The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Myron Dorn

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30

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The 109th Legislative Session, First Session, began its work on January 8th of 2025. Seventeen new members were sworn into office, 1 returning senator, Senator Dan Quick, had previously served a four-year term.

The first day of the two-year legislative cycle begins with the election of all leadership positions. Senator John Arch of Omaha was re-elected to be the Speaker of the Legislature. He is responsible for setting out the daily agenda for floor discussions on bills, resolutions, and oftentimes works with all senators to try to reach resolution when major issues hit an impasse.

There are 14 Standing Committees which hear the lion’s share of the bills. Out of those 14 standing committees, 4 chairs were reelected to their committees: Senator Clements to Appropriations; Senator Murman to Education; Senator Moser to Transportation and Telecommunication; and Senator McKinney to Urban Affairs. The remaining 10 chairmanships went to senators who have not been a chair before and most with only two years in the legislature.

We have 10 days to introduce new legislation, the last day to introduce bills is January 22nd. Committee hearings start January 21st. People can submit on-line written comments for bills to be made part of the official record. People can go to and once the bill is set for a hearing, people enter the bill number. A tab will be available “Submit Comments Online for LBXXX”  The deadline to submit comments is by 8am the morning of the hearing.

This year, senators cannot introduce more than 20 bills. In the past few years, some senators have introduced 40-60 personal bills. I am trying to keep my total down to 10 or 12 bills and currently have 8 bills and one constitutional amendment.

LR 7CA is a proposal to increase state senators’ salaries from the current $12,000 a year to $30,000 a year. The last time senators’ salaries were increased was 1988. This issue has gone before the voters a few times and has failed. If the resolution moves through the legislature and is successful, the issue would be placed on the 2026 ballot. If an inflation factor would be applied to the $12,000 salary, the current pay would be over $30,000, again, just with an inflation factor. A senator does not work only during the 60 or 90 day session. It is a year round endeavor and one we all gladly do but it does place a financial burden on us and our families. I attend community events, meet with various groups and organizations, and attend interim hearings. I also have meetings with constituents to work on legislation. I am fortunate that I am semi-retired and have a bit more time to devote to my legislative work but many senators have to hold down full-time jobs when we are not in session. I in no way will benefit from any pay increase since I will end my second term in 2026. I am doing this for future candidates who may see the pay as a deterrent. Consider this, Douglas County Commissions make $58,356, Lincoln City Council makes $24,000. LR7CA falls well below the average of these two salary ranges. Nebraska senators should still want to serve primarily for the betterment of the state but not at the cost to the financial security of their families. I think this proposal is reasonable.

I have a new Administrative Assistant, Cooper Morgan, who joined my staff in December. He is learning how my office works and is doing a great job. Barb Dorn had been my Administrative Assistant for six years and had the opportunity to become a committee clerk for two committees. I want to thank her for her years of service to me and to the people of District 30. She will be missed.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about state agencies, please feel free to send and email or call my office. We will do what we can to help answer your questions or address your concerns.

Contact me at, call 402-471-2620 and check the website:

Thank you!

Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
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