The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Megan Hunt

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8

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Stop the Spread
March 23rd, 2020

Dear friends and neighbors,

On March 3rd, when there were only 100 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the US, I called for the Legislature to take up paid sick leave, medicaid expansion, and urged us to get together and talk about what we can do in the Legislature to prepare for this public health crisis, because it was knocking on our door.

Today, 20 days later, we have over 32,000 confirmed cases and that number will continue to grow as we expand testing and tracking in the US.

Click to watch: March 3, 2020: Senator Hunt on COVID-19

Today your Nebraska Legislature is coming to order for one purpose: To pass emergency support funding for researchers, healthcare workers, public health departments, and first responders at the front lines fighting against the spread of COVID-19. The question we are voting on is to appropriate over $83 million dollars for researchers, healthcare workers, hospitals, public health departments, and technology to fight against the spread of this pandemic in Nebraska.

This is the first of what I hope will be many votes to bring relief to everyone in our state. We already know that many Nebraskans are slipping through the cracks, unable to access institutional support like Unemployment Insurance or Medicaid. Our plans must include them too.

Until we figure out how to convene remotely, I will be present to pass these emergency measures because I cannot ask Nebraskans who are first responders and healthcare providers to continue to work with dwindling PPE supplies if I am unwilling to simply go take a vote.

I am asking you to do your part by stopping the spread, doing all you can staying home, avoid crowds, and monitor your health. I also ask you to contact your elected officials and the Governor, and ask them to continue expanding aid for Nebraskans who feel stranded today. We need to help workers and small businesses now. Besides the health impacts of the Coronavirus, we know that the economic devastation will not only be lasting, but it will affect the health of Nebraskans as well. I believe a shelter-in-place order is needed in Nebraska, and that we need to be using all state resources at our disposal to support Nebraskans as we stop the spread.

Finally, request your vote by mail ballot if you haven’t done that yet. We are in this fight together, and I am here for you. Please reach out to my office at if we can be of any assistance.

Many thanks,

Sen. Megan Hunt

District 8
Room 2107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2722
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