The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Bruce Bostelman

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23

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The Test Nebraska program has locations for COVID-19 testing in Grand Island, Lincoln and Omaha. In addition, targeted testing stations will be announced and set up in communities statewide.  The testing stations are currently equipped to complete about 3,000 tests a day.  Those who have completed the assessment at and who show symptoms will be prioritized and directed to one of the mobile testing stations. If you completed your online assessment in the past few weeks please update your assessment with current information.

As Armed Forces Day approaches on May 16th, I want to extend my deepest thanks and appreciation to fellow servicemen and women who currently serve or have served and sacrificed to defend our freedom in our nation’s armed forces.  I especially want to thank the Nebraska National Guard service members who are doing amazing work in helping with the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and last year’s flooding. Over the past few weeks the National Guard has delivered 6 million masks and about 2 million gloves to healthcare facilities across the state while assisting our Local Health Departments to ramp up testing across the state. Their help reduces the burden on the health departments and allows for more testing locations. Furthermore, they have also been assisting local food banks by delivering much needed food and provisions to those in need.

While businesses across the state begin to re-open, many parents are looking for childcare options while schools remain closed. In an effort to help parents locate available childcare options, the state and other organizations created The website allows you to search for childcare options based on distance, type of provider, and whether there is financial assistance.

As a reminder, due to a large influx of unemployment claims, the Department of Labor has been having some difficulties in processing these claims. Currently it is taking about two to three weeks to process claims and approve the payments. However, if you have an outstanding unemployment claim older than 3 weeks and live in District 23, please reach out to my office with your claim number and my staff will help to get your claim processed.

It’s important to remember as businesses are opening, and activities are beginning to resume this does not mean the risk of the virus is over. Please continue to use caution while out in public by practicing the Six Rules to Keep Nebraskans Healthy. These rules include social distancing, refraining from unnecessary trips, shop alone, help kids practice social distancing, exercise daily and help seniors with their groceries and other needs.

Thank you to all the healthcare providers and local volunteers for all that you are doing during this time.  We continue praying for everyone affected by this challenge.  We are empathetically here to listen to your concerns and encourage you to contact my office at 402-471-2719 or if you have questions or need assistance.


Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23
Room 1210
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2719
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