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Bruce Bostelman

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23

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Weekly Update 8-27
August 21st, 2020

As we approach Labor Day, we are especially thankful for essential employees and other members of the workforce who have continued to go work amid the COVID-19 situation. Among these, we are especially grateful for healthcare professionals, law enforcement, EMS/first responders who put themselves at risk every day to serve their communities. I hope this is a time when families can safely relax and celebrate together.

Over the past week, I’ve attended several bill signing ceremonies for some important legislation. The Saturday after the Legislature adjourned, I attended Governor Ricketts’ public signing of LB814 on the North steps outside of the Capitol. This bill bans the barbaric practice of dismemberment abortion on a living, unborn child in the second trimester of pregnancy. I was pleased to see such a large pro-life crowd turn out in support of the bill, and I commend Senator Geist, the bill’s introducer, on her diligent work with individuals and organizations such as Dr. Aultman, the Nebraska Catholic Conference, Nebraska Family Alliance, and Nebraska Right to Life on getting this critical legislation passed. I was a proud co-sponsor of this bill, and will continue to defend the pre-born on future pro-life legislation.

Governor Ricketts signed LB1107, which was the property tax relief and business incentive compromise bill on August 20th. I applaud Governor Ricketts for signing this bill into law and the members of the Revenue Committee for working tirelessly to bring meaningful property tax relief to Nebraskans. By putting $650 million towards property tax relief, we are ensuring Nebraskans can keep more hard earned money in their pockets while also fully funding our schools.

I was also happy to see veterans and members of their organizations along with Governor Ricketts and fellow Senators at the American Legion Post 52 in Kearney for the LB153 signing ceremony. This bill exempts 50% of military retirement pay from the Nebraska state income tax. As a co-sponsor of this bill I feel it is an excellent step in making Nebraska a more desirable place for veterans to live.

As summer comes to a close and school and fall sports are set to begin, please continue to be cognizant of the spread of COVID-19.  My continued support for our teachers and staff as they begin this school year and their ongoing commitment to their students.

Please remember that the businesses in our communities need our support.  Do you remember a commercial that said, “we’ll keep the light on”.  That’s what our local businesses have been doing, staying open during a difficult time and being there for us when we needed them.  Let’s let them know how much we appreciate them by buying local and by doing so “keeping their light on”.

My office remains open, we look forward to a busy schedule working on issues affecting this District and Nebraska.  I appreciate hearing from you and encourage you to contact my office at 402-471-2719 or

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23
Room 1210
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2719
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