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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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Febr 22 Update
February 22nd, 2019

We are all thankful for some sunshine in between winter weather events this past week. And there are always some bright spots in the activity of the Legislature as well. One of the bills I introduced aimed at finding a funding solution for the federal judgment in Gage County was heard by the Judiciary Committee in public hearings this week.

LB 474 would allow political subdivisions and claimants to ask the state for financial assistance when the resources of the subdivision are insufficient to pay a claim. Eight residents from District 30 testified in support of this bill on Thursday; and no one testified in opposition.  I felt the testimony was presented well and gave a good overview of the extra burden on property tax payers and Gage County.

Factors affecting the advancement of this bill out of committee include the very tight budget of the State of Nebraska and the reluctance of the Legislature to take on additional responsibility in cases like this. I will be discussing this bill with the members of the Judiciary Committee as they decide whether to advance it to the floor for general debate.

I still have two other bills addressing this issue, which are pending. LB 473 would allow for a low interest loan from the state and that hearing is scheduled for February 28 before the Revenue Committee. LB 472 would allow the county to collect a limited-scope sales tax to help pay off the judgment. This bill has not yet been scheduled for a hearing.

Other bills generating a lot of interest this week included LB 693 as introduced by Sen. Halloran, to stop “spoofing” phone calls. Nearly all of us have received calls that appear to be from a local number, only to find it is a sales call, or worse, a scam. Sen. Halloran’s bill would prohibit the use of these numbers and gives authority to the Consumer Protection division of the state’s Attorney General. While the solution seems simple enough, there is federal legislation pending and some testified that one national policy would be better than a patch work of different state laws.

School Resource Officers (SROs) are being addressed in several bills this session, including one that would prohibit peace officers from serving in the position. I have discussed this with both school administrators and law enforcement and hear positive reports about having SROs in the buildings.  They explain the presence of an SRO as a human point of contact with someone who can make a difference in the life of a student, and foster good relationships for years ahead. Of course, we need to insure this is the outcome in all of our schools and not just ours locally.

Circling back to one of the major issues in the Legislature, property taxes, we are faced with a laundry list of proposals to the state’s revenue streams. The Revenue Committee would like to put together a “package” bill that combines the ideas of senators Briese, Groene, Friesen and several other senators. I agree with this approach, as it will require a coordinated effort to find a way to restructure the state’s tax system.

To find more information on any bill or activity in the Legislature, go to You can also get to my official website by clicking on Senators on the left hand side and selecting my name from the list. On the right side, you will find the NET logo, which allows you to watch live debate on the floor or the public hearings. My email is and my phone number is 402-471-2620.


Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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