The official site of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature

Tom Brandt

Sen. Tom Brandt

District 32

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Legislative Update
October 17th, 2022

I would like to offer a hearty congratulations to Plymouth-native Johnson-Brock (Nemaha County) industrial technology teacher Ashton Meints Bohling, who is one of the winners of the 2022 Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Prize for Teaching Excellence. The award referenced her teaching style in which students brainstorm and create their own projects, including developing small-engine tool kits, redesigning oxyfuel stations and creating tool hangers for welding booths. The prize comes with a check for Aston and $35,000 toward her industrial tech program that she has helped grow over the years by improving the school’s shop space, adding new equipment and expanding the curriculum. My staff had the opportunity to interview Ashton last summer for my LR185 interim study on the feasibility of an ag magnet school in Nebraska. Her insight and expertise in ag education was very helpful to the study and I appreciate her contributions.

Speaking of ag education, in honor of National Farm Day last week, here are some facts on farming compiled by the Nebraska Corn Board:

  • Nebraska has 44,800 farms and ranches.
  • Land in farms and ranches in Nebraska total 44.8 million acres, which is 92% of the state’s land mass.
  • The average size of a Nebraska farm/ranch is 1,000 acres.
  • The average age of a Nebraska principal farm/ranch operator was 56 in 2017.
  • One in four jobs in Nebraska are related to agriculture.

Election Day is fast approaching, and is only three weeks away. In a previous column, I mentioned registering and ways to vote. I believe that having your say in the political process is important, and equally important is engagement with elected officials and letting constituents know what I am working on and how I spend my time. One way that I do that is providing a newspaper column every two to three weeks to all the newspapers whose coverage area includes Legislative District 32. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the newspapers for printing my article when I submit it. I have subscriptions to all the newspapers and enjoy their reporting. Another way to learn about my work and office is to read this Senator blog. I post a version of my newspaper column here, information and photos from events I attend, and media concerning legislation. Unfortunately, there is not a way to subscribe to the blog but I encourage you to check it regularly as it is updated at least once a week. The best way to engage with me is to email me directly or call my office and talk to my staff. 

Sen. Tom Brandt

District 32
Room 1528
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2711
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