This is Nebraska’s second pork expo hosted by AFAN, or the Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska. AFAN’s mission is to grow and support the livestock industry in Nebraska. Steve Martin, the executive director of AFAN, said the point of a pork expo is multi-faceted. It includes people who are first exposed to the pork industry, to people who can answer all their questions.
“Nebraska is growing in the pork industry,” said Al Juhnke, the executive director of the Nebraska Pork Producers Association. “We have roughly 3.6 million pigs in our farms. Nebraska is a great place to grow pigs, we are centrally located, we have feed resources, a good solid workforce, and we have a lot of room”.
The keynote speaker for the day was Nebraska State Senator Tom Brandt, who is a farmer and a livestock feeder outside of his many other responsibilities. He spoke on funding and the bills that were passed in which farmers were active.
Read the full article at the York News-Times here.