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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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June 2021 Update
June 30th, 2021

The Legislature adjourned just before Memorial Day but my duties as your representative continue at a fast pace. I am serving on three special committees and studying several issues of local importance before we reconvene in September to take up redistricting.

I was appointed to the Legislature’s LR 141 School Finance Review Committee with ten of my colleagues, under the direction of Education Committee chair Lynne Walz of Fremont. I consider this to be one of the most essential studies to be completed this interim.The first public hearing of the LR 141 study will be held July 7th in Lincoln, the second in Kearney on the 28th. Both begin at 2 pm. More information can be found at

Another committee appointment was to the Building and Maintenance Committee. Chaired by Sen. Erdman,   this group of senators will examine four different sites, with an emphasis on the condition of these state owned facilities, potential costs and future needs. We began our work at the Medical Center (UNMC) in Omaha, where we looked at several projects that have been completed in the past year and some of the other needs that they still have. Later this summer we will be in Lincoln, Hastings and North Platte.

As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I was chosen to sit on the Nebraska Children’s Commission. A half day meeting was held in Lincoln this past week, taking up foster care, how to strengthen families, juvenile services and the Bridge to Independence program. We also listened to public testimony and reviewed the annual report. 

The Beatrice State Developmental Center (BSDC) is always on the list of key topics. Earlier this month, I met with Sen. John Arch of Omaha, who chairs the Health and Human Services Committee, and a parent advocate who has a child residing at BSDC. We are working together to acquaint new members of the HHS committee with our intermediate care facilities in District 30. My staff and I have also monitored the hearings held by the committee, and have been in touch with directors at the state Department of Health and Human Services.

My work with county and district court officials continues this summer. The goal is to formulate legislation which makes the courts fully accessible while cutting costs at the county level. I introduced LB 102 last January, which we are fine tuning for the coming session. 

I have had meetings with the League of Municipalities to explore ways to aid cities and smaller towns in our district. I am keeping up my regular conversations with area school superintendents. A few” zoom” meetings have continued, allowing me to get some quick updates from home as well. Public Health Solutions reports that they have been able to turn their attention to reaching underserved communities and develop programs for opioid addiction – both greatly needed – with the easing of the pandemic.

Also this month, I was able to meet with Governor Ricketts; and had a conversation with state Department of Agriculture director, Steve Wellman. Director Wellman and I talked about issues facing agriculture in Nebraska and what the challenges might be in the future. We also discussed legislation passed in neighboring states and what measures other states are working on for agriculture.

It was my pleasure to speak to the Beatrice Noon Kiwanis Club, and join other senators representing Lancaster county for an OLLI (Ochsner Lifelong Learning Institute) presentation. I participated with other senators in discussions about property tax in Fremont. I also spoke at the Governor’s town hall near Pickrell, and at a board meeting of the Lower Big Blue NRD. And of course, parade season is in full swing all over District 30 where I always enjoy talking with friends and neighbors, as well as the occasional barbecue. 

My staff and I are monitoring the activities in our federal government surrounding meat packers and the President’s conservation plans as well as contributing to various interim studies and public hearings at the state level. You can contact my office at any time  with your input and concerns via phone, email or mail. 402-471-2620.  PO Box 94064, Lincoln NE 68509-4604.  Wishing you all a happy and safe 4th of July!

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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