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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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Representing District 30
January 17th, 2019

Greetings from the State Capitol in Lincoln. It was my honor to be sworn into the Nebraska Legislature on January 9th, 2019. I will do my best to represent you, the people of District 30, and work for the betterment of our district and our entire state.

I had the opportunity to meet many of you during the campaign, so you may already know my background in local government, community service and agricultural production. For the past three years, I served as chairman of the Gage county board, having been elected a member from 2010-2018. I also served on the Firth Coop and Dorchester Coop boards of directors. I am an EMT, and have been part of the Adams Rescue Squad since 1986; and have served on the council of the American Lutheran Church of Adams.

Being a native of Gage County and a graduate from (then) Adams High School, I got my B.Sc. degree in Animal Science at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.  Along with my son Kyle, I am a farmer and livestock producer. My memberships include Nebraska Farm Bureau; Nebraska Farmers Union; Nebraska Cattlemen; Nebraska Soybean Association; and Nebraska Corn Growers Association.

My wife Julie is a medical technician, and we are parents to Kyle and Erin. Kyle and his wife Andrea, who is a photographer, have a son and a daughter. Erin is a Physician’s Assistant at the Beatrice Community Hospital.

There are several ways to follow the Nebraska Legislature and contact me. My office is located on the first floor of the Capitol, room 1208. The phone number is 402-471-2620, and my email is You can sign up to receive an email newsletter, follow on Facebook and view my website at by going to the Senator’s pages. Whenever you need to contact my office you can call and talk to my staff, Janet or Barb, who will ensure I receive the information; or send an email.

On the website, you can track all legislation through the 90 day session, search for and read every bill that is introduced and see where it is in the process. By clicking on the Nebraska Educational Television (NET) logo, you can watch the Legislature and selected committee hearings live.

I have several goals for the upcoming legislative session. My top priorities are reducing property taxes and creating a funding solution for the federal judgement handed down to Gage County. With plans to introduce between six and ten bills of my own, I have also signed on as a co-sponsor to a few bills with fellow state senators to address specific issues that affect residents of the district.  A complete listing of my bills can be found on the legislative website.

I really look forward to communicating with the constituents of District 30 and encourage you to email or call the office at any time – either staff, computers or answering machines are constantly on duty and replies can always be expected. Thank you for electing me to represent you in the Nebraska Legislature.


Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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