The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Steve Halloran

Sen. Steve Halloran

District 33

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The first day of the 105th Legislature, in the year of our great state’s 150th anniversary, we started with the elections of Speaker and Committee Chairmen. This followed by senators’ appointments to committees.  The Legislature’s Committee on Committees granted your new Senator his three requested committees….Judiciary, Agriculture and Business & Labor.

Newly elected chairs moved into their committee offices, more senior senators got to pick from remaining offices and eventually, us freshman drew out of a hat for remaining offices. By the end of the third day, senators are settling into their new space. Computers, phones, and copiers are reassigned and we are now ready to roll.

Within the first ten legislative days, we must have all proposed legislation handed into the Clerk. It happens fast. I am personally not crafting a bill to sponsor for this session.  There will, however, be some bills which are created by others such as the Attorney General’s Office, Parole Board, etc. which I have offered to sponsor through the various committees.  This will be a great opportunity for ‘hands-on’ learning of the legislative bill process.

Our District is blessed with two capable gentlemen who will be assisting your Senator through this 105th Legislature.  Our office’s Administrative Assistant is Alex Gage.  Alex will facilitate keeping your Senator on schedule, taking your calls and emails and generally keeping the office running smoothly.  Our office’s Legislative Assistant is Drew Borske.  Drew will be assisting your Senator in researching issues for bill creation, helping to prepare for committee hearings and generally being the constituents’ liaison on issue questions.

Once this session has started rolling with bills working their way through the respective committee process, we will then be able to have information to bring to ‘town hall’ meetings throughout the 33rd District.  Tentatively, our first town halls will be after the first of February….stay tuned for dates to be announced.

Please do not hesitate to contact my office or 402-471-2712 with any comments, questions, or concerns.


Sen. Steve Halloran

Sen. Steve Halloran

District 33
Room 1022
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2712
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