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This past week was made up of highs and lows. I wish to start this by discussing the lows of the week and what happened on the floor this past week. LB 574 had debate from Tuesday morning until 11:30 am yesterday. The cloture motion never would’ve happened if a senator wasn’t forced back to the capitol who’s recovering from sickness. Senator’s on the floor pleaded to have this bill reconsidered. I pointed out the inadequacies within the bill and how it fails to consider the ramifications such as cosmetic procedures and other medicinal practices. It also opens the state of Nebraska open to a long list of potential lawsuits. I’ll continue to fight tooth and nail for the trans youth and population of this state. This bill is about big government control and is unrelenting in its pursuit of controlling parental rights.
Campaign Finance
Yesterday, LB 9 and LB 559 were presented back-to-back in the Government, Veteran and Military Affairs committee. Dark money is a bipartisan issue. Politicians from both sides of the aisle despise dark money because the entities that create advertisements that are false can’t be corrected nor tracked. It undermines the will of the voters by giving voters factually incorrect information on candidates. LB 559 was received positively by the committee members as well. Having C-1 financial disclosure documents required for elected members of First Class cities to fill out is of great importance for the democratic values that this nation espouses. It’s an important thing for the electorate to know where people’s interests are. The bill also implements digital submissions for all C-1 one forms reducing costs and staff time and creating immediate transparency online for Nebraskans.
A Thank You
Some of you may have seen my post on Facebook about the wonderful piece of art sent to me by Andrea Tellechea, a 4th grader from my district. I wish to thank her once again. It’s now hanging up in my office.
Unicameral Youth Legislature
Another thing you may have seen on my Facebook was about the Unicameral Youth Legislature. This is a great opportunity for the youth of this state to be educated on the legislative process of the unicameral. Please notify the young people in your lives about this opportunity. You can find the information about the Unicameral Youth Legislature below.
Thank you all, it’s a honor to represent legislative district 3.
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