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Bruce Bostelman

Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23

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Weekly Article 5-1-2020
May 1st, 2020

As regions of the state begin to open up and the spread of the virus begins to slow, please continue to practice the health and safety guidelines. Just because businesses begin to open does not mean the virus is gone. If you need to go out in public wear a mask and practice social distancing. Continue to thoroughly wash your hands and disinfect often touched surfaces. Together we can all play a role in slowing the spread.

Governor Ricketts has announced a business task force to help businesses re-open and get the economy rolling again. The task force will be led by the Director of the Nebraska Department of Economic Development Tony Goins. The task force has been in communication with some industry leaders hardest hit by the pandemic such as restaurants, salons and retail stores. While everyone is eager to get back to their normal routine, the task force is putting a priority on the safety of Nebraskans by creating guidelines and safety measures. Furthermore, the Department of Economic Development is asking for input and ideas on how to move forward safely.

Governor Ricketts announced last week that the Directive Health Measures affecting places of worship will be relaxed beginning on May 4th. With the relax in some restrictions, places of worship will still need to follow some guidelines. They must ensure a distance of six feet between people that live in different houses and restrict the passing of materials between the worshipers. Should you return to your religious gatherings please continue to follow health guidelines such as wearing a mask and washing your hands often. Furthermore, please keep an eye out for more information regarding the Directive Health Measures in your county as Saunders County may have different restrictions than Butler or Colfax Counties.

My office has recently received some concerns regarding unemployment claims taking longer than usual to process. This is due to a large influx of claims received by the Department of Labor and they have acknowledged these difficulties. Currently, it may take around 21 days to fully process and resolve these claims. Should you have a claim older than 21 days that has not been processed, please reach out to your State Senator or if you live in District 23, contact my office by email or phone for assistance. If you need to file for unemployment, you may do so by going to

As a reminder, Governor Ricketts is asking everyone to participate in the Test Nebraska assessment. This assessment will be used to identify and prioritize the most vulnerable people and those who show two or more symptoms for free COVID-19 testing. By getting as many people as possible to complete the assessment and tested, the better equipped the state will be to slow and stop the spread of the virus. You can complete the quick assessment by going to

We continue praying for everyone affected by this challenge.  We are empathetically here to listen to your concerns and encourage you to contact my office at 402-471-2719 or if you have questions or need assistance.


Sen. Bruce Bostelman

District 23
Room 1210
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2719
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