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Dave Murman

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38

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3/20 Update
March 20th, 2020

It is evident that our state is being faced with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. The Senators attended a briefing last Tuesday with different health professionals from UNMC and DHHS, University of Nebraska President, Ted Carter, and Matthew Blomstedt from the Nebraska Department of Education. The Senators have been given constant updates on new developments at the State and National level on what is being done to address this outbreak. Many schools across the State have decided to move their classes to online instruction to prevent possible spreading of the virus.


Upon guidance from the CDC of discouraging gatherings of more than 50 individuals, the Speaker of the Legislature has made the decision to recess the legislative body at this time. We are in the last third of this second session and still have many things to accomplish but our health is ultimately the most important. Therefore we will recess and reconvene at a later date which is unknown at this time. My staff will be working remotely and will still be able to help with any issues or concerns you may have. We will all be available by telephone and through email. Our office phone number is (402) 471-2732 and my email is


The coronavirus outbreak has led to economic havoc across our country. From financial markets, household goods flying off the shelves, cancellation of travel, and the fear of getting sick and having to quarantine for an extended time. The best advice that we’ve been given is to do your best to wash your hands, sanitize surfaces that are used frequently, and if you do experience the symptoms to call your local Health Department. The two Health Districts that cover District 38 are South Heartland District Health Department in Hastings and Two Rivers Public Health Department in Holdrege.


As we approached the beginning of the shorter session, my colleagues and I knew that we were going to be tasked with two major proposals. Those two major proposals are Property Tax Relief which has presented itself in LB 974 from Senator Linehan, and LB 720 which provides business incentives for Corporations. We have been able to debate LB 974 and Property Tax Relief one time earlier this session, although it was unfortunately filibustered. As the weeks have passed, we haven’t been receiving the most optimistic news about LB 974 coming back up for debate. Thankfully Speaker Scheer, Senator Linehan, and Senator Kolterman (introducer of LB 720) are all understanding that Nebraska Tax Payers need Property Tax Relief before we would provide incentives for businesses.


During the sixty day session, the legislature needs to make necessary mid-biennium adjustments for the two-year budget. This last week we were faced with incorrect revenue forecasts and new proposals this year that have fiscal notes. The budget adjustments are something that we have to complete in this session.  Senator LouAnn Linehan, the Revenue Committee Chair, has stayed true to her word and during the budget adjustments filed an amendment to provide money for property tax relief. Unfortunately, the amendment failed but it allowed those who are fighting for property tax relief including myself to voice their thoughts on the Legislative Floor.


My biggest priority this session is to achieve property tax relief. Thankfully, many of my colleagues feel the same way and I hope that we can be successful in our endeavors, especially in this uncertain economic climate.





Sen. Dave Murman

District 38
Room 1107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2732
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