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Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

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Dear friends and neighbors,

For years, ever since grocery stores started offering online ordering, I have been advocating for online ordering to be made available for people who pay for groceries with SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) or WIC (special food assistance for women, infants, and children). With the spread of COVID-19, we see how much more important this is today.

People experiencing food insecurity, who rely on SNAP, have to crowd in grocery stores because they can’t use their benefits to get groceries delivered like others do. What I know from speaking to these Nebraskans is that many people who rely on these benefits are essential workers, working at grocery stores or restaurants or in delivery themselves, so they are not able to shop strategically at less congested times.

If everyone had access to food delivery, everyone would be safer, including grocery workers. Reducing congestion in grocery stores is vital to slowing the spread of COVID-19.

I am very excited that The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services has started an online ordering for SNAP pilot program as of April 1, with Amazon and Walmart participating. Walmart has started with two stores in Norfolk and South Sioux City, and will soon expand statewide. Amazon is delivering statewide now.

For Nebraskans to use their SNAP EBT card on Amazon, visit and follow the instructions on the screen. If you are not already an Amazon customer, you will need to create an account and add your SNAP EBT card plus zip code to make sure that you are eligible. It’s a very quick and easy process.

I am not sure about the timeline right now, but DHHS says they will expand online ordering to other Nebraska grocery stores, such as Hy-Vee, “as resources allow.” I will keep you updated when I know more about that.

In 2016, the federal government launched the first pilot program to allow food insecure people to use SNAP to buy groceries online. The program has been running in Alabama, Iowa, New York, Washington, Oregon, and finally we have started this pilot program in Nebraska which I hope will bring relief to many of our neighbors.

The USDA should expand online ordering for SNAP nationwide to stop crowding and support low income people who need food delivery now. I encourage you to contact your Congressional representatives and urge federal action to allow all Americans who rely on SNAP to order groceries online. It is one low-cost, easy way we can use technology to help people now.

You can always contact us at if you have any questions or concerns. E-mail is the best way to get in touch.

Many thanks,

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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