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Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

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Dear friends and neighbors,

Despite the broad bipartisan support and the bill’s data-backed approach, today Governor Pillen has vetoed my priority bill, LB 307. In response, I want to express my disappointment and reiterate the importance of this public health measure for Nebraska prior to the Legislature taking up a veto override in the coming days.

Governor Pillen’s veto statement about my priority bill demonstrates that he is simply not familiar with the bill. He has a fundamental misunderstanding of the function of Syringe Service Programs (SSPs), which serve as a doorway to accessing treatment. The relationships, resources, and referrals people obtain from an SSP are often the first opportunity for treatment they receive. In fact, people who use SSPs are up to five times more likely to receive treatment. In addition, no public health, medical, or behavioral health clinic administering an SSP is going to hand out syringes to young children. To imply otherwise is fear-mongering and undermines trust in Nebraska’s expert healthcare providers.

The bill was developed and informed by input and support from local experts in public health and addiction psychiatry, the Nebraska Medical Association, county health departments, social workers, pharmacists, law enforcement, behavioral health, the former Surgeon General under President Trump, and Nebraskans who have experienced addiction. I have no doubt that we will successfully override this veto and make great strides toward our shared goals of increasing public health and safety through LB 307.

Below you can read my press release in response to Governor Pillen’s veto.

I appreciate your ongoing support and engagement on matters vital to our community’s well-being. Stay tuned for updates on LB 307 and other initiatives aimed at building a healthier Nebraska.

All the best,

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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