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Today I was pleased to attend a luncheon hosted by Mentor Nebraska. Mentor Nebraska’s mission is to fuel the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships, strengthen collaboration, and advocate for mentoring. The major topic of the lunch was LB511, which was introduced by Senator Tom Brewer and Co-sponsored by myself and Senators Gragert, Linehan Halloran, and Murman. LB511 would allow state employees to request a work schedule adjustment of 1 hour per week to participate in youth mentoring programs. It is crucial that our youth have the mentors and support needed in order to equip them with the necessary tools and knowledge to be successful in their life. Dr. Tom Osborne was the keynote speaker for the event and he explained the importance of mentors and guidance in the development of our youth. Young adults and kids who participate in mentor programs are more likely to graduate high school or college. Dr. Osborne also explained the need for more youth mentors in our state.
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