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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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Update for April 21
April 20th, 2023

The yards, trees and fields are really starting to green up. It may look like spring but in many ways it is Christmas at the Legislature. Or at least that is a term we use to describe the amending of multiple bills into a main one – a “Christmas tree bill”.

My staff is monitoring these amendments and at last count, eight bills have been made the vehicles to carry 83 other bills. As an example, a Revenue Committee bill contains all or portions of 22 others. This was done to allow more bills to get through this year with all of the filibusters that are happening. Many of these bills would have been on a consent calendar (non controversial bills that get just 15 minutes of debate), and came out of each committee unanimously.

I do have some concerns about the approach of incorporating large numbers of bills into one vehicle. While this method is not new or rare (in fact I anticipate a couple of issues could be amended into my own priority bill), the sheer number we are seeing in this session is unprecedented. We need to discuss, analyze and vet each portion of a multi-part bill before casting our votes. Attempting to do this well, during a filibuster, can be difficult at best. As a result, I expect we may need to revisit some of these issues in the next session.

LB 562, which I designated as my priority for the session, was finally heard on the floor on Thursday. As I have outlined previously, this bill would expand the options for using E-15 ethanol at fueling stations across the state. As has been the case with many bills thus far, senators opposing other issues took the time to stall LB 562. However, we did have some conversation about the economic and environmental benefits of ethanol for Nebraska. The bill will be taken up again next week for continued first round debate.

For the first time this session, legislation was passed on final reading this week. These bills included LB 376e, with a vote of 41 to 0. The “e” clause means it will take effect immediately upon the Governor’s signature. LB 376 was brought on behalf of the Liquor Control Commission. This legislation will enable the commission to more accurately and correctly identify alcoholic products being imported into or produced in Nebraska for taxation and distribution purposes.

Another bill passed on final reading was LB 296 which regulates insurance for pets. LB 775 also passed and will make necessary changes and additions to the Nebraska Gaming Act, address Licensed Racetrack Enclosures, the Racetrack Gaming Act, county and city lotteries, pari mutuel wagering and keno.

One of the more prominent bills of the session, LB 77, was passed on a 33 to 14 vote. This bill provides for the carrying of concealed handguns without a permit, changes provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibits certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties. The bill was filibustered at each stage of debate but ultimately did pass.

With the recent appointment of Sen. Carolyn Bosn in District 25 to fill the position of Senator Susan Geist, some committee structure needed to be reshuffled, including a new chair of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee. Sen. Moser of Columbus was elected for this position. Sen. Bosn will serve on that committee as well as the Judiciary Committee.

The Appropriations Committee is putting together the final versions of the five bills that comprise the state budget. These are then sent to the state printer; hard copies and an online version will be available by May 2nd. The entire legislature is scheduled to begin debate on the budget on Wednesday, May 3rd. We are now in the final stretch of the session, and I welcome your communication. 402-471-2620

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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