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The Legislature is well and truly under way with the introduction of 715 legislative bills, and 27 resolutions. All bills will receive a public hearing and those hearings began on Wednesday, January 22 and will run through March 28th. Resolutions that end with a CA (constitutional amendment) also will receive a public hearing. Other resolutions tend to be congratulatory in nature and can be introduced throughout the session.
Public hearings are a chance for citizens to let senators know how they feel about the issues. A person can testify in person or submit on-line comments through the legislative portal. Go to the bill of interest and if the public hearing date is set, there will be a tab to enter public comments.
I have personally introduced 11 bills and two constitutional amendments. My bills mainly focus on appropriations, 3 of which are for improved provider rates relating to developmental disabilities, mental health and assisted living facilities, LB 54, 55, and 57 respectively. Another bill, LB 86 seeking funding is to help NRD’s with watershed operation, maintenance or repair. LB 88 is a bill that will help fund Mainstreet revitalization and economic growth.
LB 87 is a bill that I was asked to introduce on behalf of the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired. The commission developed and implemented a pilot program in Omaha where deaf/blind individuals were provided a Support Services Provider. This provider could help with daily living activities such as help with the mail, driving the person to medical appointments etc. The program was a success and the commission would like to work on expanding this program to more people who suffer vision loss or hearing issues. The public hearing for this bill will be Friday, January 31st before the Health and Human Services Committee.
I introduced LB 56 to require medical facilities or mortuaries to do a blood draw on a deceased person who died as a result of a motor vehicle accident. I am working with the groups to reach a compromise. I also have LB 576 to allow the Public Service Commission to consider a rate increase on cell-phones if necessary to help fund 911 systems across the state. The other three remaining bills I consider to be clean-up or clarification language one for Performance Audit (B 228), one pertaining to the Cash Reserve Fund, LB 494, and LB 577 for Health and Human Services relating to clarify pharmacy technicians and their supervision.
The last two issues I introduced were LR 7CA that would ask voters to consider increasing senators’ salaries from the current $12,000 a year to $30,000 a year. The last increase that was passed was in 1988. Had an inflationary factor been in place, the salary would be over the proposed amount. The issue first has to be passed by the Legislature and then voted on by the people in 2026. I introduced this amendment because I would not benefit from a pay increase since my term of office ends in 2026.
The other constitutional amendment I introduced is LR 24CA. This amendment, if adopted by the people, would return Nebraska to a winner-take-all state for the electoral college. Senator Loran Lippincott has a bill for winner-take-all that would change the statute. His bill will be decided by the legislature. But the only way to have the people vote on the issue is by introducing a constitutional amendment. The hearing for these two resolutions is next Thursday before the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. Both bills will be heard simultaneously. The public comment tab is active and people can submit comments on both issues.
I have served on the Appropriations Committee for the last six years and will serve there for my remaining two years. We have started the process of reviewing over 70 state agency budget requests with the input of our legislative fiscal analysts. This is the start of the appropriations process to get the proposed budget to the floor by legislative day 70 for approval and discussion by all 49 state senators.
The complete budget can be found at a link on the Unicameral’s website at My contact information is and 402-471-2620. As always, I appreciate hearing from you.
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