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Dave Murman

Sen. Dave Murman

District 38

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4/3 update
April 3rd, 2020

This past week the Legislature returned to session for three days for the sole purpose of providing emergency funding for health departments and the state to combat the COVID-19 virus. The importance of the bill was evident so the bill passed unanimously with no debate. I am proud that we were able to come together and get this done quickly for the people in this state. The proposal totaled $83,619,600 and included emergency appropriations to allow for COVID-19 testing, lab equipment, healthcare staffing to cover response needs, and a cash reserve if needed. 


The coronavirus outbreak has led to economic havoc across our country. From falling ethanol, Grain, and livestock markets, household goods flying off the shelves, cancellation of travel and school, and the fear of getting sick and having to quarantine for an extended time. The best advice that we’ve been given is to do your best to wash your hands, sanitize surfaces that are used frequently, self-distance and if you do experience the symptoms to call your local Health Department. The two Health Districts that cover District 38 are South Heartland District Health Department in Hastings and Two Rivers Public Health Department in Holdrege. South Heartland District Health in Hastings can be reached at (402)462-6211. Two Rivers Public Health Department can be reached at (308)995-4778. 


The Department of Labor is instituting some changes to help those who may be out of work during this crisis. First is a short-time compensation program. This program allows employers to reduce affected workers’ hours by 10 to 60 percent while still allowing those workers to receive a prorated unemployment benefit. Employers can apply for this program at


The second change is a temporary change to unemployment benefits. For those of you who are not able to work and not collecting a paycheck during this period, you may want to check out these changes. From March 22nd through May 2nd:

  • The waiting week for benefits has been waived. You will start receiving benefits immediately instead of needing to wait a week.
  • The work search requirements have been waived. You will not be required to apply to jobs to receive benefits.
  • For employers, benefits will not be charged against your individual accounts.

Those who need this program can find more information at


I know this is a difficult time for everyone, but I want to thank everyone for their patience, and thank all of our leaders from the federal level down to the city and county level for their leadership during these times. We will get through this. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by email at, by phone at (402)471-2732, or on my Facebook. 


Sen. Dave Murman

District 38
Room 1107
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2732
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