The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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December Update for District 30
December 10th, 2020

Merry Christmas! This will obviously be a holiday season different than we would have imagined. So it is really important to remember – we are Nebraskans. All those who came before us worked through trials and difficulties, and showed us how to persevere and have hope. Here’s to better days ahead in the coming year.

With that new year right around the corner, we are gearing up for the next session of the Unicameral. We will convene, as required by the constitution, on January 6th. On that day, we will begin by swearing in the newly  elected senators and then choose a new Speaker of the Legislature. I want to take this opportunity to thank outgoing Speaker Jim Scheer for his efforts over the past few years and his service to the state of Nebraska in some very challenging times. Not only were there budget concerns, different viewpoints and large numbers of bills to manage; our state also faced flooding and the pandemic. Sen. Scheer is leaving due to term limits, but his hard work is much appreciated.

After choosing a Speaker, the members will move on to elect committee chairman. There are 14 standing committees. Some chairmanships are contested, with at least two people declaring their intent to lead a committee. I have been diligent to meet with everyone running for these positions, as I want to understand their views on leadership and potential legislation and cast a wise vote for the chairs. 

Senators have been encouraged to limit the number of bills introduced, due to concerns about the pandemic. One of the most significant rules of our Unicameral is that every bill introduced gets a public hearing, which is important to the success of our one-house, non-partisan process. However, this means having groups of people together in a hearing room while that bill is heard by the committee, and anyone else wishing to attend. 

Finding ways to make the hearing process as safe as possible is crucial. I certainly intend to heed the advice and have reduced the number of issues I will address this year to those that are the most important.  As you know, a legislative session spans two years and there will be time in 2022 to bring more bills for introduction. 

I applaud the many organizations and businesses that are working hard to create safe environments for both customers and employees. This is so important to our local and state economy. I encourage you to support our local businesses as much as you are able.  I especially want to commend our area school administrators, teachers and support staff. They have truly gone the extra mile to make sure our kids are healthy, able to stay in class, and participate in as many of the enriching activities our schools provide as possible.

My contact information for the coming session remains the same, and I welcome your communications.  402-471-2620 

Please, please continue to follow the simple guidelines recommended by our public health professionals. Wear a mask, wash your hands. Carefully consider how you will manage the holidays and stay safe. Wishing you all the best possible celebration of Christmas, and renewed hope and confidence in the new year.




Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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