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The second week of March has transitioned the Nebraska Legislature into full debate mode. The Committee hearings have ended and we are now in the full swing of debating the bills that have made it out of all 14 committees. Out of the ten bills I have introduced and the 28 bills I have cosponsored, it will be an interesting couple of months to see which bills will get to the floor for a full debate.
Last week, I decided to make my tax bill, LB644, my personal priority bill. I feel very passionately about tax reform for Nebraskans and the Truth-In-Taxation bill will be a great step in the right direction. It is a great transparency bill that requires your local taxing authority the opportunity to explain to the voters of Nebraska why they want to raise your taxes. Other states, like Utah, have passed similar legislation and it has had a long lasting impact on their states property tax structure.
Additionally, I have asked Speaker Mike Hilgers to prioritize LB437, my 2nd amendment bill. As we are waiting for it to come out of the Judiciary committee we will continue to work together on numerous other bills such as LB 296, LB 437, and LB 301. While those bills are being considered, I continue to work with my colleagues on considering amendment changes to bills, including LB106, to make sure our government is being fiscally responsible with your money.
Lastly, I have decided to send three more bills of mine to the Speakers office to be considered for consent calendar, which are bills that have little to no opposition. As the Legislature is shifting, I look forward to working with my colleagues to pass comprehensive bills that will benefit Nebraskans. I encourage all my constituents to reach out to our office for any updates on bills or the legislative process.
Streaming video provided by Nebraska Public Media