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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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January 21, 2022 Weekly Update
January 21st, 2022

Bill introduction is complete, and public hearings have begun at the Legislature. The total number of bills introduced from the previous session and this current one (which comprise one biennium) is 1277. Each bill will be heard by a committee. However, with our limited time in this 60 day session, I predict that only the easiest bills with minimal impact, and the biggest bills which affect the most people or the budget, will make it to the floor for debate.

There are quite a few “big” issues before us, and I admire and appreciate the passion and support constituents have, both pro and con. I would like to suggest a few tips for communicating your views to senators and staff, and perhaps anyone with whom you interact on a “hot topic” for that matter.  I know we can all benefit from these ideas, myself included.

First, tell your personal story and try to avoid form letters, forwarded emails, or pre-printed postcards.  Secondly, while frustration is normal, try to discuss the matter at hand and remember it is just another human being taking your call, reading your letter, or listening to your committee presentation.  Be calm. Be honest, share as many facts as you can. And be as patient as possible, because sometimes the wheels turn slow, whether we like it or not. For our part, my staff and I will listen and read and respond to the best of our abilities.

The Appropriations Committee on which I serve, has already begun the process of reviewing agency budgets and requests for adjustments. The main budget was passed last year, so this second year of a session is typically for small modifications.  Of course, all of that went out the door with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds coming into Nebraska.  Nearly every bill that requests assistance from this fund will pass through the Appropriations Committee process, including the Governor’s plan. We will begin hearing those bills on the 24th and continue to mid February.

One of my own bills had a public hearing on Friday before the Judiciary committee. LB 763 would add private airstrips or runways and noncommercial aviation activities to the protections provided under the recreation liability statutes. The next step will be for the committee to decide whether to send the bill to the floor for first round debate, hold it, or indefinitely postpone (kill) the bill.

Another of my bills, LB 1091 is The Nebraska Nursing Incentive Act bill. Our state’s hospitals struggle to attract and retain healthcare professionals, which affects both our physical and economic health.  Lack of care ripples out through communities across the state as they work to draw and retain residents and the businesses that employ them. As we all know, this issue has only become more crucial during the pandemic. LB 1091 appropriates $5 million from ARPA for scholarships to public or private postsecondary institutions for approved nursing programs.

So far, our morning debates on the floor have focused on just a few bills. LR 14, introduced by Sen. Halloran, would include Nebraska in a constitutional convention. In the second round debate this bill was amended to sunset by 2027 and I support this bill.  LB 496, brought by Sen. Hilkeman, allows for collection of DNA when someone is placed under arrest for certain felonies. I support this bill as well. LB 310 is carried by Sen. Clements and makes adjustments to the categories and amount of the inheritance tax. My position is that these are tax dollars that go directly to counties, and are not the state’s tax dollars in the first place. I also know from my time on the county board how important these funds can be to a county. For those reasons, I did not support the bill in the first round; however it has advanced to final reading. I would support any elimination of the inheritance tax if the state would replace the funding. 

For hearing and debate schedules, text and status of all bills and contact information for all senators, go to  Contact me directly at 402-471-2620  District 30, State Capitol, PO Box 94604, Lincoln NE  68509-4606

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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