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Dave Murman

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38

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Hello Neighbor,


This past week has seen extreme weather all across our state, from blizzards in the west to flooding in the east. I am thankful for our first responders who are working tirelessly to keep everyone safe. I am also happy to see and hear so many stories of neighbors going out of their way to help each other with no hesitation. That is what makes this state so great. Everyone affected by these storms are in my thoughts and prayers as we will find out in the next few days and weeks just how severe the damage has been.


We are quickly coming to the end of committee hearings. The last day for hearings is March 28th. After that we will begin all day debate on the floor.


Discussions on property tax relief continue. The Revenue Committee has been constantly meeting to try and come up with a comprehensive proposal that will gather the 33 votes needed to overcome an expected filibuster. I have heard good things coming from those discussions, and remain optimistic we will get something done this session.


Budget hearings and discussions also continue. I look forward to see the proposal the Appropriations Committee comes up with so we can begin debate soon. I suspect we will begin debate around mid-to-late April, around the time the Forecasting Board releases their next estimates.


I have two more town halls scheduled this month. The first one will be on March 23rd at the Central Public Power and Irrigation District in Holdrege and the second one is on March 30th at City Hall in Blue Hill. I look forward to seeing many of you over the next couple of weeks to discuss what is important to you.


As always, if you have any questions, please contact my office by email at, by phone at 402-471-2732, or send me a message on Facebook.

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38
Room 1107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2732
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