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Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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January 12 Update
January 16th, 2024

The second session of the 108th Legislature is underway. It was an early start this time, convening on January 3rd, as required by the state’s constitution. The first few days are used for the introduction of new bills, which gives us a chance to get reacquainted after the interim months, and to discuss the issues ahead. It also allows time to scrutinize the bills being dropped into the hopper and perhaps sign on as a co-sponsor.

With this being the second part of a two-year biennium we already have bills ready for debate. I introduced LB 130 last year to put language into statute to create a separate and distinct budgetary program within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), called the Medicaid nursing facilities services program. This puts the program directly into law instead of having to put this language into the budget bill each time. This bill is on General File (first round) and ready for debate.

Another carry over bill, LB 401, will be my priority for the session. This bill provides support for a statewide Mesonet System, a series of weather observation stations across Nebraska. During the interim months, I hosted two listening sessions to determine the buy-in from agencies and non governmental organizations. We determined that build out could be funded by these interests, while ongoing operation and maintenance could come from the state.

The weather stations measure wind, humidity, temperature, air pressure, precipitation, soil moisture, soil temperature and solar radiation. They will also be equipped with cameras to detect wildfires and verify severe weather.

The applications for this weather data, which is generated every minute, include forest and wildfire risks; smoke and other air quality effects; drought indices, soil moisture, precipitation; heat load on power lines, energy demand and grid risks; water usage, demand and irrigation scheduling; spread of disease and pests; protection of life and property (both urban and rural); federal funding and insurance payments based on weather conditions. The U.S. Drought Mitigation Center, based in Lincoln, the Forest Service, USDA and the National Weather Service are already users of this important data.

New legislation which I have introduced includes LBs 941, 942, 943 and 944. This group of bills deals with Medicaid for assisted living, behavioral health needs and crisis services, and increased provider rates. As I have stated before, the need to support our long term and nursing care facilities statewide has reached a critical point, as has mental health treatment. As our population ages and moves to larger population centers, we must ensure quality care and options for all residents.

I introduced LB 940 to allow counties to fund organizations that provide services for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault. This is not a new service and many counties do an excellent job of engaging organizations such as the Hope Crisis Center to step in and assist survivors. The bill simply puts into law the correct language to grant permission to make these payments from a county to the providing entity.

One bill I brought forward this year, LB 1095, is simply “clean up” language for last year’s priority regarding E-15 fuels. The bill clarifies the definition of gas for the purposes of the tax credit, and defines the three year look back to the most recent three years. The Department of Revenue requested these clarifications.

Finally, I have introduced LB 1108. This increases the yearly motor vehicle registration fee from fifty cents to one dollar for the Nebraska Emergency Medical System Operations Fund. The original bill that placed “50 Cents for Life” into law was introduced by former Senator Dennis Byars in 2001. He saw the need for supporting our emergency first responders and other aspects of this vital program, which supports the statewide trauma system, EMS programs and emergency services for children. Governor Pillen is an advocate of this initiative as well, and I hope to see continued strong support for our EMS across the state.

This past week, we took up a discussion of the internal rules of the Legislature, which determine how bills, amendments and resolutions are debated. We will also talk about the conduct of committee hearings and the use of filibusters. There were several senators, the Clerk of the Legislature and the Speaker involved in proposing changes which would improve the procedures and the products of our very unique Unicameral. Debate on these motions will continue next week, but the Speaker would like to finish up on rules by the 19th and turn to bill debate the following week.

Your comments, suggestions and concerns are always welcome. You can talk to my staff or leave a message at any time, by calling 402-471-2620. My email address is . You can also find information on bills, committees and the calendar at I look forward to hearing from you.


Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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