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Tom Brandt

Sen. Tom Brandt

District 32

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Harvest permits and LB757
January 24th, 2022

I had introduced another bill, LB757, on harvest overweight permits and later withdrew it after further consultations with the affected constituent, Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) and Nebraska State Patrol Carrier Enforcement Division. This was a win-win-win that did not require new legislation. 

To provide clarity, seasonal harvest overweight permits may be issued to carriers by the Nebraska Department of Transportation Permit Office for hauling grain or seasonally harvested products from the field where they are harvested to storage, market, or stockpile in the field for a distance up to 120 miles. These vehicles may be up to 15% greater than the maximum weight specified by law and up to 10% greater than the maximum length specified by law. If the distance is 70 miles or less, only a handwritten permit is needed, which is available to print from the State Patrol’s Truck Information guidebook, page 26. If the distance is between 70 and 120 miles, you must apply for a permit with the NDOT Permit Office and the cost is $10. For exceptions, non-residents, and more detailed information, refer to page 25 of the State Patrol’s Truck Information guidebook. The book is available online at:

If you have questions about harvest overweight permits, please let my staff know.

Sen. Tom Brandt

District 32
Room 1528
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2711
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