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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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January 13 Update
January 13th, 2023

The Legislature has wrapped up a second week, reaching day eight of the 90 day session. The first ten days are for the introduction of new bills and confirmation of committee assignments. After lengthy discussions, the committees have been approved, and I will continue to serve on the Appropriations Committee. The past four years on Appropriations have been educational and enlightening, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to continue on this important committee.

I will also be a member of two special committees: Building and Maintenance, on which I served the past two years; and Legislative Performance Audit. The Building Committee has oversight of the structures owned by the State of Nebraska and each year, we inspect selected locations from across Nebraska. Our task is to assess the condition of each facility and determine best uses and any needed maintenance.

The Performance Audit Committee evaluates state agencies to ensure the intent of legislation has been met. I was elected chairman of this committee. In Nebraska, this function is carried out by the Performance Audit Section, housed within the Legislative Audit and Research Office. I look forward to serving on these committees the next two years.

Bill introduction will continue until January 18th. Public hearings will begin on Monday the 23rd. At this time I have introduced thirteen bills and have another three yet to be “dropped”. It is important to note that not every bill addresses some huge issue. Many bills simply change a word here and there for clarity, or to correct a date or an omission in statute. Very few bills start from scratch and create a big new program. Of course, we will see legislation like that in this session – school funding is one example.

As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I am asked by constituents and organizations to carry a number of bills for funding. My staff and I evaluate the merit of each request, and how it will affect the current budget year and future projections. As a result, I accept some of the requests and have to say no to others.

The bills I have introduced so far include: a study of provider rates for home health skilled nursing services; appropriations for inpatient/outpatient hospitals, increased reimbursement rates for Medicaid nursing facilities and assisted living facilities, and funds for Educational Service Units; and one to clarify open meetings notices for fire districts. All of these are very straightforward.

A new initiative would be developed in my bill, LB 45, called Revitalize Rural Nebraska grant fund, which we have nicknamed ReRun. This bill would allow first and second class cities and villages to apply to the Department of Environment and Energy for funds to facilitate the demolition of dilapidated commercial property. During the interim months last summer, my Legislative Aide and I toured several areas in our legislative district and our neighbors to the west, and talked with other states about their legislation. Smaller communities struggle with unsightly and dangerous properties that need to come down, but the cost can be prohibitive. ReRun is designed to aid in that process, boost economic growth and revitalize key rural areas.

There is a tremendous amount of information available on the Legislative website. You can find the calendar, daily agenda, hearing schedule, the text of every bill introduced, contact information for every senator, maps of each legislative district and more. The budget proposal will be published when that draft is complete, and you can sign up to receive the official weekly publication Unicameral Update. Go to

To contact me directly, use my email or call/leave a message. 402-471-2620. Send mail to District 30, PO Box 94604, Lincoln, NE 68509-4604. Follow me on Facebook or see my webpage by going to the legislative website. As always, I look forward to communicating with you!

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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