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Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

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Lincoln, NE— 1.13.20 — Today Senator Megan Hunt introduced two bills with the purpose of establishing creative districts in Nebraska, funded by the sale of Support the Arts license plates. LB 942 tasks the Department of Motor Vehicles to design a Support the Arts license plate in coordination with the Nebraska Arts Council. The bill also creates the Support the Arts Cash Fund, with the primary purpose of funding the establishment of creative districts in the state. LB 943 grants the Council authority to propose a plan for identifying and certifying creative districts in Nebraska. Once established, these creative districts would be able to apply for a grant from the Council, funded by the sale of Support the Arts license plates.

“Creative districts can revitalize neighborhoods and improve the quality of life for its residents,” Hunt said. “These districts can bring physical transformation, economic growth, and greater community and cultural cohesion. There are over 300 creative districts across the country, but Nebraska is one of the few states that does not recognize any creative districts. We need to embrace the amazing grassroots artists in our state for how much excitement, economic development opportunities, and cultural vibrancy they bring to neighborhoods across Nebraska.”

“The arts put people to work, fostering a skilled workforce of creative occupations that contribute to economic productivity,” Hunt said. “The arts and culture industry produces substantial federal, state, and local tax revenue that only continues to grow.”

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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