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Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

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Lincoln, NE— 1.13.20 — Today Senator Megan Hunt introduced LB 962, allowing student athletes the right to earn money from their name, image, and likeness. Student athletes are the only college students who are prohibited from earning an income for their skill or talent. The Fair Pay to Play Act gives students who are athletes the same opportunity as the rest of their classmates to participate in the market and earn money for their skills and talent. This bill will not cost taxpayers or universities a dime, because it opens up the opportunity for all student athletes to leverage the value of their talent and skill through the free market and entrepreneurship. LB 962 was introduced with the bipartisan support of 11 cosponsors.

“NCAA athletic programs generate tons of revenue, while players who generate this money can only be compensated with performance-based athletic scholarships,” Hunt said. “These athletes give free labor for no compensation and at great risk to their physical health. That’s why ensuring all student athletes have control over the value of their name, image, and likeness rights is so important to leveling the playing field and ensuring the civil rights of all students.”

“LB 962 is about the right of every person to work, to participate in the free market, and to gain a living through their work and talent,” Hunt said. “Today, colleges and universities profit greatly from intercollegiate sports while athletes struggle to have enough money for food. With the Fair Pay to Play Act, players will finally enjoy the right to benefit from the value of their name, image, and likeness rights through markets and entrepreneurship.”

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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