribes and bona fide private membership clubs, other than labor organizations, that are exempt from federal taxation would be exempted from the bill’s provisions. Under LB906, employers could require unvaccinated employees to wear personal protective equipment or submit to COVID-19 testing at the employer’s expense. After adoption of the amendments, senators advanced LB906 to Select File on a 33-0 vote.

Debate on School Funding

This week the Legislature had some serious conversations about education funding and the appropriate ratio of taxes to provide for it with a first-round debate on LB890, a package of bills to provide an extensive rewrite to the state’s education formula known as TEEOSA. Through a variety of mechanisms, the bill would direct $730 million more in state funding to schools. The pay-for companion bill, LB891, introduced by Senator Brett Lindstrom is still in committee. Without those pay-fors, the legislature would be on the hook for finding that $730 million to fund this rewrite of the formula. The proposed pay-fors in LB891, though, would eliminate net option payments, direct a half-cent of sales tax and repurpose the Property Tax Incentive Act, which currently distributes property income tax credits to Nebraskans for property taxes paid. While I am in full support of public schools, enhancing TEEOSA for some doesn’t mean it is enhanced for all. Two years ago the Legislature passed LB1107, the ImagiNE Act. I am not in favor of those taxpayer credits to be used as a funding source for this legislation. After six hours of debate Senator Walz asked for a Speaker hold with the intention of hopefully working with others on the bill. In my opinion with only 36 days left, I don’t see this coming back until a much later date.

I always appreciate each of you who intentionally stays informed and engaged in the Legislative process. If you have taken the time to reach out to my office, please understand that with over 1200 bills being heard over the next 60 days, I am not able to personally respond to all of the emails and calls I receive. That being said, it is great when you are watching to see which bills make it to the Floor and let me know what you think about them. That helps me make decisions that best represent District 17. I hope you have a great week!

February 4th, 2022


This was a very full week of Legislative duties. During our morning Floor debates we debated a number of Senator Priority Bills. The afternoons are filled with Committee hearings, of which I sit on the Revenue and Transportation and Telecommunications Committees. Many organizations hold gatherings during the evenings, giving Senators an opportunity to meet leadership representatives and learn more about all that is taking place in business and trade across the state. Any time in between those meetings, my staff and I strategize with stakeholders and leaders to hone my bills and perspectives on other legislation that has been introduced. I count it an honor to represent District 17. 

A Bill to Help Rural Pharmacies

LB767, which, advanced this week, was introduced by Senator Mark Kolterman of Seward, would establish licensure and regulation standards for pharmacy benefit managers — companies that manage prescription drug benefits on behalf of health insurers — by the state Department of Insurance. The bill will provide much needed regulation of PBMs, reduce pharmacy administrative costs and allow small pharmacies to better compete with larger ones. PBMs effectively have created a monopoly in Nebraska and are causing prescription drug prices to increase.

School District Property Tax Limitation

Albion Senator Tom Briese, sponsored LB986 to put a cap on public schools’ taxing authority. I co-sponsored this bill, which advanced to this week. I believe this bill is critical if the Legislature is to direct more state funding to schools in an effort to reduce an overreliance on property taxes to fund public education. Under LB986, a district’s property tax request — the amount of taxes requested to be raised through its levy — could not exceed its property tax request authority, which the state Department of Education would calculate each year. The resulting amount then would decrease by an amount equal to the increase in a district’s non-property-tax revenue, which includes certain state sources. If revenue from those sources decreases, a district’s property tax request would increase by an equal amount. This floating cap would ensure that any new state aid to public schools results in property tax relief. Requiring a vote of the people would give taxpayers an opportunity to say ‘no’ if the increases are inappropriate at that time or to approve an override if school boards have made a good case for that.

My bills this week:

LB1213 – would ensure that outside database providers contracted to provide educational research database resources to students in grades K- 12 make obscene and harmful materials unavailable; and to cause the Nebraska Library Commission and the State Department of Education to submit an annual report; and to provide a civil cause of action for failure in this area. K-12 students in schools throughout Nebraska are given access to curated databases for study and research on 100,000s of publications. The multinational companies who make billions on these school databases market K-12 versions of the databases as “age-appropriate” and safe for children. These databases contain obscenity – illegal under Nebraska law. Once these databases are accessed, the filters installed by the schools, and by parents on home computers, no longer have any effect. The schools and parents are all but helpless to protect their children from illegal obscenity that is so graphic it can truly warp minds. It is easy for a child innocently to stumble into graphic obscenity on these databases, without looking for it. Most people do not realize this situation exists. Even many schools and school districts are unaware.

The companies are well aware of the situation, and the technology exists to fix it with relative ease. Nonetheless, the companies do not generally filter/block obscene material, but rather just respond to a particular complaint and remove the specific link that has been accessed. There is no possible way for schools or parents to catch all such obscene entries in an ever changing database of 100,000s publications. LB 1213 requires all such providers of online materials and databases to filter/block materials obscene as to minors. 

LB1240- is a bill I am carrying for the Governor that would appropriate federal funds to the State Department of Education to provide Family-Directed Education Recovery Program. The recommendation includes $30 million in 2021-22 and an additional $30 million in 2022-23 for a three-year program to provide for low-income children and families. This three-year pilot program will provide direct assistance to children in K-12 for the 2022-2025 school years. For each school year, up to $20 million will be allocated to parents for educational expenses to address learning loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility for Nebraska children will be determined if a child is eligible for the federal free lunch program, and attends grades K-12 in a public, non-public, or exempt school. A child can receive up to $2,000 of benefit per school year for educational services that include but are not limited to; private school tuition, tutoring, digital learning subscriptions, exempt school curriculum, and other K-12 educational services. This program does not authorize the purchasing of computing devices or equipment, as other federal funding has been made available to make these devices accessible to children covered in this program. 

Newspaper for Kids

This week I learned of a new publication and reading program our community newspapers are providing to our local schools. KID SCOOP NEWS NEBRASKA was initiated last September as a partnership between community newspapers and students in grades 3-5. The Nebraska Press Association and its member newspapers have undertaken this program to try to help improve reading scores and to improve literacy in Nebraska. The youth oriented publication is delivered by local newspaper publishers and staff at the beginning of each month to the schools, at no cost. Each month 10,000 copies are delivered to 580 classrooms, in 91 districts across 23 counties. I received copies of several issues that I found absolutely fascinating and creatively laid. I congratulate the local newspapers for investing in the next generation of Nebraskans in such an impactful way,  I can’t wait to go through them with my grandchildren!

I always appreciate each of you who intentionally stays informed and engaged in the Legislative process. If you have taken the time to reach out to my office, please understand that with over 1200 bills being heard over the next 60 days, I am not able to personally respond to all of the emails and calls I receive. Have a great week!

January 28th, 2022


Last weekend my family and I had the delightful opportunity to join hundreds of Nebraskans at the Nebraska Family Alliance annual banquet. What an encouragement to learn all that is taking place across the country to stand up for those most vulnerable in our country. I will also be joining many state and local leaders for Nebraska Right to Life’s Walk for Life in Lincoln this weekend. 

School Choice Week in Nebraska

In Governor Ricketts’ proclamation of School Choice Week he said, “We need to empower families to choose the best educational setting for their children. Giving parents and students this freedom will provide the next generation of Nebraskans with expanded opportunity for an excellent education.” Senators Lou Ann Linehan, Dave Murman and myself urged our colleagues in the Unicameral to support school choice legislation, like LB364, so that all families in Nebraska have the ability to choose the educational option best suited for their children. Nebraska is one of just two states in America that has not enacted a school choice policy.

Social Security Income Tax Phase-Out

The Legislature passed LB825 42-0-1 to speed up the eventual elimination of state taxation of Social Security income. I co-sponsored the bill introduced by Omaha Senator Brett Lindstrom, which sets the exemption on such income, to the extent that it is included in federal adjusted gross income, at 20 percent in tax year 2022. The exemption then is scheduled to increase 10 percent per year until reaching 50 percent in tax year 2025, with the stated intention of eliminating the tax entirely in 2030. It is projected that LB825 will benefit some 325,000 retirees across Nebraska.

The Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act

Senator Tom Briese of Albion introduced LB723, a state tax credit intended to offset part of Nebraskans’ property tax bill. It would create a refundable income tax credit based on the amount an eligible taxpayer paid in property taxes to their school district during the previous year. The credit is equal to a percentage set by the state Department of Revenue multiplied by the amount of school district taxes paid. LB would ensure that the credit does not drop below its current amount of $548 million, which is an approximately 25 percent rebate on the amount paid in school property taxes. Under Briese’s proposal, the credit could increase by an allowable growth percentage beginning in tax year 2024. The percentage is equal to the growth in statewide real property value and cannot exceed 5 percent in any one year. The bill has passed from General to Select File.

Chief Justice Addresses the Unicameral

Last week Chief Justice Michael Heavican of the Nebraska Supreme Court delivered his State of the Judiciary address to the Unicameral. He noted the importance of Nebraskans being able to maintain access to the courts during a challenging year of logistical obstacles and staff shortages due to Covid 19. One highlight of the past year was the work of the statewide restorative justice initiative which requires juvenile law violators to meet with the victims of their crimes. Youth who participated in the program had a recidivism rate of 11.3 percent compared to 19 percent for those who did not participate and work is underway to expand the program to more Nebraska youth. Heavican said other problem-solving courts — such as the young adult, mental health and veterans treatment courts — have continued to find new and innovative ways to provide sentencing alternatives and help divert criminal offenders from the state’s prisons and jails. “We owe the success of our courts to the good old-fashioned work ethic of judges, staff and practicing attorneys,” he said. “We also owe our positive accomplishments to the increased use of technology and the accompanying innovative initiatives of our court family.”

Watch-Follow-Comment the Legislature

I appreciate how many District 17 constituents are informed and involved in the Legislature. If you have not been as involved as you would have liked in the past, the Nebraska Legislature has a wonderful website which contains a wealth of information. Viewers can read the text of bills introduced, search statutes, find a Senator’s webpage, follow the progress of Legislation, read the Unicameral Update, and watch the Legislature live through video streaming.

A new tool has been added that allows interested individuals to submit their position statements online on pending legislation as soon as that bill is scheduled for a hearing. I think this is a wonderful tool that can be used by the Second House, the people of Nebraska, to weigh in on bills and resolutions as they move through the Legislative process. Simply enter a bill number in the search on the home page or click “Bills and Laws” to search for a particular bill. Once you are on the individual bill page, click  “Submit Comments Online” to submit your position. For statements to be included in the official public hearing record as an exhibit, they must be submitted through the website prior to 12:00 p.m. CST on the last Legislative day prior to the public hearing. You can find all of the information you need on the homepage at Don’t hesitate to reach out to Jacki or Lisa in my office if you have any questions about the process.

I always appreciate each of you who intentionally stays informed and engaged in the Legislative process. If you have taken the time to reach out to my office, please understand that with over 1200 bills being heard over the next 60 days, I am not able to personally respond to all of the emails and calls I receive. Have a great week!

January 21st, 2022


President Ronald Reagan once said, “Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.” Every decision that happens in Nebraska by an elected official should be for the purpose of protecting the rights of our citizens. I take that responsibility very seriously as I seek to discern each proposed piece of legislation that comes before me.

There are 523 bills that were carried over from last Session and 754 new bills that have been introduced in the last 10 days. The Legislature certainly has a full schedule to get through all of the bills in this short Session of 2022. I want to highlight for you some key bills that I think strongly impact the people of Wayne, Thurston, Dakota and Dixon Counties in Nebraska.

Pro-Life Bills

I am partnering with fellow Senators Suzanne Geist of Lincoln and Julie Slama of Peru in carrying three pro-life bills this Session. 

LB781- The Heartbeat Act– introduced by Senator Slama creates requirements that prior to performing any abortion, a physician shall perform an ultrasound of the pregnant woman’s unborn child to determine if a fetal heartbeat is detectable. If a heartbeat is detectable, it shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly perform an abortion.

LB933- The Nebraska Human Life Protection Act- provides that when Roe v. Wade is overturned, the performance of an abortion in Nebraska will be a Class IIA felony.

LB1086 – The Chemical Abortion Safety Protocol Act– introduced by Senator Geist would restrict access to a medical abortion by limiting the window in which medication abortion pills can be prescribed. It would also add new reporting requirements and allow doctors to face felony charges for violations of its provisions.

School Database Bill

I also introduced LB1213, which requires that vendor contracts for digital and online library resources for K-12 students contain a provision verifying that the resource will not contain material deemed harmful to minors as defined in Nebraska code and providing that contracts may be suspended or terminated for violation of that provision. It also requires that the Nebraska Library Commission and Department of Education submit an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature outlining issues with vendor compliance. 

State Board of Education Bill

I have introduced LB768 to clearly define the guidelines for education standards in Nebraska School Districts and to establish that no education standards can be created or distributed by the Nebraska Department of Education without the authority of the Legislature. 

DMV- State Patrol Bill

I was honored again this year to introduce LB720, a joint bill to harmonize our state Department of Motor Vehicles and the Nebraska State Patrol which advanced out of Committee this week. During his testimony at the hearing Officer Mike Maytum of the Nebraska State Patrol shared the following statistics that I found very impressive. The following is an excerpt of his testimony. “Every day our Troopers strive to make our highways safe. In Fiscal Year 2021, the Nebraska State Patrol conducted 24,858 roadside inspections, identifying 8,317 violations of driver requirements, and requiring that 1,139 inspected drivers be placed out of service. 7,026 vehicles were inspected, with an average of 2.67 violations discovered per vehicle and 2,979 vehicles being placed out of service due to serious defects. The roadside inspection program has enabled the State to establish clear guidelines for commercial vehicle operators while ensuring a Nebraska State Patrol presence to assist in correction of operators who have vehicle or driver defects.” I could not be any more impressed with the fine work of the Nebraska State Patrol. The guidelines they carry out create a significantly safer driving environment as we travel across Nebraska.

Bills I am Co-sponsoring 

I am grateful to have courageous colleagues who are standing to protect Nebraskan’s freedoms by introducing the following bill which I am cosigning: 

LB310, Inheritance Tax Reduction– introduced by Elmwood Senator Robert Clements, would decrease inheritance tax rates on beneficiaries and increase the amount of property value that is exempt from the tax, which in Nebraska is collected by counties. The bill would require county treasurers to compile and submit a report regarding inheritance taxes to the state Department of Revenue. LB310 has advanced to Select File.

LB773, Concealed Carry- sponsored by Senator Tom Brewer of Gordon, would provide for the carrying of a concealed handgun without a permit and prohibit regulation of such carrying by cities, villages and counties.

LB774, Religious Freedom Protections– also introduced by Senator Tom Brewer of Gordon, would prevent state and local political subdivisions from placing a “substantial burden” on individuals, associations, partnerships, corporations, churches, religious institutions, estates, trusts, foundations and other legal entities’ right to practice sincerely held religious beliefs.

LB906, Vaccine Exemptions– sponsored by Blair Senator Ben Hansen would require employers to provide for vaccine exemptions and provide duties for the State Department of Health and Human Services.

LB1077, Critical Race Theory- introduced by Senator Ben Hansen of Blair would prohibit public schools, public postsecondary institutions and governmental entities from training or teaching certain concepts relating to race and sex. The bill would allow the state to withhold funding from schools that knowingly violate the new limitations and would put government agencies that do so at risk for lawsuits, at the attorney general’s discretion. 

I always appreciate each of you who intentionally stays informed and engaged in the legislative process. If you have taken the time to reach out to my office, please understand that with over 1200 bills being heard over the next 60 days. Though I would like to, I am not able to personally respond to all of the emails and calls I receive. Have a great week!

Weekly Update
January 14th, 2022


It is hard to believe it is already the middle of January and well into the first month of 2022. In many ways it has been a refreshing launch into a New Year. My grandchildren are all healthy and happy after some illness over the Christmas season. My husband Mike and the guys are working hard to set up our farm and ranch operation for a new year of production and the Legislature is off and running with the introduction of numerous vital pieces of legislation that I look forward to being a part of advancing.

I appreciate how many District 17 constituents are informed and involved in the Legislature. If you have not been as involved as you would have liked in the past, the Nebraska Legislature has a wonderful website which contains a wealth of information. Viewers can read the text of bills introduced, search statutes, find a Senator’s webpage, follow the progress of Legislation, read the Unicameral Update, and watch the Legislature live through video streaming.

A new tool has been added that allows interested individuals to submit their position statements online on pending legislation as soon as that bill is scheduled for a hearing. I think this is a wonderful tool that can be used by the Second House, the people of Nebraska, to weigh in on bills and resolutions as they move through the Legislative process. Simply enter a bill number in the search on the home page or click “Bills and Laws” to search for a particular bill. Once you are on the individual bill page, click  “Submit Comments Online” to submit your position. For statements to be included in the official public hearing record as an exhibit, they must be submitted through the website prior to 12:00 p.m. CST on the last Legislative day prior to the public hearing. You can find all of the information you need on the homepage at Don’t hesitate to reach out to Jacki or Lisa in my office if you have any questions about the process.

As always in the first week of a new Session the Governor joined the State Legislators on the Floor to welcome us back to Lincoln and congratulate us on the commencement of the Second Session of the 107th Nebraska Legislature. I appreciated Governor Ricketts’ budget recommendations and priorities for the 2022 Legislative Session. Governor Ricketts outlined opportunities for state leaders to grow Nebraska during the upcoming year. 

Here are the top 10 things you need to know about the Governor’s budget and legislative initiatives:

  1. Controls State Spending: The Governor’s budget adjustment controls spending by limiting the State’s budget growth to 2.9 percent over the biennium.
  2. Delivers Income Tax Relief: Makes Nebraska more competitive with other states by reducing income taxes and taxes on job creators over the next three years.  Accelerates the phase-in to fully exempt taxes on Social Security benefits within five years.
  3. Protects Property Tax Relief: Ensures the annual amount of property tax relief available through the Refundable Income Tax Credit remains at least $548 million per year. 
  4. Strengthens Public Safety: Funds construction of a replacement for the deteriorating Nebraska State Penitentiary, invests in Corrections workforce pay increases, expands the Law Enforcement Training Center in Grand Island, and adds capacity at the State Crime Lab.
  5. Secures Nebraska’s Water Rights: Protects Nebraska’s water rights for generations to come by investing $500 million to construct a canal and reservoir system on the Nebraska-Colorado border along the South Platte River.  
  6. Invests in Nebraska’s Water Resources: Recommends $200 million for projects presented by the Legislature’s STAR WARS Committee to grow the Good Life in tourism and recreation.  Invests $23 million to repair the Ft. Laramie – Gering Irrigation Canal.  Proposes $60 million to restore and protect drinking water systems in Nebraska communities.
  7. Improves Healthcare Capacity: Calls for $40 million to strengthen the state’s public health emergency response capabilities, $40 million to add healthcare facility capacity, $25 million for behavioral health and nursing assistance, and additional investments in health services.
  8. Develops Nebraska’s Workforce: Proposes $90 million to enhance workforce development programs at Nebraska’s community colleges and another $75 million to help communities build high-quality and affordable workforce housing.
  9. Addresses Economic Impacts of the Pandemic: Proposes site and building development in regions adversely affected by the pandemic and investment in shovel-ready projects delayed by the pandemic.
  10. Addresses Educational Impacts of the Pandemic: Secures funding for parents of low-income children who have experienced learning loss during the pandemic.

Governor Ricketts brings bold, consistent leadership to our state. His aggressive goals for Nebraska greatly benefit our people and help ensure that Nebraska remains what America is supposed to be!

I always enjoy hearing from you. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact my office at 402-471-2716 or email me directly at

Weekly UPDATE January 7, 2022
January 7th, 2022


The 107th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session is here and we are off and running. After a long summer of meetings, research and constituent contact, Mike joined me making the transition down to Lincoln to get set up for the upcoming busy months at the Capitol. 175 bills have been introduced in this first week and I’d like to share with you some of the bills that I will be carrying. I believe if passed, this Legislation could truly be an historical year for Nebraska. Next week the Unicameral will begin with three significant bills that each address important issues; the Convention of States, Inheritance Tax and Scholarship Tax Credits.


 LR14-Convention of States

Prioritized by Senator Steve Halloran of Hastings, LR14 would serve as Nebraska’s application for a convention of states under the authority of Article V of the United States Constitution for proposing constitutional amendments. The convention would be limited to amendment proposals from the following subjects: limiting the size and scope of the federal government; considering fiscal restraints; and considering term limits. Amendment proposals approved by the convention would be submitted to the states for ratification following the process found in Article V of the United States Constitution.


LB310- Change Inheritance Tax Rates and Exemptions

Prioritized by Senator Rob Clements of Elmwood.

Nebraska is one of only five states that levies an inheritance tax and one of only two states that tax children and grandchildren who receive inheritances from their parents or grandparents. Because the tax was created in 1901, many of its provisions are in need of modernization, including the relatively low amount of property value that is subject to tax. Nebraska’s top 18% inheritance tax rate on non-relatives and distant relatives is also the country’s highest tax rate. Last Session, Senator Clements introduced LB310 which would phase out inheritance taxes in the state. He is prioritizing the bill this Session and I am introducing AM635 that brings it to completion in the next five years. We really need to be strategic in this state to build an environment where our citizens both young and old can thrive. Where their money could go as far as it would if they lived in another state. Where one generation can afford to keep the land their ancestors worked so hard to establish. Nebraska’s high inheritance taxes are part of what is driving our people away. A tax at death on wealth earned by hard work and sacrifice is the worst tax I can imagine. Families should be able to pass their accumulated assets to the next generation without fear that it will force a sale to pay the taxes that come at a time of grieving and loss.

LB364-Opportunity Scholarships Act

Senator LouAnn Linehan of Elkhorn has prioritized LB364 which would create the Opportunity Scholarships Act. Under the Act, individual and corporate taxpayers would qualify for a non-refundable tax credit equal to the amount the taxpayer contributed to a scholarship-granting organization. No taxpayer may receive tax credits in an amount exceeding 50% of their state income tax liability. Each nonprofit, scholarship-granting organization certified by the Nebraska Department of Revenue shall provide education scholarships to assist eligible students to attend a qualified, nonprofit, private elementary or secondary school. The Act defines an eligible student as a dependent member of a household that qualified for free or reduced lunch during the year prior to the granting of the scholarship. The credits are available for tax years beginning or deemed to begin on or after January 1, 2022 and are capped annually at $10 million. Credits are awarded in the order in which they are received. If the cap is reached during the year, the credits will be allocated.



This week I introduced LB768 to clearly define the guidelines for health education standards and to establish that no additional education standards can be created or distributed by the Nebraska Department of Education without the authority of the Legislature.


The bill removes the word “comprehensive” from the health education program definition and states that the State Board of Education shall not develop, approve, distribute, adopt, or promulgate any academic content standards in a new content area that is not already in state statute.

  1. All tax-payer funded systems require transparency and oversight. This bill provides a long overdue check of the Nebraska Department of Education and its over 500 employees who direct education in Nebraska. 
  2. The debacle of the Health Standards is an example of what the future holds if such a check is not put in place. 
  3. Trust is broken, and that’s when the Legislature needs to step in.
  4. Parents are the primary educators of their children. There is no more pure form of local control than a parent/guardian directing their child’s education. 
  5. To keep it short and simple, the State Board of Education should focus on improving the standards they have been authorized to formulate; everything else is for local control.
  6. I would like to see the State Board of Education focus on improving the test scores in the areas they have already been authorized to adopt: Reading, Writing, Math, English, Science, and Social Studies and leave everything else to local control and leadership within the school district.



I also introduced LB720 this week on behalf of the Nebraska State Patrol to harmonize Nebraska Statute with federal regulations to avoid incompatibility. The bill represents the annual Legislative update which adopts the Federal Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Material Regulations current as of January 1, 2022. The adoption of these regulations is required on an annual basis to incorporate new or revised federal regulations into State Statute. State Statute must remain current with the federal regulations to avoid incompatibility and jeopardizing Nebraska’s Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP), which is funded by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. 



Thursday Governor Pete Ricketts held a press conference in the State Capitol Rotunda with the members of the Legislature’s Revenue Committee, which I am honored to serve on.  The Governor and Revenue Committee Chairwoman Lou Ann Linehan both called on the Unicameral to prioritize tax relief during its 60-day short session. The Governor credited the ability to control spending for helping the State of Nebraska achieve the strong financial position it currently enjoys.  He called for surplus revenues to be returned to Nebraskans through additional tax relief. “When we have money in excess of what we need to fund State operations, we need to give it back to the people of Nebraska,” said Gov. Ricketts.  “This money doesn’t belong to the state government or the Legislature, it belongs to the hardworking people of our state.” The Governor paid a nice compliment to  the Revenue Committee for helping deliver historic tax relief to Nebraskans through legislation passed in 2020 and 2021. Gov. Ricketts emphasized the need to limit the increase of local property tax askings so that Nebraskans fully benefit from the tax relief provided by the State.



Our state stands out nationally for our pandemic recovery and rapid job growth.  Earlier this month, Politico named Nebraska as the top state in the nation for our pandemic response.  We currently have the lowest unemployment rate of any state in history at 1.8%.  We also had an historic Legislative session in 2021, which will deliver more than $2 billion of tax relief to Nebraskans over the next two years.”


I always enjoy hearing from you. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact my office at 402-471-2716 or email me directly at

Weekly UPDATE December 30, 2021
December 29th, 2021


Happy New Year! I hope you and your loved ones have enjoyed some special time together during this Christmas season. Our family had some illnesses this month and though we were not able to get together until a week later, it was wonderful to celebrate all we hold dear.

The 107th Legislature, Second Session will convene January 5, 2022. My staff and I are diligently working to prepare new legislation that I feel is vital, as well as carrying through on the bills I introduced last Session that are still in General File. Among others, I will be introducing a bill to ensure that Nebraska customers maintain the ability to choose natural gas, propane, electricity or other utilities in their communities; and a bill for the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles and the Nebraska State Patrol to harmonize Nebraska Statute with Federal Regulations. Stay tuned, there will be more to come. It is a privilege to serve as your Legislative Representative again this year and I very much look forward to all that is in store for the Unicameral, our communities and this great state and in 2022!

According to Governor Ricketts, “Nebraska has beaten our own national record for the lowest unemployment rate—now at 1.8 percent,” said Gov. Ricketts. “This historic achievement is a sign of the unwavering resilience and work ethic that define us as Nebraskans. It’s clear for all of America to see: Nebraskans just don’t quit!”

In 2020 Nebraska Legislature enacted a new property tax relief program under Legislative Bill 1107. The program created a state income tax credit that went into effect for the 2020 tax year. Nebraska real property owners were able to file in 2021 and receive credit from the state for a portion of the local school district property taxes they paid. The Refundable Income Tax Credit created in LB 1107 is set to grow as tax revenues exceed expectations. Last year’s credit was worth $125 million, offsetting 6% of local school property taxes. This year’s credit will jump to $548 million, offsetting 25.3% of local school property taxes. Taxpayers will receive this credit when they file their state income taxes in 2022. The 2021 tax filing deadline was extended due to the pandemic. According to an Omaha World-Herald article, as of mid-October 2021, only $73 million out of the $125 million has been claimed by property owners, leaving around 40% unclaimed.

If you filed your Nebraska income tax return without claiming the credit for school district property tax you paid, you can claim the credit by filing an Amended Nebraska Individual Income Tax Return, Form 1040XN, and attaching a completed Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act Credit Computation, Form PTC. Questions regarding the tax credit provided by the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act may be directed to: Tom Milburn, Revenue Tax Specialist, Policy Section 402-471-5814 or

We have received several questions about new federal regulations for drivers of covered farm vehicles so I thought I would share more information. After checking with the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles and Nebraska Farm Bureau, we have learned that the major change to federal requirements will affect farmers and ranchers who want to obtain a CDL or let their CDL lapse to drive a commercial vehicle. If your vehicle meets the definition of a covered farm vehicle, this will not affect you as long as you, your family, or employee are hauling your commodity in your covered farm vehicle to or from your farm or ranch within the state of Nebraska, or within 150 miles of your farm or ranch if traveling across state lines. This will not affect farmers and ranchers who already have their CDL, but if you have let the CDL lapse, if you are upgrading your CDL or you want a new CDL, it is best to get it soon rather than later. The federal rule for required entry level driver training goes into effect Feb. 7, 2022. The entry level driver training regulations are not retroactive for individuals holding a valid CDL or an S, P or H endorsement issued prior to Feb. 7, 2022. The rule aims to maintain higher driver standards by enforcing and mandating training for entry-level drivers. If you have any additional questions, you can find all the related information at or call Matt Coatney, CDL Program Manager at the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicle at 402-471-1472. You can also contact the Nebraska State Patrol Carrier Enforcement Division at 402-471-0105 to answer any questions you may have as you plan to transport your commodities.

The Nebraska Department of Transportation has announced funds are now available to private non-profit organizations and governmental entities for transportation needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities for whom mass transportation services are unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate. Eligible applicants include private non-profit organizations incorporated within Nebraska and governmental entities. Applications will be accepted from qualified entities in the small urban and rural areas of the state. The purpose of the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5310 program is to enhance the mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities. Applications are restricted to operating projects, for driver wages and employer paid fringe benefits only. Allowable expenses are 100% reimbursable on a monthly basis. Applications are due by February 18, 2022. Additional information and applications can be obtained at or by contacting Lucinda Dowding, Federal Aid Administrator III at or 402-479-3127.

– Bridge construction will be taking place on I-129 going in both directions between US 75 and the Iowa State Line in the South Sioux City area. Traffic will be restricted with a 12-foot width limit. Traffic will be maintained going eastbound and westbound during the bridge work. The anticipated completion is January 2022.
-Bridge construction will also be taking place on I-129 going both directions between Exit 2: Dakota Avenue and Iowa State Line, 1 mile east of South Sioux City. Traffic restrictions are in force due to bridge construction work with a 12-foot width limit in effect. Traffic, however, will be maintained going eastbound and westbound during the bridge work. The anticipated completion is January 2022.

I always enjoy hearing from you. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact my office at 402-471-2716 or email me directly at

Weekly UPDATE December 10, 2021
December 10th, 2021


It’s been eighty years since the Pearl Harbor attacks. I am forever mindful of the sacrifices of so many. Their memory and dedication to our country will never be forgotten. To all who have served and are serving today, we thank you. 

I appreciated being able to spend some time in the District this week meeting with the Presidents of Northeast Community College,  Leah Barrett, and Wayne State College, Dr. Marysz Rames. We toured Wayne State College and explored key legislation that will be relevant to the college system in the upcoming Legislative Session. I also spent a couple of days in the Lincoln office at hearings and working on the legislation I will be introducing in January.


Friday morning the United States Supreme Court announced that the Texas Heartbeat Act will remain in effect while litigation continues. I am thankful for all of the lives that have been and will be saved while Nebraska stands as a pro-life state, we are anxiously awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision. 


This week Governor Ricketts shared a report I found quite profound. He said that through the years, our farmers and ranchers have built a reputation for producing crops and livestock that are second to none.  Agriculture is our state’s largest industry.  It supports about 1 in 4 jobs in Nebraska. 

Among U.S. states, Nebraska ranks:

#1 in agricultural cash receipts per capita

#2 in ethanol production, cattle on feed, all cattle and calves, beef exports, and commercial red meat production

#3 in corn for grain production, corn exports, and total ag cash receipts

#4 for land in farms and ranches

#5 for soybean exports, soybean production, and sugar beet production

#6 for commercial hog slaughter

#7 in hogs and pigs on farms and pork exports 


The Nebraska Department of Transportation presented their annual report to a joint hearing this week with the Appropriations and Transportation and Telecommunication Committees. As a member of the T & T Committee, I appreciated the way Director John Selmer laid out the big picture needs for Nebraska’s Asset Preservation, System Modernization & Operation, and Capital Improvements for the next 20 years. He also updated us on the Build Nebraska Act along with the Transportation Innovation Act.

There are approximately 95,000 miles of State, County, and Municipal roads within our state. Of that, State highways comprise 10,000 centerline miles or 22,000 land miles (10%). If we look at the number of vehicle miles traveled in a year, the state highway carries about 64% of this traffic. If we look at the total miles traveled by heavy trucks, the state highway system carries over 86% of the freight. There are over 15,000 bridges in the state. Of those, 3500 bridges are on the state highway system. That equates to about 23%. 

Director Selmer informed us that there is still much to be determined with the recent passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. He shared that on the formula side, the Nebraska Department of Transportation will receive approximately an additional $110 million for Fiscal Year 2022. This amount will be increased by around 2% for the following years of the law. About $45 million will be in existing programs with existing rules. The remaining $55 million will be in new formula programs where the rules are not defined. The most significant new formula program is for bridge preservation, with about $38 million in additional funding to the Nebraska Department of Transportation and about $7 million going to local bridges. At this time, no decisions have been made on the use of any new federal funds.  


The Siouxland Interstate Metropolitan Planning Council (SIMPCO), the third oldest multi-state Council of Governments in the nation, was organized as a voluntary association of local governments in 1965 between Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. SIMPCO held this year’s Tri-State Legislative forum on December 3rd in Sioux City. Though I was unable to attend, I have kept informed on three key project areas directly relating to SIMPCO’s 2022 Legislative priorities.

  • Infrastructure Improvements
  • Diverse, Affordable, and Market-Rate Housing
  • Quality of Life
  • Economic & Workforce Development

SIMPCO continues to play an important role in our state and my office will keep a close eye on the issues at hand.

I always enjoy hearing from you. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact my office at 402-471-2716 or email me directly at

Weekly UPDATE December 3, 2021
December 3rd, 2021


Mike and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving seeing the faces of our children and grandchildren around our table. I hope you and your family were able to spend some extended time together as well. It is always a busy time as a State Legislator during the holiday season. I am working to prepare our home for Christmas while I and my staff work to be prepared for the Legislative Session to kick off at the first of the year. There is nothing more refreshing to me than to be back home, surrounded by my friends and family.  They are the very reason we do what we do at the Capitol each Session. The life we live in rural Nebraska is a rare experience worth fighting for.



It is vital today that leaders in public policy, education fields and throughout our society focus on building environments that help all Americans become better citizens. I find myself very concerned about the divisive ideology of Critical Race Theory (CRT) that is tearing at the fabric of our nation. I think it is important to stop and get some clarity on the reality of what CRT really is.

By definition, Critical Race Theory (CRT) denies that race is a natural, biological or physical attribute of human beings and teaches instead that race is a socially constructed or invented category used to exploit people of color.  Consequently, CRT holds that every American social institution is inherently racist and that all white people are automatically born into a position of privilege. CRT, founded in Marxism, contends that America is fundamentally racist and that its institutions are tainted by this racism. Proponents of CRT seek to “fix” America’s racism and achieve “equity” by a process of racial discrimination in which people in our country would be pitted against one another. Rather than identifying specific instances of racism and rooting them out, CRT seeks to define communities based on racial lines and to build public policy and redistribute resources based on skin color.

According to Fox News, “the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics released their biannual Harvard youth poll. They’ve been doing the poll for 20 years, asking 18- to 29-year-olds…what they think about the state of our country. Over a thousand young Americans were polled. The margin of error was three percent. …31 percent said America is the greatest country in the world. …Here’s why…31 percent matters. If you go by the old adage, “The children are the future,” then plain as day, this poll shows that the future hates America, or at least they think there’s nothing special about America. “It’s just…one of many countries.” America was founded on Western Christian principles. Our founders? The product of the fusion, the beauty, the brilliance of Athens and Rome and Jerusalem. They knew and understood the Bible inside and out. They knew Latin. They understood the classics, and they understood human nature: who we are as sinful creatures…hell-bent on power and greed. They built the system – the first in human history – designed to restrain government and protect God-given rights for the individual: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness… So while for decades, patriots and conservatives fought for good things like free markets and defeating communists and Islamists, the left focused on culture and classrooms. They specifically targeted the way we educate our young people by focusing on removing the most important ingredients. They knew our Judeo-Christian faith and tradition were the key to our human freedoms. Our founders understood that; George Washington talked about it. So the progressives knew they had to get rid of it.”

In this day and age as social media has become a platform of misinformation it is vital that as parents and grandparents we know what is being taught to our children in our publicly funded schools. Hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars, our local school systems, and the heart of our communities are at risk of being infiltrated with an ideology that America and Amercians are bad. There is an attempt to rewrite the very history of this country and its formation. I appreciate Governor Ricketts recent comment about CRT and UNL where he said, “From racially motivated hiring practices to harmful trainings, the University’s plan would inject Critical Race Theory into every corner of campus,”  “It will pit people against each other by conditioning everyone to see others through the lens of race rather than as individuals with unique strengths.  UNL’s focus should be on educational excellence, not ideological indoctrination.”

I believe that if CRT continues to be taught to our children there will be no America left for our children.



Winside Mutual Aid Meeting, Winside Fire Department

I want to congratulate Steve and Michele Jorgensen for receiving an honor from Governor Pete Ricketts as a result of their bravery in likely saving the lives of three people during a July 3 house fire. Steve and Michele were honored as Nebraska Navy admirals by Governor Ricketts in front of a crowd of volunteer firefighters. I am grateful to the Jorgensen’s for risking their lives in order to save others. We are proud to have you live in District 17!



The new NE 511 site is mobile-responsive and includes new features such as the Weather Radar layer, My Favorite Cameras, and searchable list views of road reports, cameras, and weather stations. State officials said the additions to the 511 system will make it easier for motorists and truckers to determine whether it’s safe to travel. The update, which will cost $150,000, includes National Weather Service radar, a special page for commercial drivers and a new “crowdsourcing” feature, which will allow motorists to provide feedback on road conditions. The 511 app and website relay up-to-date information about road closures and road conditions (wet, snow-covered, etc.), and allow motorists to access roadside video cameras installed across the state. The website for the 511 system is 

I always enjoy hearing from you. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact me at 402-471-2716 or

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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