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Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

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Weekly News–October 14, 2022
October 14th, 2022

The smell of fall is in the air, the colors are changing on the trees, and the days are getting shorter.

It was Fire Prevention Week this past week. We have encountered many fires this week due to high winds and dry conditions. Hats off to all the firefighters, volunteers, and farmers who come to the aid of their neighbors. We appreciate you and all you do.

After redistricting, I now represent an area of Dixon County. On Sunday, October 9th I was invited to the Ponca School to listen to the school board candidate forum. They also had two District 40 state legislative candidates in attendance to answer any questions.

This week I have been busy traveling in District 17. On Tuesday, October 11th, I was in South Sioux City with Governor candidate Jim Pillen. I was invited by Lance Hedquist, administrator, and Oscar Gomez, assistant city administrator, to visit with the administration and school board members of the South Sioux City Community School. We also visited Northeast Community College and visited with Dakota County Chairman Giese and Commissioner Launsby about concerns with the road leading to Kramper Lake. We finished with a wonderful lunch at Kahill’s Steak, Fish and Chophouse where we had a roundtable discussion with other community leaders. I enjoyed hearing the good things that are happening as well as the concerns of the community. It was wonderful to see where the new Veterans Victory Housing and Small Business Center is being built. It is very evident that there is a need for more housing in South Sioux City.

On Wednesday, October 12th, I attended the Dakota County Government Day at the Dakota City Hall. There were 27 students from South Sioux City School and 19 from Homer Public School. It is always good to visit with the students in my district and share my experiences of working in government to help my constituents and the people in the state of Nebraska. I would like to thank The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary for hosting this event every year.

National Farmers Day was Wednesday, October 12th. I would like to thank all the farmers that work so hard to contribute to our economy, feed our nation and the world, and make Nebraska what it is. They work hard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to take care of the land, natural resources, animals, and provide for their families. Thank you so much to the farmers in District 17 for all you do for your communities and the state of Nebraska!

After visiting with people throughout my district, I am hearing there is still confusion regarding the pink postcards that were sent out. I would like to clarify some of the questions you had about the information I wrote in my last weekly update.

The pink postcards come from your county assessor but may be for the county, city, more than one public school district, or community college.
If one or more of these entities is asking for a property tax amount that exceeds the annual allowable growth percentage (2% plus real growth), then the additional hearing is required. The point of the postcards is to inform taxpayers that while the levy is not going up, their property taxes are, due to increases in value. Political subdivisions should lower their levies when values go up to help offset the increase, rather than taking the windfall and increasing their budgets. That is why the Legislature enacted this law to make sure taxpayers know what is happening. I understand your confusion and know timing is not ideal. Senator Ben Hansen is reaching out to me and my colleagues to streamline the process if possible next session.

Election day is Tuesday, November 8th and time for you to have your voice heard. There are two initiatives that received enough petition signatures to be put on your ballot this November.
The first is Initiative 432, Photo Voter Identification otherwise known as Voter ID. This would amend Article I of the Nebraska Constitution to require voters to present a valid photo ID to vote. A “yes” vote supports amending the state constitution and would authorize the state legislature to pass laws to implement it. A “no” vote opposes this amendment.

The second is Initiative 433 which would increase the state’s minimum wage in increments beginning in 2023 from $10.50 up to $15.00 by 2026. Currently it is $9.00 per hour. A “yes” vote supports this ballot initiative and a “no” vote opposes it.

I would like to encourage all of you to do your research into each candidate on your ballot and into each initiative to make a sound decision. I strongly encourage you to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 8th.

As always, I invite you to let me know your thoughts, ideas, concerns, or suggestions by contacting me by calling (402) 471-2716 or emailing me at

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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