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Joni Albrecht

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17

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Weekly News–December 8, 2023
December 8th, 2023

Hanukkah or Chanukah begins December 7 and ends on December 15, 2023. This eight day Jewish celebration commemorates the rededication during the second century B. C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where according to legend Jews had risen up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt. Hanukkah, which means “dedication” in Hebrew, begins on the 25th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar and usually falls in November or December. Often called the Festival of Lights, the holiday is celebrated with the lighting of the menorah, traditional foods, games, and gifts. ( authors. “Hanukkah”. 27 November, 2023. I would like to wish those who celebrate this holiday a Happy Hanukkah.

As part of a statewide study of nitrate pollution in Nebraska aquifers, the state is asking owners of private drinking water wells to conduct a free test of their water. Widespread public participation in the free sampling program is key to ensuring that the nitrate study accurately encompasses private drinking water wells in the state, according to the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE). The free sample kits and lab analyses are offered to all Nebraskans with a private drinking water well. The free nitrate sample kits are available until January 31st by accessing the website or by calling NDEE at (402) 471-2186. The kits come with sampling instructions and prepaid return postage.
If a private well’s results are above 10 parts per million of nitrate, owners may be eligible for up to $4,000 in rebates to obtain a reverse osmosis treatment system. Applications for the rebates must be submitted by June 30, 2024. Learn more about the Reverse Osmosis (RO) Rebate Program on NDEE’s website The NDEE accepts and reviews RO rebate applications on a month-to-month basis. (Hammel, Paul. “State asks owners of private wells to test their water, to help with statewide study of nitrate in aquifers”. Nebraska Examiner. 4 December, 2023. Accessed 6 December, 2023)

I am excited to announce that the state-approved scholarship granting organization, Opportunity Scholarships of Nebraska (OSN), is now available to families at www.nebraska This 501(c)(3) nonprofit helps implement the Opportunity Scholarships Act (LB753). They do this by empowering parents to choose the best educational setting for their child(ren) through awarding nonpublic school tuition scholarships and providing access to school options. OSN serves students and families statewide.
In January, OSN will begin accepting contributions which will be used for scholarship funds to be awarded for the 2024-2025 school year. Taxpayers can apply for tax credit contributions in January 2024. If you would like to apply for a tax credit contribution, contact OSN at or visit to hold your place in line. OSN will get in touch when it’s time to apply.
As a parent, you will need to connect with your nonpublic school of choice about enrollment and ask if they are partnering with OSN. You, the school, and OSN will work together to finalize the application process. Go to and fill out the survey. This will ensure OSN can contact you when it’s time to begin the process.
A qualified school is any nonpublic, privately operated elementary or secondary school in Nebraska that fulfills the applicable accreditation or approval requirements established by the State Board of Education. Visit to fill out a partner form.
For more information on this program, go to

Hats off to Kevin Domogalla and the Nebraska Department of Transportation District 3 crew for their work on Highway 9. It is a road I take frequently as I travel to Lincoln and I am so pleased that the bridges are completed. While under construction, I thought safety was of utmost importance. The lights were always working and the signage was easy to read. Thank you so much for the work that has been done on the highways and bridges in District 17. It is much appreciated.

As always, I invite you to let me know your thoughts, ideas, concerns, or suggestions by calling my office at (402) 471-2716 or emailing me at

Sen. Joni Albrecht

District 17
Room 1404
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2716
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